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BNP supports Israel!
« on: June 22, 2007, 07:23:41 PM »

Lawrence Auster has commented on this article:

"Attacking the insane rightists who side with Muslims against the beseiged and tormented Western nation of Israel, a long article at the British National Party website, written by Lee Barnes, the attorney to BNP’s chairman Nick Griffin, takes Israel’s side 100 percent in its confrontation with Hezbollah. I’ve only skimmed through the article so far, but what a fantastic development this is. On first glance, the article seems the clearest step yet in Griffin’s effort to re-make the BNP into a morally sound voice for a revived British and Western nationalism. This article shows up the Israel-haters on the right as the moral pigmies that they are, so immersed in destructive resentments and irrational conspiracy theories that they are unable to recognize or care about the civilizational struggle in which we find ourselves. The article also shames the pals and excusers of the Israel-haters on the right, who value their misplaced friendship and loyalty to their Israel-hating friends more than the fight for the survival of our civilization. An article like this renews my hope that the West can be saved indeed."

Nationalism and Israel
28th July 2006
There are those in the Nationalist movement, both in the UK and elsewhere around the world, that regard the dispute in the Middle East between Hezbollah and Israel in Lebanon as a ‘war’. For a start this is not a war. This is nothing more than a bad tempered border dispute.

60,000 British soldiers killed and wounded in just one day on the battlefield of the Somme is a war.

This is a bad tempered spat. More people die every day in Iraq than in this dispute. What is happening in Iraq is not described as a war, but this is. The use of the word 'war' to describe what is happening in Lebanon has nothing to do with logic, but is an aspect of the 'emotional propaganda' that the media use to bombard the public into sobbing submission. The images are designed to undermine rational interpretation and rather to appeal to primitive emotionalism. The fact that people still allow the media to manipulate them through the use of psychological warfare techniques utilised by the media and their corporate masters shows us the British people need to be taught critical media analysis skills. The fact the US government did not want pictures of the flag draped coffins of US troops on the news only a few months ago, should enlighten people as to the power of the image as an aspect of asymetric warfare.

These so called ‘Nationalists’ that attack Israel at the whim of the media can also be found standing shoulder to shoulder with Far Left activists, Communists, the United Nations and various repugnant Islamic terrorist groups, and yet never seem to think about the logic of them doing so. Any ' alliance' that involves nationalists agreeing with the media and communists etc is based either on stupidity or a misunderstanding of the nature of the issue. They should start understanding the future, instead of navel gazing into the past.

Hezbollah are a terrorist group whose aims are to destroy Israel and then fight for a global Jihad and exterminate all non-Islamics and impose a global Islamic caliphate. Negotiation with such groups is a waste of time. It’s a ‘Them or Us’ situation. (6) You cannot negotiate with a rabid dog, you can only kill it. Those that say that negotiation is possible with Hezbollah fail to understand that the aims of Hezbollah are not based on rational politics, they are based on theological absolutism. They do not want to negotiate with us, they just want to destroy us. Therefore terror must be met with terror.

The fact that ‘Nationalists’ are busy using the same facile, emotive and asinine language as the allegedly ‘Zionist controlled media’ in their increasingly shrill reportage on the dispute in the nationalist movement, shows how far they have become lost in their own political psychosis. The fact that the British media has become the European propaganda wing of Hezbollah and churns out endless montages of wounded children, old men and women whilst never showing any footage of dead Hezbollah terrorists, blown up Hezbollah weapons dumps and footage of bombed Hezbollah camps should get some people thinking.

Media control

For decades the lunatic fringe of the Nationalist movement has said that the media is controlled by the ‘Jews’ and Israel. The reports from the BBC, and the rest of the British media, are so anti-Israel and pro-Hezbollah that such a contention has been revealed to be total rubbish. The fact is that Israel have adopted one of the most restrained invasions in world history. They have leafleted the areas where they are about to strike before they hit those targets. Thats not something NATO did in Serbia when it bombed the Serbs to assist the Kosovan Muslims in their campaign of ethnic cleansing. When they bombed the trains and TV station they did not warn the public and the media beforehand.

We hear from the media all the time how the British government did not bomb the IRA in their strongholds in Southern Ireland. The fact is that a true nationalist government would never allow terrorists to operate with impunity in another nation if those terrorists are using that ground to attack another nation. The BNP, as a true nationalist movement, would not have balked at bombing IRA arms stores and training camps in Southern Ireland if the Southern Ireland government did not seize those weapons and close down those camps. If they had not stopped the IRA - we would have.

