Author Topic: What about the BNP and EDF?  (Read 476 times)

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Offline GunsAndRosesFan

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What about the BNP and EDF?
« on: March 02, 2012, 12:38:36 AM »
I once heard that some of the members of the British National Party are Nazis, but I just went into their official website and they write that they support Israel and are against Islam, they say that they want, and I think it is quite justifiable, to stop all immigration from third world. And I read about another radical rightwing group in the UK, the English Defence League.. and I know for sure that they love Israel - I went into their official website and their group on Facebook and saw them burning Qurans and holding Israeli flags and big signs against the antizionist European policies.
Perhaps I am wrong - but I think that as Jews we should support these rightwing groups in Europe. What do you people think? If you disagree with me please provide me with a proof.
Thanks and God bless(-:
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Offline Meerkat

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Re: What about the BNP and EDF?
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2012, 01:32:46 AM »
There is, to some extent, a mix of both in both groups.

1st, the BNP: because their country s being invaded by garbage, their party leadership finds it convenient to support Israel for now.

EDL: one of their factions called chaim a terrorist while another (the jewish division) actively promotes JTF, a very mixed bag

Offline GunsAndRosesFan

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Re: What about the BNP and EDF?
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2012, 01:34:30 AM »
There is, to some extent, a mix of both in both groups.

1st, the BNP: because their country s being invaded by garbage, their party leadership finds it convenient to support Israel for now.

EDL: one of their factions called chaim a terrorist while another (the jewish division) actively promotes JTF, a very mixed bag
is there a Jewish division there? wow
Islam is a a cancer that threatens humanity with its complete intolerance, infinite jelousy and virulent odium.
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