Author Topic: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb  (Read 48498 times)

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Offline Kaurin

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/sorry for the wrong spelling - English is not my native tongue/

I have just finished watching this video (Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!), and i was amazed at how much history you guys go through in your research, great job.
However, i did not like the terms you used "drive muslims out" and similar, because it reminds me of the terms that terrorists usually use (muslim or otherwise), but let me first explain some more things.

Serbia got nuked partially because Milosevic was a selfish bastard that could not care less about the consequences of his idiotic actions (pretending that Serbia can kick Nato`s ass so-to-speak). If we had a normal president, he would have asked for help from the European union and Nato against the terrorist (pseudo-Albanian UCK) threat on Kosovo. If Serbia had lobbied like the albanians did, things would have been much different (EU, Nato and the USA maybe would have helped or at least okayed the actions against the terrorists).

When we took actions against the terrorists in Kosovo, Milosevic once again released his dogs of war, killing innocent civilians, burning down villages etc... (not as much CNN would say, but still... ) - in short, he used their methods which is WRONG and SHOULD NEVER BE DONE TO ANYONE NO MATTER WHAT RACE OR RELIGION!!

The parts about Muslims moving in, and other historic facts from history are ok, and true (i liked when you mentioned we saving American airmen, it kinda moved me :) ), and also parts about the middle-ages - ottomans etc... you pointed out how screwed up the region is.

Know this before you read on. Kaurin (my nickname and also my LAST NAME ) here is what it means in turkish:

This last name was sort-of Turkish punishing the disobedient  Serbian families during when they first started documenting the population of Serbia in the late 18th century. My family, ex-Bogunovic, was listed  as "Kaurin" which ment that every Turkish, or Turkish-loyalist would know that our family is troublesome, or should be treated with disrespect. Our name was not given to us just-like-that. We earned it by being troublesome for turks -- but that is another story :) .

So, you would all expect that a guy like me, with my last name would be all-supportive of you guys, and your cause.... well i`ll have to disappoint  you.

I think that you are using methods of verbal intimidation that are often used by the terrorists, and i don`t think that is the right way to fight terrorism, especially if you live in the USA and want support. You are also being over-racistic in addressing the muslims as a whole. You have to realize that this language can not be tolerated in a modern world. if you want more support, you should question your racial and religious stands.

To sum it all up:
I thank you for saying some things that most people don`t know and standing up for Serbia, but i wish it was not used in the way you used it.

I share your hope that terrorists around the world would no longer exist - if that is your hope, i hope :)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2007, 04:46:01 PM by Kaurin »

Offline Heroic_Serb

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2007, 05:33:05 PM »
are u like from sandzak or something? are you even serb? :|
What the Vatican is to the Catholics, The Wailing Wall to the Jews.. Kosovo Is to the Serbs.

Offline Kaurin

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2007, 06:26:44 PM »
Yes I am a serb.

@Heroic serb only

Lepo procitaj, sve ti tu pishe.

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2007, 07:44:10 AM »
in a situation like this, we must fight fire with fire. u cant talk to a moslem about anything.. if his mind is set up to something, he will never give in, and that is what we see in kosovo. They will never leave, Milosevic helped the serbs in kosovo. u are forgetting that. "no one shall lay hands on you again" Is what he said in kosovo. look now. we have cowardly presidents down there now. i bet if they give kosovo away and the "tsar lazar Brigade" go to war, 100% the president there now will stop them.. and the president there now (Boris Tadic) didnt even win the election SRS did (serb radical party) so why are they not having a member of THEIR party sitting on the post? Hoorraaaaay for democrazy huh? and i bet allso if u are old enough to vote u voted for them. its like Chaim says in his videos about the selfhating jews.. YOU Are a selfhating serb. We killed civilians in kosovo. But so did the albanians. so stop protecting them..
What the Vatican is to the Catholics, The Wailing Wall to the Jews.. Kosovo Is to the Serbs.

