Save Western Civilization > Save America
SICK Santorum and his stillborn son
Dr. Dan:
We are living in evil times within an evil culture which is getting more evil by the day.
Evil is now cool; and Goodness is now considered evil and uncool.
--- Quote from: Dr. Dan on January 10, 2012, 10:19:10 AM ---We are living in evil times within an evil culture which is getting more evil by the day.
Evil is now cool; and Goodness is now considered evil and uncool.
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I'm starting to wonder if there ever will be a way to help bring the USA back. I have a hard time listening sometimes even to music I used to like because I realized a lot of it was leftist propaganda or had some kind of occult message buried in it. Same thing for movies. Anyone who points these things out is labeled as paranoid and a religious fanatic even when it's obvious for all to see.
--- Quote from: Axl Rose on January 10, 2012, 09:00:46 AM ---What's even more sick is that the entire media and NWO is denouncing Santorum for this event that may or may not be true, but this same NWO and its propaganda ministry thinks that partial-birth mutilation is wonderful, righteous, and great and will make you out to practically be a racist (the one unpardonable sin in America) if you oppose it.
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That's their all-purpose weapon. Racism in the general media doesn't mean hatred against other races, but it usually just means a white person somewhere is breathing. Of course anybody else who opposes anything a black says for whatever reason can also be stuck with that label.
I may not think that Romney and/or Ron are necessarily behind this.
--- Quote from: Axl Rose on January 10, 2012, 09:00:46 AM ---What's even more sick is that the entire media and NWO is denouncing Santorum for this event that may or may not be true, but this same NWO and its propaganda ministry thinks that partial-birth mutilation is wonderful, righteous, and great and will make you out to practically be a racist (the one unpardonable sin in America) if you oppose it.
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Yes, my feelings as well. I too had to go through a similar horror that santorum went through... not full-term... but similar... and it was DEEPLY depressing and I certainly wasn't the same after it happened.
I also got to see first-hand those who decided to murder their own unborn babies at the clinic, many in the mid and even late terms. They were genuinely evil... and seemed to have no remorse about their decision. (Not that having remorse somehow makes the act any less evil)
--- Quote from: Meerkat on January 10, 2012, 01:53:35 AM ---You might have been too quick to ban here. sure we have had a lot of trolls but this post just reeks of ignorance. not everyone who signs up here will understand all kahanist concepts immediately, it takes time to sink in.
Take me for example, if you look at my early post, you would think im a troll (that's what some people thought actually), truth was I just didn't know much. heck the name which I signed up under, "kahanist liberal" did turn some heads.
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Meerkat, you've always been respectful here. Your posts have always been intelligent. Don't compare yourself to Circus Freak.
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