Either the UK media in Lebanon is inept and cannot find those damaged Hezbollah military sites ( heres a tip lads – follow the smoke and the big bangs ), the media are biased in that it doesn’t want to show Hezbollahs military losses and only wants to show Israel as the aggressor, the media are cowardly as it is far easier and safer to attack Israel than report the truth in Lebanon in case the Hezbollah terrorists get annoyed by their reports and kidnap the journalists as they did with Terry Waite or the media have allowed themselves to become complict in the asymetric warfare techniques of Hezbollah by only showing the footage Hezbollah wants them to show on TV to undermine support for Israel.

The other option is that the media have an ‘ agenda ‘ in relation to their reporting. The obvious agenda for the media is to assist in ending nationalism as an ideology and the destruction of nationalist states like Israel. For the BBC this is the fundamental principle of their entire existence. The media want Israel to end this dispute not because they are motivated by some superior moral code or care for the Lebanese people, for it is a fact that the media themselves are the eqivalent of vultures feeding with their cameras on the corpses in War Zones for profit, but because they want this dispute to cease as they support the creation of the International New World Order. In the New World Order the global media, and the media barons that control the media, will then control the planet and anyone who dares defy the corporations will be destroyed.

They want all nation states destroyed and nationalism itself destroyed. That way the media and the corporations will control the planet through their control of the perceptions people have of the world itself. They regard nations as obstacles to their end goal of a misceginated, deracinated, consumer slave mass where human beings are cattle in pens without identities, a past, a home, a future and to be bought and sold as they wish.


The media , and the pet politicians of the New World Order that are also calling for a ceasefire, are all stooges of the United Nations, the European Union and the rest of the International Elite that regard Nationalism and nation states as historical anachronisms that must be wiped out. All true nationalists should be supporting Israel in this struggle not attacking them for rejecting the orders of the New World Order. The example of the resistance of Israel against the New World Order should give hope to all those of us who want our nations back and the end of the international era to begin. If Israel can defy the New World Order then so can we. If Israel is a democracy, then we can be a similar democracy. Israel is the model for a nation that understands the importance of putting the interests of the nation and the people before all other factors.

As a Nationalist I can say that I support Israel 100 % in their dispute with Hezbollah. In fact, I hope they wipe Hezbollah off the Lebanese map and bomb them until they leave large greasy craters in the cities where their Islamic extremist cantons of terror once stood. The 21st Century is the Islamic Century. Unless we start to resist the threat of Islamic extremism then within 100 years the West will have become Eurabia.

During the Second World War when we faced VI and V2 rockets and missiles targeting our cities we reacted with a campaign of targeted aerial bombings and strikes across Germany. The fact that the same rockets killing Israeli citizens are the same as those used by by the Russians in World War 2 against the Germans is an irony of history. (5) The fact that the new rockets being used by Hezbollah, the Fajr-3, have a range of of 80 kilometres means Israel has no choice but to destroy Hezbollahs bases before these rockets coming raining down in their thousands on Israel(6). In such circumstances a pre-emptive strike is essential for the survival of the Israeli state. You cannot allow terrorists to lauch thousands of rockets at your nation. If the IRA had launched rockets from Southern Ireland into Northern Ireland then the BNP would have retaliated with air strikes on those sites and wiped them out. We would not have sat their watching them fly over us and then debate whether we should ring the UN for permission to knock on the door of the Southern Irish embassy and ask them politely to tell the IRA ' would you mind awfully stopping firing those missiles at us old chap '.

No reward for terrorism

Unlike the UK the Israeli government does not reward Islamic terrorism by giving money to Islamic groups linked to terrorism and extremism and does not impose laws on the victims of Islamic terrorism and ban any criticism of Islam as a reward for murdering us. The Labour government in Britain, unlike Israel, have given into the Muslim extremists in the UK, and the government is itself linked to Muslim extremist groups and has let extremist imams into the country to spread hatred against Jews and White Christians. (8) (9).

Even the EU hides the truth of Muslim violence in Europe. The whole political structures of Europe are senile, corrupt and weak. The EU and the politicians that run our nations are the greatest assets of the terrorists. They are the weakness that we must shed if we are to survive.

It appears that in their historical hatred for Israel many Nationalists have forgotten the future threat of Eurabia and Londonistan. (10) (11) (12). We have not.

It was only a few months ago that Muslim extremists were celebrating the murder of British citizens in the 7 / 7 bombings during the Cartoon Protests. Attacks on Jews in the UK by Muslims are also linked with the rise in murders of young whites like Ross Parker and Kriss Donald (13) (14) (15) (16). The Muslim extremists that are targeting the Jews in the Middle East and in the UK are also murdering our young people in the UK in the name of their filthy Jihad. They are the enemies of our people as much as they are the enemies of Israel. The fact that British Nationalists cannot see that tolerating the murder of Jews in the name of Jihad in Israel will lead to the murder of Christians and Whites in the UK in the name of Jihad, shows they have no understanding of the nature of the enemy we face.

