Save Western Civilization > Save America

Pack Of At Least 7 Schvartzes Attack Girl On School Bus

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what the [censored] is up with those names? lamiracle? ladricka? jebria? these creatures don't belong in america or any civilized society. 2 of those teens who beat up that girl were boys. great to know they saw nothing wrong with gang beating a girl and will be future wife beaters, rapist or serial killers of tomorrow.

seriously, these scum should be taken into the middle of the street and shot in the head.


--- Quote from: Mishmaat on January 08, 2012, 10:34:44 PM ---Typical N... Behavior! ::) Were the mothers smoking crack when they named their illegitimate spawn?

--- End quote ---

Most likely yes! They believe this sort of thing is a mark of honor though, being true to their "culture" in defiance of "white social norms". So a regular old name like John or Billy just isn't going to cut it for them.


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