Offline Dan

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2007, 10:22:13 AM »
You are right ! I was in Serbia during that time 1999-2003... The West promised the Serbs everything in the end they forgot about the Serbs. It's a shame but we must learn a valuable lesson from this.

Offline Kaurin

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2007, 11:50:23 AM »
you did not even read my post did you?

if we had a decent president during the 90s, the situation we have in kosovo now would NOT BE LIKE THIS.

milosevic was a sick bastard that retarded serbia 10 years in science, military and especially finances (because him and his party robbed us blind). Not only that but HE was the one that gave kosovo away... but he HAD to wage war against the entire western civilisation for 72 days and watch his people "die like heroes".

And you ranting about "tsar lasar brigade"

are you insane? what century are you in? there are no more ottomans. and there is this little thing called western civilisation that would just LOVE to see us make another "agression against albanians". It is an excuse so they can wipe us out and claim their piece at kosovo. REMEBER THAT. If we wage another war against anyone, we WILL again be alone, and we WILL again be screwed. We are only lucky that russia supports us now more then ever (because of their problem with chechnya - and its similarity to situation on kosovo, not their brotherly love).

I am not a selfhating serb, I am a serb more then anyone that supports the serbian radical party. they are a bunch of demagogic bastards that want enough time to step into power, claim their piece, and dissapear after they had enough (like milosevic before them). The democrats are just a tad better, but they are at least not suicidal (note - DSS is not DS, DSS is as bad as SRS). Remember that their party leader is in hagues... what kind of a normal country would allow that.... only in serbia such a thing is possible (and only to avoid rioting of the people that support them)

To support SRS means to want anihilation of serbia. SRS again sells to the people what milosevic sold: a propaganda that we serbs love to hear. Words like "heroic serbs" "great serbia" "tsar lasar brigade" and things like that. its too bad that people forget what century we are in.... but then again, the non-educated people are the result of milosevices 10 years of media brainwash.

Dont get me wrong... i also am proud of our history, and our greatest military leaders and minds (putnik, tesla, mihajlo pupin, ivo andric, tsar lazar, st. sava....) but none of the things applied back then are going to work now.


what sort of promises from the western world did we get, except that we will be crushed if we dont let the foreign supervisors on kosovo?

by having that war on kosovo, lots of albanian emmigrants saw the opportunity and moved in in the midst of chaos (at the end of the war, when our troops withdrew). so once again back to heroic_serb: how the hell did THAT help the serbs there?

praise milosevic the defender of serbian people... (that was sarcasm)

Offline Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac)

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2007, 09:39:36 AM »
Ok, who's ignorant? seems like its you. Serbia didn't send Seselj to the Hague, he went voluntarily. To prove to them that they didn't have anything against him. Voilá they don't, he's been sitting there for almost 4 years WITHOUT a trail.

You're forgetting, we're not westerners and we're not easterners, We are Serbs. I don't think that there is another country with our kind of behaviour. While being bombed we throw parties etc.

Stop being proEu and proGlobalization, because that is the end of the Serbia as we know it. That only makes it easier for other countries to control us. Tadic btw is endorsed by Bush wow surprise.

Btw here is Dr. Vojislav Seseljs answer to the fake court in Hague

And giving them a lecture in history

« Last Edit: July 04, 2007, 09:46:53 AM by Serbian Cetnik »

Offline Kaurin

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2007, 10:21:00 AM »
You are making me disect your posts, analyse them, and reply to them.

Before I start, let them all see the biggest trouble serbian people has. Over aggressive emotional people that dwell on past too much - and us, the reasonable Serbian folk that thinks before acting based on pure emotion. Its called being a mature being.

Ok, who's ignorant? seems like its you. Serbia didn't send Seselj to the Hague, he went voluntarily. To prove to them that they didn't have anything against him. Voilá they don't, he's been sitting there for almost 4 years WITHOUT a trail.

