Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Serbian parliamentary elections, for and against the EU?
--- Quote from: Moesia Superior on May 02, 2012, 08:07:25 AM ---OK! What is the other option? What solution do you have? We agree about the NATO alliance, and how and why to avoid the EU?
Greetings from Slobodan
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EU just exploit our country,blackmail us , for moral laws in EU I dont need to talk about that specially. There is a whole world out there for us, EU destroyed our firms and soon serbia will be export market for EU nothing more !!! Russia, China, Brasil,Israel .... specially Russia and Israel if you ask me . First we must ti bye some modern and superior weapon for defense like s-300. Serbia now imported agricultural products can you imagine that!!??
Greetings from Slobodan to.
Moesia Superior:
Dear namesake, the moral law in politics does not exist! Matter of fact, in politics there is only one law, the law of interest! West is trying to satisfy appetites of Islamists over our backs! It is rotten politics of American liberals and European cowards! If we remain outside the EU, and we lose the an influence that we have in Kosovo! S 300 does not solve the problem!
Cooperation with the BRIC states and Israel, is a priority par Excellence , but we are surrounded with countries that are EU members, and unfortunately we do not have access to the sea! Budgetary we are facing bankruptcy, the economic recession, unemployment and corruption is destroying society, morally, we have fallen! Not at all optimistic situation, is not it!
First things first! Economic recovery is imperative, then the moral and religious healing, restoring faith in themselves, are the most important tasks that awaiting Serbia! Trust me! A S 300 will be easy to obtain!
Israel is surrounded with Islamic countries!
Moesia Superior:
--- Quote from: crnitrn on May 03, 2012, 02:36:39 PM ---Israel is surrounded with Islamic countries!
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Exactly! But there is open access to the Mediterranean, which means unrestricted approach of ships and planes! And what would happen to Israel, it is surrounded on all sides by land, and with hostile countries! Mediterranean ports have created a Israel, do not forget it!
EU is our ENEMY!!! don't you see???
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