White slavery, Islamic Corsairs raiding Cornwall and Ireland, millions of our people taken to the slave markets of the East, the atrocities inflicted against Russian soldiers in Afghanistan, against Serbian Christians and the horrors of Beslan, riots and murders are the future for the West unless radical extremist Islamic terrorists and their supporters in the West are crushed.

Lebanon has to learn that allowing terrorists to crawl in its streets and unleash terror across the world is an invitation for retribution. That is a lesson that many other nations also need to learn.

Nationalist state

Israel is the only living organic nationalist state on the planet. They live only as they still have the will to fight and wage war. The West is now a senile culture, it sleeps in dreams of its former glory whilst a new generation of barbarians is beseiging its gates. In its quest for gold it has ignored the real dangers it has created for us all.

Those nationalists that attack Israel no longer understand that nations such as Israel are the only true nationalists left on the planet. They place the interests of the people at the heart of their politics. That is the true nature of nationalism.

The fundamental principle of Nationalism is that it is for the nation as a sovereign entity to decide for itself when its national security is threatened and also how it should respond to that threat. Israel is the only nation state in the world today that still defends the fundamental principle of nationalism - that it is for the people of that nation to decide how to respond to an attack, and that no nation needs to get the permission of the United Nations or the European Union, or any other cabal of capitalists and crooks, before it begins to fight against any internal or external aggressors.

Many British nationalists even support Hezbollah even though Hezbollah are linked with groups that have murdered British tourists, kidnapped British citizens and Hezbollah have planted bombs on British streets. They are so busy listening to the propaganda of the media and the anti-jewish lunatics to start thinking.

Catalogue of terror

Hezbollah have kidnapped around 30 White Westerners between 1982 and 1992, including the U.S. journalist Terry Anderson, British journalist John McCarthy, the Archbishop of Canterbury's special envoy Terry Waite and Irish citizen Brian Keenan. They specialised in kidnapping White Christians and holding them in chains for ransom.

On July 18, 1994, a powerful bomb made of was driven in through the front gates of the AMIA building in the Once district near downtown Buenos Aires. The building was a large seven-story structure which was the community site of Argentina's small Jewish community. The bomber exploded and eighty-five people died, most of them Jewish though some non-Jewish people died in the explosion as well. More than three hundred others were wounded.

On July 26, 1994, just Eight days after the AMIA bombing, the Israeli Embassy in London was car bombed by two Palestinians who were linked with Hezbollah. The United Kingdom, Israel and Argentina all blamed Hezbollah for organising the attack.

The Hezbollah car bomb exploded outside the Israeli embassy in London, injuring 20 people. The car was packed with 20 to 30 pounds of explosives, and blew up minutes after the driver left it.

Thirteen hours later a similar car bomb exploded outside a Jewish charity in North London.

Two Palestinian science graduates who were educated in the UK, Jawad Botmeh and Samar Alami, with links to Hezbollah were apprehended in 1995, and found guilty of the bombings in 1996. They were sentenced to 20 years in jail, and lost their appeal in 2001.

The conflict in Lebanon has also vomited up another old face from recent terrorism cases in the UK. Syrian born radical Islamist Sheikh Omar bin Bakri Muhammad, who lived in London and was linked to many of the Islamic terrorists in the UK (1) was the founder of the London branch of Hizb Al-Tahrir (the Islamic Liberation Party), and of the organization “Jama’at Al-Muhajirun”.

It is clear that Israel and the UK face the same enemy - suicide bombers on the streets of Tel Aviv have been British Muslims ( 7)

Bakri was the spokesman of Osama bin Laden’s International Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and Crusaders. This organization, by Bakri’s own admission, was involved in raising funds Islamic terrorist groups such as Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and was “in touch” with Hezbollah. The fact that Bakri has now appeard in Lebanon proves his links with Hezbollah. Bakri has further claimed that in the past he recruited volunteers for training in paramilitary camps located in the U.S. and Lebanon.

In an interview, Bakri has said that The International Islamic Front for Jihad against the Jews and the Crusaders, created by Osama bin Laden and run in the UK by Bakri had actively supported Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. “We collect funds to be able to carry on the struggle; we recruit militiamen; and sometimes we take care of these groups’ propaganda requirements in Europe.”

