Author Topic: 3 new videos: Israeli bankruptcy?; 57% for attack on Iran; Rabin v. Rabbi Kahane  (Read 1053 times)

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Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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1. Will Israel eventually face bankruptcy like European nations, G-d forbid? Israel must learn - socialism leads to economic catastrophe and collapse.

2. Even a poll from the leftwing, self-hating Anti-Defamation League found that 57% of Americans would support an Israeli military strike against Nazi Iran's nuclear-bombing program. There is no excuse: Israel must act now!

3. The Israeli establishment remembers the killing of Yitzchak Rabin every year but not the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane zt"l. What is the difference between these two leaders?

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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I'm very busy with my job and my family right now. Beezrat Hashem, I may find the time to put up subtitles to the videos soon. Meanwhile, for those who do not understand Hebrew, here is a translation of the first video (the others will follow)  

1. Will Israel eventually face bankruptcy like European nations, G-d forbid? Israel must learn - socialism leads to economic catastrophe and collapse.

Welcome to Hayamin Haamiti. This programme is dedicated to the complete recovery (refua shlema) of Robert Mittman.
We can now see European states, that used to be wealthy and modern states, on the brink of economic bankruptcy. There is a really serious economic crisis in Europe due to the amount of debt, because these are socialist economies, and socialist economies won’t work. A socialist economy always leads in the end to a global social collapse. We witnessed this in USSR, we are witnessing this in Europe, we witness this phenomenon everywhere : socialism is a disaster. Today, socialism prevails in Israel too : too much public spending, too much debt, taxes that are too high. So what needs be done ? All those who demonstrate in support of additional government intervention, about the housing problem for instance, all those who advocate further government intervention, who demand even more public spending, all this will lead to a disastrous situation, to a situation similar to that in Italy, Greece, Portugal, Ireland, a situation of economic depression, as in Greece where the unemployment rate is 20%. The Greek population is suffering a lot. Everywhere in Europe, depression is feared. Even in Italy, a much bigger economy, there are signs of near collapse. If we don’t want that to happen in Israel, not only should we not demand more government intervention and debt, but we must change the current situation. We must reduce public spending, bring taxes down, carry out responsible fiscal policies. We need free market, competition, less bureaucracy, as little government intervention as possible. That is what we need. Because history teaches us that this is the only thing that works. Of course, this must be done according to Torah principles. A free market with Torah principles, that’s a highly successful market.
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« Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 02:35:44 PM by Yaakov Mendel »

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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2. Even a poll from the leftwing, self-hating Anti-Defamation League found that 57% of Americans would support an Israeli military strike against Nazi Iran's nuclear-bombing program. There is no excuse: Israel must act now!

Welcome to Hayamin Haamiti. My name is Chaim Ben Pesach. This programme is dedicated to the complete recovery of Ruth Capoano.
According to a poll commissioned by the Anti-Defamation League, which is a left-wing, self-hating organisation in America, 57% of the American people support a military strike against Nazi Iran’s nuclear programme. Iran is currently developing nuclear bombs. Iran promises to destroy Israel. Iran is a terrorist Nazi state with an Islamo-Nazi ideology. So this is an existential danger for the people of Israel, nothing less than the danger of a new Shoah. And now we can see that, even according to a poll by a left-wing, self-hating organization in America, a large majority of Americans would support an Israeli strike, if Israel attacked Iran’s destructive nuclear programme. So now is the time, Pipi Kakayoyo (Bibi Netanyahu) ! Netanyahu who always gives in to fear, to pressure. Bibi, Pipi, the time has come to do what needs be done to save the people of Israel from this disaster, from this existential danger. A large majority of Americans would support it. By the way, even if all the Americans were against it, we would still have to do it. Any responsible Jewish leader would do it and would not worry about public opinion in America or in Europe or anywhere else because it doesn’t matter when we are talking about the lives of millions of Jews in Israel, one has to take action ! However I know the Galut mentality of Pipi and his vile government, so I know they are afraid of the Americans. Well, FINE, THE AMERICANS SUPPORT AN ISRAELI STRIKE, they understand that Israel’s survival is at stake. So NOW is the time to destroy Iran’s nuclear programme with the Israeli Air Force. It must be done immediately, at last.
If you want more truth, more facts, if you want to take action for Israel, to wake our people up, please join our riveting forum. See you on our forum.

