Author Topic: Islamanisation of Australia  (Read 1396 times)

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Offline Mentaldemise

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Islamanisation of Australia
« on: December 18, 2011, 07:04:33 PM »
Hey guys i recently joined here and looked but i haven't seen threads about islam in australia so i thought id let you know whats going on in the land down under.

First of all, the rampant growth of Halal food, I dont know if you guys know to much about Australia but basically every type of meat is a staple in australian culture, while we respect peoples religious concerns and laws about their own food, in alot of parts of Australia Halal food has completely taken over, at fast food resturants all over Australia you can no longer get anything not halal, mainly because they have taken nearly every position in the fast food industry.

I got into a fight after i innocently asked for Bacon on my burger at KFC and got a "Lecture" Which involved screaming at me for no reason about how i shouldn't ask for something thats "Offensive" to him, at a fast food chain, in the middle of Australia.... to see better, heres a muslim getting angry at Punchbowl in Sydney.

This is just one of many things that happens in Australian suburbs everyday, i've had rocks throw at me and my Ex-Girlfriend and people yelling whore and slut at her just for walking down the street (Admitally she used to wear very low cut shorts and tee's but [censored] its australia its her right to!)

2nd is the hot button word "Islamaphobe", this word more then anything pisses me off to no end, i have friends and had girlfriends of many races and creeds i have never had a problem with anyone, Australia has always been the biggest multiculturalist country in the world, and now everytime something happens pertaining to islam, we are shouted at "You're a islamaphobic" when we get angry at them, This really pisses me off, we are told that what we do in our own country, what we have been doing since our inception in the 1700's is now wrong and we are racist against islam because we dont accept their idiotic ways of Convert or die or in our case convert or be labelled a racist.

Well i thought id just throw this out here for now i will update this later on when i have more time.

Have a good day friends.

Offline Brett

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Re: Islamanisation of Australia
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2011, 06:01:47 AM »
Should this be moved into the area > 'Truth about Islam'  seems more fitting to colate all relative topics together.

Have you heard of the Q Society here in Australia, here's the link they just recently brought Robert Spencer the founder of Jihadwatch to Australia for a tour. Mate he's brilliant in person.

But if you want to do something and take the fight to these IslamoNazifascistscumbags get onboard  :jump: we have to do something before we lose what we love.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Islamanisation of Australia
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2011, 10:08:51 AM »
If you care about your own people's destiny and continued existence then date only your own people, unless you want to erase them from the earth by blending/assimilating with another people either racially or religiously.

With that said Muslims do not belong in Australia and need to be kept out as much as possible. The (mostly British derived) white culture there is the culture of the country and the only other ones that should be there or have a right to be in significant numbers there are aboriginals. It's too bad though that like so many other countries, Australia is allowing immigration to destroy it.

Offline Mentaldemise

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Re: Islamanisation of Australia
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2011, 05:07:14 PM »
Thanks for the link Brett, i'll check it out when i get some free time :) And Ruby im not sure if its the arabic people, i dont believe a race can be biologically "Cursed" to carry hatred, its their ideals and religion, anyone is capable of great hatred and violence, look at hitler, the serbian war crimes and the list goes on, i've never had a problem with anyone just for their title, as someone who is anti religious i try to keep an open mind and judge people on a one on one basis, i have every type of friend there is, except for muslim, through no fault of my own they just do not want to be friends or collegaues(to early to spell) with anyone else but their own kind.

It just seems that every aspect of western and some parts of eastern society is completely hated by them if you had to catagorize me into something i would be classed as a Metal head, i've been listening to death metal since i was 10 years old, Even THIS is hated by them something that has intentionally remained underground for nearly 40 years is hated by them for no reason, the death metal community has nothing to do with islam AT ALL and its still hated by muslims for some reason.

I honestly think its just their religion, if you're brought up being told to hate everyone who isn't a muslim and kill or convert and rape people who refuse to believe its going to be very hard espcially in a country that has nothing to form your own ideas, my mother came from a very very rough childhood filled with violence and deceit but through our culture she learned from a young age from other people this isn't the way the world works, not every is as violent and hatefilled as her father, in an islamic country she would of been told it is her duty for being a women and she should accept it or literally die.

But yes ruby i 100% agree with you that immigration is destroying this country i love so much they come over here by the boat full, get given free education,health care,food,housing and what do they give us in return? "BEHEAD THOSE WHO INSULT ISLAM AUSTRALIA MUST DIE!!!!" YET once again you cant say anything about it, lest you be labeled a racist, ahhhh wish they'd just sink the [censored] boats on the way over here, anyway friends im off to breakfast! Shalom and have a great day.

Offline Brett

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Re: Islamanisation of Australia
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2011, 01:13:15 AM »
       There's a couple of likely girls already being paired off to my 2 boys at Shull  8) . I've already told my 2 if they ever came home with a Muslim girl,  don't bother coming home.

         Don't get too hung up about Serb war crimes mate, checkout what the Catholic Croatian Nazis did, you'll find that the Croats and Muslims were just as brutal but alas the Western media chose to only demonise the Serbs.

A good book to get your hands on is Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis by Bat Ye'or that will tie all the dirty little dots togther in what's happening today.