According to Bakri, The Islamic Front has recruited thousands of Islamic terrorist volunteers in Britain and sent them to Jordan, where they have awaited opportunities to infiltrate into the West Bank and join the fight against Israel. Recruits from Britain have also been sent to Lebanon, where they were trained in Palestinian refugee camps. “In the ‘Ein Al-Hilweh camp, for instance, new mujahideen are being recruited and trained with the aim of opening up another front in south Lebanon.” Bakri added that the International Islamic Front is also “in touch with Hizballah and with Islamic movements such as Usbat Al-Ansar, which are determined to fight for the liberation of Jerusalem.” (2) Ein Al-Hilweh camp has links with Al Qaeda and other radical foreign Islamists (20)

Cause of current dispute

It was not Israel that started this dispute. The United Nations Security Council Resolution 1559 ( passed on the 02 September 2004) called for the immediate "disbanding and disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias". Under the UN resolution the elected Government of Lebanon is responsible for the disbanding and disarming of the Hezbollah militias and also for preventing the flow of armaments and other military equipment to the militias from Syria, Iran, and other external sources that equip and fund the terrorists. Lebanon has rejected Resolution 1559 and refused to tackle the militias. This failure to act against the Hezbollah rocket teams and terrorists firing missiles into Israel has led to the present Israeli military retaliation against vital Lebanese infrastructure and Hezbollah assets to force action by the Lebanese government to disarm Hezbollah.

If the Lebanese government won’t act by choice, then they must be forced to act.

Then on July 12, 2006 members of a Hezbollah terrorist unit infiltrated the Lebanese-Israeli border near Shtula, and entered an Israeli farming village. Hezbollah then claimed responsibility for an ambush conducted on two Israeli Army Hummvees. The attack on the army team resulted in the capture of two Israeli soldiers and the deaths of three others. Five more Israeli soldiers were killed in the ensuing pursuit of Hezbollah members into Lebanese territory. The combined capture of the two Israeli soldiers and the deaths of the 8 others was considered the worst loss for Israeli military forces in more than four years.

The world may have forgotten March 19, 1988 when two British soldiers soldiers, corporals Derek Wood and David Howes were dragged from their car by a republican mob, beaten, and then taken to a remote area near Belfast's Milltown Cemetery and shot dead. If the British government had then resolved to crush the IRA on that day the same way the Israeli government has decided to crush Hezbollah, then we would not have had the hundreds of people killed in the IRA bombings and attacks since that day. Sinn Fein would also now not be in government and the terrorist scum of the IRA would not be playing at being politicians for the cringing sycophant of the IRA, Peter Hain the Northern Ireland Secretary, who was linked with ARM terrorism in South Africa before he fled the country and claimed political asylum in the UK. (21) (22)

The leader of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, is also no friend of the Lebanese or Palestinian people. He has used the plight of the Palestinian people as his political and propaganda trump card, posturing as the defender of the Arab world while simultaneously putting pressure on the Lebanese government through Hezbollah and Syria to keep Palestinians from obtaining full citizenship and legal rights in Lebanon, where they are denied access to many professions.

Amnesty International has issued reports stating how badly the Lebanese government treats the Palestinian refugees. (3) The fact that various liberals, nazis and leftists all say that the problem is the plight of the Palestinians is utter rubbish. Hezbollah have ensured the Palestinians in Lebanon stay in poverty and squalor so as to feed on the resentment it causes. Islamic Extremists use the Palestinian people to justify terrorism as the IRA used the issue of the brutality of the British Army to justify murdering and terrorising Catholics in their own community.

Beyond the excuses they are all just murdering scum.

Hezbollah have also been involved in attempts to destabilise the country according to Lebanese Christians. It controls some 25% of the national territory. Almost 400,000 of Lebanon’s estimated 4m inhabitants live under its control. It collects its own taxes with a 20% levy, known as “khoms”, on all incomes. It is in fact the de facto government of whole swathes of Lebanon. If Lebanon wont remove them, then Israel must do the job. Any nation that tolerates such a state of affairs is complicit through inaction.

Islam awakening

This is in fact the start of World War 4, with its roots in the victory of Charles Martel over Islam in the Battle of Tours in 732 AD. (19). Islam is once again awakening, and the West must awaken as well.

The 21st Century will either see the rebirth of the West and the rise of Nationalism, or the conquest of the West by Islam via demographics and the use of Oil as an aspect of Asymmetric Warfare. Hezbollah want to destroy Israel, then run the entire Middle East and then use the Middle East and its oil supplies to start a war on the rest of the world.

It is in our long term interests that Hezbollah are ground into dust by Israel as that way we don’t have to do it in the future. (17) (18)

This struggle cannot be avoided, therefore it must be faced and won.

