Whoever wrote this does not understand the purpose of a segula. This is not something which is made which attempts to change the future. It is nothing more than comparable to tzittzits which we see, in order to remind us of the commandments, of the mezuzzah which we post on our doors to remind us that we live in a Jewish house.
Every one of these things is something we do in order to remind ourselves, and make spiritual changes in ourselves, so that we merit the reward which we are asking for. If this was not to be done then why do we daven at all? We are attempting to change ourselves, so that the evil decree which may have been on us, may be averted.
PS: I don't know what the author is talking about the media discussing segulas? I have not heard this in the media at all...
PPS: I think that there are some who put too much faith in what some rabbis tell them is a segula for something and then eventually when it doesn't happen the way they expect they are devestated because they put faith in the segula and not in Hashem. If this article is addressing that then I agree that this practice is not good, and not the intention of the Jewish faith. I do not know any people who follow 'every word' of a particular Rabbi and I learn from many Rabbis. I would not accept if a Rabbi told me that if I did a special segulah it would garuntee an outcome. That is not according to Jewish faith as far as I understand it..