No, because he's a liar and Romney is much more presidential, i.e. electable. There's no really difference between him and Romney on policies, save the former's likely inability to win the general election. And the conservative base is more likely to keep an eye on Romney than on Gingrich, Gingrich having a past as the so-called conservative speaker who instituted many reforms (e.g., welfare reform); Romney is known as the wide-eyed, gun-grabbing, sodomite-loving taxer extraordinaire, which makes the Right more distrustful of him. While he is his a Mormon, he has less scandal I believe for a general election, and on God and religion, Romney and Gingrich are virtually indistinguishable.
All in all, I don't see too much difference between him and Romney. My slight preference for Romney has provided me with the impetus to just support Bachmann in the Florida primary.