"The Islamic threat will weld Europeans and Jews together. A new form of progressive nationalism is forming now as this new breed of European nationalists see Jews as allies and brothers. But so much has to be done first. We have to heal wounds which were inflicted by Hitler and all the other reactionary nationalists and of course the Church - both Catholic and Protestant. The biggest task is to make the Jews trust the ETHNIC European nationalism."
-- Kai Murros, Finnish nationalist

Inverted-World -A website for pro-White, pro-Jewish, and pro-Israel race-realists.
American Renaissance - A website promoting sane racialism
Jewish Task Force - Saving Western Civilization from Islamic terrorism


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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2007, 11:45:07 PM »
Looks like BNP a Britain's only hope. G_d help the pomms. :'(

Offline ScotcH

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2007, 08:41:23 AM »
Sounds promising...but I recommend you place your faith in the Scottish National Party...for TRUE Scots Believe in FREEDOM from MUZZIE aggression !!

Hail SCOTLAND !!!!


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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2007, 10:35:23 AM »
Sounds promising...but I recommend you place your faith in the Scottish National Party...for TRUE Scots Believe in FREEDOM from MUZZIE aggression !!

Hail SCOTLAND !!!!

Scotts can fight like hell and kick serious butt. Ock Hai

Offline mord

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2007, 10:39:39 AM »
Indeed Fruit is onboard
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2007, 09:42:44 PM »
Sounds promising...but I recommend you place your faith in the Scottish National Party...for TRUE Scots Believe in FREEDOM from MUZZIE aggression !!

Hail SCOTLAND !!!!
Then unite with BNP.
The SBNP (Scottish-Brithish National Party) will save Britain .
« Last Edit: June 26, 2007, 09:44:49 PM by Dexter »
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
-Shimon Maccabee's answer to Antiochus VII Sidetes.

"When fighting monsters, be wary not to become one... When you gaze into the abyss, it also gazes into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline mord

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2007, 08:25:42 AM »
This is not a BNP blog but a letter writer in comments section linked to his Blog .I think it's very good
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2007, 01:37:58 PM »
This is not a BNP blog but a letter writer in comments section linked to his Blog .I think it's very good
At last , people are starting to see through the gutter press, We are not racists ,baby killers ,jew haters, oh yeah , and not terrorists, we support Israel. our policies are more or less the same as Austrailia"s immirgration policies. if you have a trade and can support your self and not leech off the state , you are welcome to come , abide by our laws and not immpose your laws on us.

Offline englishman

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2007, 03:20:57 PM »
This is not a BNP blog but a letter writer in comments section linked to his Blog .I think it's very good
In the run up to the May 3rd council elections across the UK and the elections for the Welsh Assembly and Scottish Parliament it is to be expected that anti-British elements in the mass media, Trade Union movement and the Labour Party will be working together in top gear to spread misinformation, half-truths and downright fabricated lies about the British National Party, its policies and its candidates. With the BNP deemed to be a "threat" in 93 council seats according to research carried out for the Labour Party the stakes have been raised and the show down between the corrupt, tired and treacherous Old Gang trio of Lab-Lib-Con and the new force of renaissance and renewal is set to take place over the next few years at council, Assembly, national and European levels.

Hundreds of thousands of smear leaflets are being printed and distributed in those council areas where both we and the anti-British opposition expect us to do well and even win. Coming second is not good enough, we need to win and win as many seats as we possibly can. When the smear leaflets land on the doormats of your friends and neighbourhoods and when the left-wing press print lies and smears please direct your contacts and colleagues to this web page or print it off in advance. This page tells the truth about the BNP.

i.  Why do you disapprove of mixed marriages? 

We believe in human diversity and in preserving the individuality and identity of all different ethnic groups. It is sad when a unique human genotype becomes extinct - as has happened around the world in the past and is happening today in the Amazon and in New Guinea.  While a small number of mixed marriages – or mixed race children - in Britain won’t, in themselves, make any difference, if this is encouraged however as it is at present by politicians and the media then inevitably the traditional British genotype will be endangered in the long-term.

Environmentalists are always keen to preserve unique animal species in the wild, so why shouldn’t the same principle apply to people?  We believe that Britain’s proud history of glorious achievements demonstrates that the British genotype is a valuable one and deserves to be preserved. 

It has also been shown that mixed race children often suffer from identity problems, as has been pointed out by people such as Trevor Phillips (chairman of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights).

ii.  What is your attitude to homosexuals?

The British National Party is not ‘homophobic’ and believes that what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms is a matter for them alone and is of no concern to anyone else.  On the other hand the BNP is not blinded or cowed by political correctness and recognises that homosexuality, which affects less than 2% of the population, is not the norm and that homosexual relationships do not produce offspring – essential to the survival of a people and a nation. 