First of all, Seselj is a disturbed man. He is an over aggressive primitive that cant make two scentences in a row without swearing. Oh, and he went to hague to avoid what happened to Milosevic, + to look cool + so his party can gain better reputation.

You're forgetting, we're not westerners and we're not easterners, We are Serbs. I don't think that there is another country with our kind of behaviour. While being bombed we throw parties etc.

What does our behaviour have to do with common sense? Are you trying to tell me that we are all mad? Just because we are brave, does not mean that we should also be stupid.

Stop being proEu and proGlobalization, because that is the end of the Serbia as we know it. That only makes it easier for other countries to control us. Tadic btw is endorsed by Bush wow surprise.

I`m pro Serbia`s people living better. Other countries that are more powerfull then ours WILL ALLWAYS influence our nation. That is reality. We are not stronger then the entire world. If people understood that better... bah...

Btw here is Dr. Vojislav Seseljs answer to the fake court in Hague

And giving them a lecture in history

These videos benefit my reply. Not yours.

Offline Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac)

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2007, 10:24:09 AM »
"These videos benefit my reply. Not yours."

It seems that this will go on for ever.

As you see them to benefit your reply, it actually benefits mine. It's all a matter of perspective I guess.

Brate, let us focus on things we can change.

Offline Kaurin

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2007, 11:53:40 AM »
Само Слога Србина Спасава

Only unity saves the Serbs

Everything will be as it will. Both me and you wont change things from their current course.

Offline Heroic_Serb

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2007, 07:34:22 AM »
Why did u delete my last post?

anyway.. Seselj is one of the smartest men alive. he is SUPER intellegent. at the age of 23 he was allready a Dr. (dunno of what) but this guys intellegent is amazing.. take all from the hague and combine it then they would still be -100 of his intellegence..
What the Vatican is to the Catholics, The Wailing Wall to the Jews.. Kosovo Is to the Serbs.

Offline Kaurin

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2007, 07:47:07 AM »
He IS intelligent, its too bad that he is demented as well.

Milosevic and Hitler were super intelligent too.

Offline Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac)

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2007, 07:52:28 AM »
Are you actually comparing Milosevic to Hitler?

Offline Kaurin

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2007, 08:21:42 AM »
Their intellect, and they skill to manipulate the masses.

Its only lucky for us Milosevic was not a fanatic like hitler...

And radovan karadzic... what do you know about him?

He was a grade-A lunatic that milosevic loved from the start. A man that used his charm to get jobs, manipulate people and do as he please - milosevic and him had lot in common ;)

Please take off that ridiculous avatar and signature... karadzic is an embaresment.

Offline Dan

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2007, 10:00:16 AM »
Why don't you put up an appropriate avatar Kaurin?
Something more of what you believe in ...
ex: Carla Del Ponte, Madeline Albright, Bill & Hilary, etc...  all those nice people.
I don't know enough about Karadici but I think that most Serbian people have support for him otherwise he would have been in the Hague a long time ago...

Offline Kaurin

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2007, 11:11:43 AM »

bye bye now

Offline Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac)

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2007, 11:26:59 AM »
Funny thing is you are only attacking them personally.

Dig up some facts and then speak, and you talk about arrogance

Offline Heroic_Serb

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2007, 11:30:53 AM »
ma he is turkish(by that i mean bosnian) 100 % .. no serb with sense would diss those guys.. if it was not for arkan, all the serbs in croatia woulb have bin killed.. if it was not for arkan, karadzic mladic and those guys. all the serbs in bosnia would have bin killed.. and im a serb from bosnia (kind of) so that would mean all my family there would have died.. So im glad they did what they have to do.
What the Vatican is to the Catholics, The Wailing Wall to the Jews.. Kosovo Is to the Serbs.

Offline Kaurin

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2007, 02:06:27 PM »
I am sorry... i think you guys are confused.

I am not the one that does not have any facts behind my words.... its you.

