Question about this Saturday in NYC
From: Allen Rouse <>
Date: Thu, Nov 12, 2009 12:37 pm
Hello Mr. Irving,
My name is Allen Rouse and my wife and I will be attending your talk this Saturday in NYC. I am part of the media group at StørmFrønt, I do a weekly program on StørmFrønt Radio called "The Staropramen Show", Staropramen is my username there. I would like to know if it would be possible for me to videotape the talk on Saturday for StørmFrønt. Don Black, SF's proprietor has informed us that a major overhaul is being done to the site in the coming weeks which will include our own video hosting capabilities and it would be nice to have this talk for this new feature. I look forward to meeting you and enjoying your always brilliant and informative talks.
Yours truly,
Allen Rouse/Staropramen
RE: richmond
From: Jaenelle Antas <>
To: David Irving <>
Date: Sat, Nov 7, 2009 2:54 pm
The so-called "unhelpful and hostile" messages were things that need to be said.
I don't like the way you have been treating me. You asked for more advance notice if I wanted to flounce out- I am consideringit. You were very well behaved on this whole tour up until this past week when you have been snotty, rude, and disrespectful towards me. This is exactly the same way you behaved last summer and the very reason I flounced out then. don't care if you are frustrated, angry, stressed out, tired, or whatever- treating anybody the way you have been treating me is unacceptable. I bend over backwards to help you out on this tour, doing jobs that last year you would have done yourself, and not just making bookings, but also doing things like driving, helping you secure funds to reprint books and locating second-hand books. The only thanks I usually get are long whines about how something isn't exactly perfect. Why would anybody in the world want to work with or even be friends with someone who is acting the way you have been acting lately? You like to say you treat me better than anyone else does, but the truth is, lately you have treated me worse than anyone else ever has. It hurts my feelings, it makes me angry and resentful, and it makes me question whether or not I should be doing this job anymore. Sorry to have to say that, but I'm trying to head off a major conflict. Please start treating me with more courtesy and respect. I really am doing the best I can in the limited time I have available to me.
Date: Sat, 7 Nov 2009 09:43:51 -0500
Subject: Re: richmond
In a message dated 7.11.09 9:30:41 a.m,
Why did you tell me last night you would be fine with me spending the evening with my friend if you knew we were going to have to leave immediately after the function to go to Richmond? I have and had no idea where your friend lives. Is this the shooter friend? You do not always tell me your plans in detail. We can change things around. So far your friends do not seem to me to be worth much upheaval however. You probably think the same about mine. As for your more unhelpful and hostile messages: "Get over it." I have been working since 6 a.m. this morning trying to catch up and plug holes you have left, e.g., by not bothering to inform me the Sala Thai no longer exists.
Subject: answers
Date: Sat, Nov 7, 2009 3:16 pm
1. Your messages have been increasingly ill-judged this morning. I assume (a) you are not feeling well and are taking it out on me -- okay, that's what men friends are for; and (b) you are instinctively trying to distract from what I see as the accumulating omissions of the last few days.
2. If you want to quit, I can't stop you. It will not be the first time I have been let down at the last moment, and by your own account, you have done the same to others too. I will then fulfil my obligations without you. Advice: It might be a good idea if you refrain from knee-jerk retorting.
3. I am still not able to email today's (!!) Raleigh guests with a location.
Guess why.
4. I have been able to access to car all morning. Guess why.