Save Western Civilization > Save America

Pack Of At Least 7 Schvartzes Attack Girl On School Bus

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--- Quote from: Axl Rose on January 08, 2012, 07:42:18 AM ---Well, they may be demonized even now by the PETA people because to these freaks no amount of human life equals the life of one animal. I can believe that the kangaroos need to be culled because the kangaroo population of Australia is prodigious. Kangaroo meat is excellent eating, too.

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I don't know if that's the best solution or not because I'm not overly familiar with the issue. I have heard that some species of kangaroo are overpopulated. It might be the only way.


--- Quote from: christians4jews on January 08, 2012, 07:54:26 AM ---where does it say they are black?sorry im a abit stupid today.

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Here's a story that's undeniably black,0,842120.story

I guess the monkey logic here was that if the uncle didn't have eyes anymore, he wouldn't be competing for the TV as he wouldn't be able to watch it. Ouch!

Of course there are undeniably stupid white people too:,0,938349.photogallery

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
They have already been released from jail:

These feral "youths" should be spayed and thrown in jail for a long long time. 

Typical N... Behavior! ::) Were the mothers smoking crack when they named their illegitimate spawn?

Investigators identified the suspects as 14-year-old Zantavia Williams, 14-year-old Ladricka James, 12-year-old Javaris Beard, 13-year-old Alphonso Young, 12-year-old Bria Watkins, 13-year-old Lamiracle Mackey, and 15-year-old Jebria Welch.


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