We therefore believe in a policy of tolerance to all forms of adult sexuality, but homosexuality should not be promoted or encouraged. The BNP supports the traditional ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ attitude to homosexuality and is opposed to the flaunting or celebrating of homosexuality which ‘civil partnerships’ represent.  We believe that the government should adopt a more neutral position towards homosexuality rather than aiding and encouraging it by passing legislation specifically and solely designed to favour it. 

iii.  Do you believe that blacks or other races are inferior?

No, we have never claimed any such thing.  We simply believe that the different races are different, just as men and women are different, and as such they cannot be directly compared. 

iv.  If you believe that the races are different then you are racists.

Not at all.  The definition of a racist is someone who hates people of other races.  We do not hate anybody.  Anyone who says the BNP is racist is either misinformed or a liar.

v.  Do you believe that blacks are less intelligent than whites?

It is a fact that every academic study has shown that the average black IQ is 15 points lower than that of whites, but remember that this is a group average and therefore it would be utterly wrong to say that all blacks are less intelligent than all whites. 

[To understand this it is useful to consider a non-emotional parallel: the difference in height between men and women. On average women are shorter than men, but if a man and a woman are selected at random the woman could well be taller than the man.]

vi.  Why don't you let blacks and Asians into the BNP?

For the same reason the Girl Guides don't allow boys to join. Does that mean they are sexist? Does it mean they hate boys?  Of course not, it's just that their aim is to cater for the interests of girls, and similarly the BNP isn't racist, but our purpose is to cater for the interests of the indigenous British population. The indigenous population of Britain is now the only group which is facing systematic, legalised and institutionalised discrimination, harassment and oppression.  That's precisely why the British people need the BNP - because we are the one and only organisation that has their interests at heart.  There are hundreds of organisations exclusively for blacks or Asians, but only one organisation for the indigenous population - the BNP. 

vii.  What would you do with blacks and Asians already here?

Our policy is to:

i.  Deport ALL the 2 million plus who are here illegally;

ii.  Deport all those who commit crimes and whose original nationality was not British;

iii.  Review all recent grants of residence/citizenship to ensure they are still appropriate [eg. if they were granted citizenship because they had married a Briton, they would need to be still married];

iv.  Offer generous grants (£50,000) to anyone born here, or who otherwise has British citizenship, who chooses to leave permanently and is able to obtain a foreign citizenship (and thus renounce their British one).

[Note that we don’t mention race here at all; these policies are 'colour blind'.] 

 viii.  Your leader is on record denying the Holocaust ever happened and claiming that Jews control the media – you are clearly an anti-Semitic party.

Not at all.  Dredging up quotes from 10, 15, 20 years ago is really pathetic and, in a sense, rather fascist. Everyone knows that people’s political philosophies evolve and change as they develop – at least three Labour ministers were previously Communist Party members, for instance -  and Nick Griffin has repeatedly stated that he has changed his views since then.  The BNP is in no way anti-Semitic nor do we deny the Holocaust.  We have many Jewish members and are pleased to have a Jewish councillor in Epping, who is, indeed, the group leader there.

ix.  Do you accept or deny that blacks/Asians born in Britain are totally British?

People are partly the product of their environment, but mainly of their genes.  Spike Milligan and Joanna Lumley were born in India – do you think they are Indians?  It was the Duke of Wellington who said that just because someone is born in a stable that doesn’t make him a horse. 

To be truly British one has to have a British genotype, as well as to have fully adopted British culture.  Blacks and Asians born here are legally British and should be treated as such, but they are not genetically British. Indeed, most blacks and Asians do not see themselves as wholly British, and often refer to themselves as British Asians, or British Pakistanis, etc.

x. There is no such thing as a British people.  The history of Britain is one of continued mass immigration, and we are therefore a mongrel people.  What is happening now is just a continuation of that history.

Not at all - the scientific definition of an ‘indigenous’ species is a species originally present in an area.  Therefore the indigenous British genotype is that created at the time when Britain was created as a nation, around 1,000 years ago.  Britain then was made up of the descendants of the original Celts, together with Nordic (or Viking) people [from Norway, Sweden and Denmark], Germanic people [Angles and Saxons], Normans [who were largely former Vikings] and the Romans. 

The point therefore is that the indigenous British are a fusion of genetically similar Northern and Western European peoples all coming from within a few hundred miles of each other. While more recent migrants from these areas can be easily assimilated therefore given their compatible genotype, the present immigration from the Third World is a very different matter. Species which move into a new area and become established there are called colonisers.  Britain is therefore being colonised by foreign populations which are changing the nature of Britain.

[To understand this it is useful to consider a non-emotional parallel: the red and grey squirrel.  The red squirrel is the indigenous one, the grey one the coloniser.  The grey squirrel will never be termed indigenous, no matter how long it has been here.  The term indigenous has a precise scientific meaning.  A species either is, or is not, indigenous; it cannot become indigenous.]


xi.  Why do you object to immigration and the change in Britain’s population?  You are just being racist, aren’t you?

