Two brothers, Mendel and Dovid Luchian, young upstanding members of the Bobov community in Toronto, are threatened to be deported to Moldova, where their lives may be in danger. One is a young father with a wife and child here. There is rampant anti-semitism in Moldova and would be a sakana to be sent back there.
The lawyers working on the case have advised that if there is an outpouring of support from the community, it can have a great impact and influence the Canadian authorities in their decision (Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds).
YOU CAN HELP by writing a brief letter (2-3 sentences) of support and concern to the immigration officer on behalf of (their secular names) STANISLAV and CONSTANTIN Luchian.
Please use as many of these inclusions as possible. 1. Your name. 2. Your address and contact info. 3. Your profession or official letterhead. 4. Your shul or community affiliation. 5. How you feel their absences may impact your community. 6. Your signature.
It can be emailed to:
For more info please call 647.890.3119,
416.833.1514 or 416.834.1444 Tizku l'mitzvos!