Here you go

If you say "bah.. it`s what the westerners write about him", you find me a good Pro-karadzic bio on the net.

Leave my last name and my heritage alone, I am more of a serb then you will ever be. You do not want me to get personal with you.

I wont be wasting any more time with you or this forum anymore.

So long.

Offline Dan

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #19 on: July 06, 2007, 10:22:11 PM »
Don't worry about Kaurin!
He's NOT a real Serb, if he insults the people who fought to save the Serb people in a time of crisis... He is a faggot, liar and is misinformed or even worse a  Bosnian Muslim.

Offline Kaurin

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2007, 06:51:30 AM »
That was objective

I would like to see you say something like that in my face


That is the language seselj uses... you can tell that you are his supporter. in the lack of arguments, you start insulting ;)

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2007, 09:45:44 AM »
OK, I'm glad you're not insulted!  8)
Stick around, maybe you'll change your perspective if you feel like it...
Don't be hostile to you own, chill


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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2007, 06:01:48 AM »
This is exactly the same kind of [censored] that is going on for centuries.
Serb against a Serb.The western civilization is counting on our disagreement.
I am 27.My first vote was in 2000.When DOS appeared.
I wanted to make some difference and vote for Koštunica.But when I saw all those [censored] who are like supporting him i knew that the Western governments had their hands in this.So I voted for Milosevic.Everybody said to me U R a traitor and blah blah blah.
After a while,when people really saw what were DOS party doing or not doing they were all like no,i didn't vote for DOS.
Anyway from that time I have only voted for Serbian Radical Party and every time SRS won the election and somehow they have lost a government.Because of foreign intervention.I am not saying that SRS is the best party without a glitch but it is the best we got.I have many "friends" that r working in non government agencies and r members of ds dss and ...
I try not to spend much time with them.All those agencies and parties are fully payed by foreign western governments to their dirty work and stop Serbia in growing in to a better country.I do not know Kaurin but because of that people the Serbs are constantly being fu** over and over again for centuries.
No the Albanians just want to let them alone or they are good people.Yeah right.
Of course  U can't say that all people are bad and their nations.But we are being constantly blamed like a nation for some war crimes.
In every war there r some people that they do that.But if we,the Serbs did at least the half of those killings that we are being accused then we wouldn't have a problem with kosovo and Bosnia's Muslims would be extinct.
Like I said in my previous posts,Serbia and Serbian people were never in a conquering wars,only in wars for freedom.What happend with Yugoslavia is that slovenians and later croats wanted to separate from a legit and totally sovereign country.U can't do that.There has to be a referendum at least.And because of some traitorous Serbs the conflict on the Balkan would be just an internal thing,but nooo some idiot stopped the Yugoslavian National Army from entering the capital of Croatia and that is the reason that the situation became so hot that the UN had to interfere.
And to end this marathon post we must be united so that we the Serbs with our friends once again be the damn betwen islam on east and Christianity in Europe.

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2007, 06:49:36 AM »
The party you are voting for is PRO BIG SERBIA, which is not an idea that will be liked in the west.



when the radical party supporters figure that out, things will be much easier.

oh.... and kostunica and DSS are [censored] morons, unlike the radical party... they know exactly what they are doing. just like milosevic knew before he came to power.


vote DS. they are allso far from perfect and corrupt like any other party, but at least they have some dignity and MANNERS unlike the hicks from the radical party.

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Re: About the "Kosovo Belongs To The Heroic Serbs!" video - by a Serb
« Reply #24 on: July 09, 2007, 10:53:32 AM »
 hey there!!! I just got my Serbian citizenship and I am very proud!!! I have Serbian nationality, but I was born and raised in Romania.I was at the Serbian school also from the first year until the end of the high school...Kosovo in Serbian literature and in culture is a very important reference point and taking it from Serbs is a very big lost...but all that is not killing us, makes us stronger! so don`t mess with us!!!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!