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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3. The Israeli establishment remembers the killing of Yitzchak Rabin every year but not the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane zt"l. What is the difference between these two leaders?

Welcome to Hayamin Haamiti. My name is Chaim Ben Pesach. This programme is dedicated to the complete recovery of Sarah Bat Zvi.
Ytzhak Rabin compared to Rabbi Meir Kahane. There’s no comparison. No comparison at all. All the Establishment, all the mixed multitude (Erev Rav), all the wicked, always remember Ytzhak Rabin and what happened to him. Ytzhak Rabin was a murderer who murdered in cold blood 16 freedom fighters of the Lehi onboard the Altalena, just because they were loyal Jews, right-wing Jews. They were Shoah survivors who wanted to save the people of Israel out of dedication. Ytzhak Rabin and the Palmach, under the orders of David Ben Gurion the wicked, may his name and memory be obliterated, assassinated these good Jews on the sea shore in Tel Aviv. Afterwards, Ytzhak Rabin was responsible for countless disasters. He was a disastrous general, he lost all the confrontations he was involved in. He collapsed before the six-day war. He was supposed to be commander-in-chied and he collapsed because he was a drunkard and because he was a coward and he was not up to the task. And then, when he was the Prime Minister of Israel, he brought about catastrophe after catastrophe, the worst of them being the Oslo Accord, when he invited the Arab Hitler, Yasser Arafat, along with 80,000 armed terrorist Nazis from PLO and Fatah in the land of Israel. As a result of this accord, imposed upon us by Ytzhak Rabin, Shimon Persky and all the traitors from the Erev Rav, over 1,800 Jews were murdered, may G-d avenge their blood. So Ytzhak Rabin is responsible for mass murder, for a host of disasters, for withdrawals from crucial parts of the land of Israel in the heart of our homeland. This is Ytzhak Rabin and his traitorous legacy.
Compared to him, our teacher and guide, Rabbi David Meir Kahane, z’’tl, may G-d avenge his blood, fought all his life long for the people of Israel. He and his Jewish Defence League liberated over one and a half million Jews from Soviet Union, brought over a million Jews to the land of Israel, from Russia and other countries that were part of USSR in those days. Our teacher and guide did this. He told the truth and nothing but the truth to the people. All that he predicted is now taking place. We are facing all that he warned us about, we can see everything he predicted with our own eyes. He was a hero. He was a scholar. He was a liberator. He was a saver. In every respect, he was the greatest Jewish leader in the modern history of the people of Israel. In the end he was assassinated, after he was disqualified by traitors from the Erev Rav who let Arab Nazis stand in the Knesset while they preach the destruction of the land of Israel and of the people of Israel. That is fine with them, to call for a Shoah against the people of Israel, to say – as Arab members of the Knesset say, that Hezbollah, Hamas, Fatah and the PLO must be supported, that is all right. But when there is a loyal, just and good Jew such as our teacher and guide Rabbi Kahane, who tells the truth to the people, they disqualify him in an utterly anti-democratic way, committing an action as vile as no other. Ultimately, it was they who assassinated him, as his disqualification led to his murder. He was the first Jew, and even the first non-Muslim, to be assassinated by Al-Qaida. Ben Laden and Al Qaida decided that they had to assassinate Rabbi Kahane before they started their terror campaign because they understood that Rabbi Kahane was warning Israel and the rest of the world about Islam's threat. They understood that they had to take him out to carry out their plan successfully. El Said Noser, may his name and memory be obliterated, who was the one who shot Rabbi Kahane – of course it was a large, global operation, but he was the one who pulled the trigger, El Said Noser said that Rabbi Kahane was the greatest Yahood (Jew), that he was the real threat for the Muslims. The Muslims understood this. Too bad that our own people did not understand this. And what a price we are paying as a consequence.
We must revive the memory of our teacher and guide. As for Ytzhak Rabin’s memory ? Puh… on Ytzhak Rabin. Puh…on this pig, on this drunkard, on this wicked murderer. Puh…on him and on his grave.
If you want the truth for our people, because our times require the truth, if you want to survive, if you want the truth, please join our riveting forum. See you on our forum.   

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Thank you so much Yaakov!

G-d bless you!