Offline maelgwyn

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Re: Islamanisation of Australia
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2011, 02:56:07 AM »
Round all the Muzzies up and put them in the outback to live with the wild camels there ! >:(

Offline GunsAndRosesFan

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Re: Islamanisation of Australia
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2011, 02:01:01 AM »
Oh why do you let these filthy muzzies in?!?! Australia will be destroyed God forbid
Islam is a a cancer that threatens humanity with its complete intolerance, infinite jelousy and virulent odium.
Death to the cult of Satan! Death to Islam!

Offline Brett

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Re: Islamanisation of Australia
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2011, 03:50:14 AM »
We have a major problem with our PM the sodomite loving Gillard. At the moment our politics, just like yours is dominated by the Left and the Lefties we  have  don't come any more Red (Commy).

Unfortunately before the last federal election the conservative side became arrogant and self serving which led to a major revolt from the people. The revolt led to this revolting lot that now is fully intent on destroying our way of life.

In our Parliament  there's even a Muslim member, (Ed Husic), who was sworn in by his very own Quran! Yep disgraceful isn't it.

Look at what's going on and what's in store, to top it off it's openly preached and you guessed it our Government does NOTHING  (Sharia4Australia)  :'( >:(
« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 03:58:01 AM by Brett »

Offline Mentaldemise

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Re: Islamanisation of Australia
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2011, 06:28:13 AM »
Hey brett, i know this is a jewish forum and it may be against your beliefs but i'd ask if you wouldnt belittle the gay community, i my self am not gay but discrimination against a peaceful form of life is still discrimination, anyway now with that outta the way i thought i'd update this again with what i saw on ACA(A current affair)

Entitled "Mosque Row" A suburban house has been turned into a mosque for radical islam in a quiet STREET in melbourne the street itself only has 7 houses and the mosque that is there is attended to by over 130+ Muslims for worship on a daily and weekend basis, and once again the Government isn't doing anything to stop it, infact they themselves approved this mosque to be built on a suburban non business area, its to my understanding places of worship in Australia can not fall into a suburban setting unless they're civilian based with friends.

Now we've been hearing about this over and over again even 20 minutes where i live a mosque to hold 800+ Muslims is being made 15 minutes outside of town in the country, personally i think this is [censored] 800 muslims in one place in the middle of the country side? its just asking to be a terrorist training camp in our own backyards.

The gold coast is slowly falling to islam and no one is doing anything about it, there is a muslim only college in carrara and now a giant mosque in Moledinar(10 minutes apart from each other) This is all being built a mere 5 minutes away from a massive tourist attraction that is Surfers paradise known to bring 100's of thousands of tourists each and every year(More during november with schoolies) this is the kind of [censored] we're being forced to accept with no votes or any public aknowledgement.

I really do hope to leave the gold coast soon as it will be overrun with towelheads soon more and more of them are coming to the gold coast and refusing to accept our ways for fucks sake they wanted to BAN AUSTRALIAN WOMEN from going to the beach during the month of ramadan and have moved to introduce a form of sharia law at public pools that makes women cover themselves in "Aquatic" Burkas, and the government simply sweeps this under the carpet, builds and implements these retarded laws and ideals and never lets the public know about it till they've already done it.

Im honestly worried for the safety of Australia at the moment, sydney is almost gone, melbourne is slowly falling and queensland is on its way to becoming another muslim hotspot, its estimated that within 10 years at the rate of immigration there will be more non australia born muslims in Australia then Australians.

I honestly feel a war will come soon, and all its going to take is a modern day Hitler who takes his hatred of muslims to far.

Offline GunsAndRosesFan

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Re: Islamanisation of Australia
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2011, 10:48:10 AM »
I am shocked that you have a muslim parliament member in australia :o
Islam is a a cancer that threatens humanity with its complete intolerance, infinite jelousy and virulent odium.
Death to the cult of Satan! Death to Islam!

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Islamanisation of Australia
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2011, 10:55:02 AM »
       There's a couple of likely girls already being paired off to my 2 boys at Shull  8) . I've already told my 2 if they ever came home with a Muslim girl,  don't bother coming home.


Offline Mentaldemise

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Re: Islamanisation of Australia
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2011, 11:08:41 AM »
I am shocked that you have a muslim parliament member in australia :o

Have you seen the muslims in parliment in the UK? Over 2 Billion british pounds given to islamic and radical islamic counties

Offline GunsAndRosesFan

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Re: Islamanisation of Australia
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2011, 11:55:03 AM »
Oh dear mate I am well aware of the fact that the UK is under muslim control.. But I didn't know that old Australia is also on its way....
Islam is a a cancer that threatens humanity with its complete intolerance, infinite jelousy and virulent odium.
Death to the cult of Satan! Death to Islam!

Offline syyuge

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Re: Islamanisation of Australia
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2011, 01:12:30 PM »
and then the muslamic talibani kangaroo courts will start deciding the fate of all others.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline Mentaldemise

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Re: Islamanisation of Australia
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2011, 04:08:32 PM »
It'll never get to the point islam will be in control in australia, australians are to patriotic and as much it pains me to say, xenophobic of other races to let an outside body take over, at the moment its a bomb waiting to go off

Offline GunsAndRosesFan

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Re: Islamanisation of Australia
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2011, 05:15:56 PM »
Oh I sure hope you're right brother
Islam is a a cancer that threatens humanity with its complete intolerance, infinite jelousy and virulent odium.
Death to the cult of Satan! Death to Islam!