From Google translate : knowledge that I brought offline by six months and because it is blocked. Now, thanks to Richard Silverstein, received a pardon. He left the story with lies against Rabbi Rotter, so let me bud light. Thank you for Silverstein. All of my requests to return to writing here did not help. Bud light is not confirmed. So this is how the world rolls.
My friends talk about the Seattle Silverstein. His wife and 3 children are neglected strange characters all move away from them. He himself was not working all day only deals in his blog Tikun Olam. He expects now on trial on pedophilia and his back still further complications. Among other issues checks or something not really understand. He actually does not work and live support of his wife's parents.
Here in Israel, he gets some respect. His name is "Bolger" because he writes very hard against the settlers and against the right and especially that he was able to tell two scoops true that he received from Attorney Israel named Shamai Leibowitz. Lebowitz translated documents to the FBI and leaked Silverstein the cases. Lebowitz was caught and convicted and now is in jail . Silverstein probably the way there. Besides Silverstein making fabricated stories and hope that journalists in Israel remind him. without it has no air.
In the case of Rabbi Rotter He fell hard, based on someone's Facebook anonymous denunciation of the site and Rabbi Rotter Rotter. What Silverstein did not know he is very familiar Rotter rabbi in Israel and is a senior instructor for 30 years, Dr. calculates Israel and an army officer has been since 1986. Silverstein wrote Schroeter stole money in banks
This is my first chapter. I turned to friends in Seattle and I'll get some more things to find out who this man really Silverstein that so hates us Israelis but meantime you read here, pay attention to comments from readers and you'll understand how much respect he has