Not at all.  People are the product of their genes, and a country is the product of its people. That’s why every country is different – that’s the beauty of the world and why travel is so interesting.  That’s why Bath is different to Baghdad, Canterbury different to Calcutta and Manchester different to Mogadishu. If Britain’s population changes then the very nature of our towns and cities will change.  You may be happy about that but we like Britain the way it has traditionally been. That makes us traditionalists, or small-c conservatives, or better still nationalists, but certainly not racists.

xii.  Do you want an all-white Britain?

We have no objection to a limited number of people of different races or cultures, but they shouldn’t be so many that they actually change the area they live in.  Ethnic minorities should be just that – minorities, making up no more than 2-3% of the population of any given area.  In some areas their numbers have become too high, and there are parts of our towns and cities which have become visibly foreign. We want a traditional Britain. 

xiii.  The BNP is a fascist and undemocratic party.

This is utter nonsense – the BNP is, in fact, the most democratic party in Britain.  Only the BNP believes in citizen-initiated referenda which will genuinely give power back to the people.  The other parties are determined to ignore the wishes of the British people – only the BNP trusts the British people and wants to give them back control over their country.

[Citizen-initiated referenda work very well in Switzerland and some US states.]

xiv.  Senior BNP leaders have been convicted of race hatred and other criminal offences – how can you deny being a violent and racist party?

You are talking about the actions of a small minority of members in the past, not the present.  No senior member of the BNP has any serious criminal convictions.  It is a fact however that BNP members are sometimes politically victimised and wrongfully convicted when merely defending themselves from attack.  As for convictions for political crimes, these simply prove we do not have freedom of speech in Britain any more.  We do not – absolutely not – encourage hatred against ethnic minorities, but we must be allowed to speak about the problems which Britain faces today.  Nowadays the BNP is the only party that stands up for genuine free speech.

The real criminals are to be found in the Labour, Conservative and LibDem parties which are notorious for sleaze, fraud and corruption, and whose members have a string of convictions for serious criminal offences.  See here for more details

xv.  Migrants are good for Britain’s economy and for services like the NHS.

This is completely untrue, as has been demonstrated by independent analysts [eg. MigrationWatch]. The government claims that migrants raise our GDP, but crime increases GDP too – do you believe that crime is a good thing?  It’s not GDP we should be measuring but quality of life, and Britain’s population is now double what environmental groups [eg. the Optimum Population Trust] believe is the appropriate figure for a country this size. 

As for the health service, ‘health tourists’ are estimated to cost the NHS £2 billion a year, and diseases such as TB and AIDS are on the increase as a direct result of immigration.  British doctors and nurses are unable to find work in the NHS because we are importing medical staff – some with questionable qualifications - from the Third World where they are desperately needed.  The BNP would improve the NHS and reduce waiting lists.


xvi.  Explain what you mean by British culture.

Any nation’s culture is a combination of all the historical factors that go towards making the majority of people in that country, and the country itself, identifiably different. Our culture is therefore a combination of our history, our temperament, our sporting, artistic, literary and musical heritage, our environment, our interests and aspirations, our language, our religion and our form of government. 

A culture takes centuries to create, but can be destroyed in just a few years. Only the BNP values and wants to preserve our traditional culture – the other parties are determined to undermine it and destroy it in their ideological determination to impose a multicultural society where the British are treated as second class citizens in their own country.

xvii.  Do you support the England football team?

Of course we do!  And the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish teams too, as well as our national rugby, cricket and other sporting teams.  We even sell England car flags on our website for our members to show their support for the football team during international tournaments.

xviii.  What is your position on an English parliament?

The British National Party, as its name suggests, believes that Britain is stronger for being united, and that the home nations – and the people of these nations - have a common history and heritage, as well as continuing common interests.  We note with concern however that the establishment of the Scottish parliament and the Assemblies in Wales and Northern Ireland has created an inequitable situation in England, with issues which are only relevant to England being voted on by MPs representing constituencies in the other home nations.  There is a growing resentment at this unfairness in England and we believe that an English parliament would help to resolve this problem.  An English parliament would therefore strengthen the Union.  The BNP policy is: ‘an English parliament for a stronger Britain’.

xix.      The BNP is an extremist party.

This is totally untrue.  An opinion poll carried out for Sky News in April 2006 found that over 50% of the British people support the BNP’s policies.  We simply say what the majority of people in this country think, so how can we possibly be called extremist?  On the contrary, this poll proves that we represent the genuine centreground of British politics. The BNP is the voice of the British people.

xx. The "Daily Mirror says serial killer John Laidlaw was a BNP member.

John Laidlaw was jailed in February for life for a shooting spree in north London. He was clearly a nutter and he is not and NEVER has been a member of the BNP. This is just another example of how the established media and left-wing extremists blatantly lie to their readers and viewers.  This proves you can't believe ANYTHING they say about the BNP.

xxi. The "Africans for Essex" story was a lie.

In 2005 BNP campaigner in Barking and Dagenham, uncovered a scheme where council residents in inner London boroughs were being paid substantial amounts of money to move elsewhere. The BNP coined the term "Africans for Essex" because the majority of beneficiaries were Africans and rather than upsticks and move to Hampshire or Cumbria outer London is seen as a more attractive location, with its ease of access to the city and the ability to retain ties with family and friends.

These relocation schemes are real, the story was not a lie and here is further information from the "Assisted Purchase" scheme from Westminster City Council:

Assisted Purchase gives an outright grant of £50,000 for WCC secure tenants living in homes with 3 or more bedrooms, and £25,000 for those in homes with 2 bedrooms.  The council has an annual budget of £750,000 to give away, and the way the money is allocated is that "Grants are offered to the people with the highest number of bedrooms first, until all the money has been spent".



Offline EagleEye

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2007, 05:34:47 PM »
Yes it seems the BNP really is NOT a Hitlerite or Nazi Party.  I think the people who wrote it off in the other thread should reconsider before they bash it.


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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2007, 05:37:45 PM »
Yes it seems the BNP really is NOT a Hitlerite or Nazi Party.  I think the people who wrote it off in the other thread should reconsider before they bash it.

"The enemy of my enemy is my fiend"....Sun Tsu

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2007, 09:03:01 PM »
Yes newman you are right.Politics makes strange bedfellows... :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :laugh:

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2007, 01:40:02 PM »
They are tryng to redeem themself from their neo-nazi past; so we should welcome them  ; especialy that they're no real alternative all other parties being intenational socialist or national socialist. ::) ;D
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

Offline EagleEye

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2007, 03:32:26 PM »
It does take a lot of balls to do what the BNP has done, which is basically tell fringe extremists to screw themselves and innovate themselves into a new, more modern strategy.

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2007, 07:26:16 AM »
The BNP is the only party in the United Kingdom that understands the true nature of Mohammedanism.

"The Islamic threat will weld Europeans and Jews together. A new form of progressive nationalism is forming now as this new breed of European nationalists see Jews as allies and brothers. But so much has to be done first. We have to heal wounds which were inflicted by Hitler and all the other reactionary nationalists and of course the Church - both Catholic and Protestant. The biggest task is to make the Jews trust the ETHNIC European nationalism."
-- Kai Murros, Finnish nationalist

Inverted-World -A website for pro-White, pro-Jewish, and pro-Israel race-realists.
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Offline Masha

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2008, 04:06:13 AM »
Yes, I support the BNP, given what I have read on their website and in the news and blogs. As they proclaim their position now, I do support them.

Offline EagleEye

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2008, 02:23:29 PM »
The British Nationalists are comparably sane, relative to other nationalists of European nations.  While it is true that they are speaking out against radical antisemitism, I wouldn't have any delusions that they are more loyal to Israel than they are to Britain.

Offline Ulli

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2008, 04:38:30 PM »
Great - I think here are a few BNP fellows.

I have a few questions about the BNP.


Is the BNP a Christian party?
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2008, 03:16:06 PM »
Great - I think here are a few BNP fellows.

I have a few questions about the BNP.


Is the BNP a Christian party?
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2008, 05:08:29 AM »
Great - I think here are a few BNP fellows.

I have a few questions about the BNP.


Is the BNP a Christian party?

Most right-wing Euro parties are anti-semetic >:(

Offline Ulli

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2008, 08:55:15 AM »
BNP has no Christian background?

What is their religious believe?  ???
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2008, 08:12:27 AM »
They claim to uphold Christian values yet promote demon gods.I like them but only thrust them as far as a can throw my own body weight!Walking a tight rope!wayne jude! ;)

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2008, 08:16:18 AM »
They claim to uphold Christian values yet promote demon gods.I like them but only thrust them as far as a can throw my own body weight!Walking a tight rope!wayne jude! ;)

The old gods of Germans and Celts are no demons. They were the Gods of our forefathers, and we should respect that. Besides Christianity is full of references to these old cults.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2008, 08:23:26 AM »
Ambi, That sounds a bit heathen.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #24 on: April 04, 2008, 08:25:58 AM »
I have tried to help the lost souls of StørmFrønt back to reality!But come on?your kidding right?wayne jude