Author Topic: Ratko Mladic and Serbia on Put Trial - Yet Muslim War Crimes Are Ignored  (Read 7923 times)

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Offline Spiraling Leopard

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The false trial of Ratko Mladic continues in the Hague this week, The Hypocritical Left Wing Media in the West are in a frenzy to find the worst nicknames they can to label him with, The upper class, pampered and dishonourable Western Judges of the Hague show their lack of decorum as they refuse to show the utmost respect a decorated General such as Ratko Mladic deserves.

The traitors of the Serbian Government turned on a hero of their country and went against the wishes of the Serbian people, in the hope of gaining membership of the EU.

Mladic was shaped by the war when his father was killed by Croatian Nazis when he was just two years old. In 1965 he graduated from a military academy and over the following three decades he rose rapidly through the ranks of the Yugoslav army. By the time he took Bosnia's battlefields he had become a hero to the Serbs, To the Serbs, Mladic is a hero, a military hero. He protected Serbia from Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and even Slovenia. Mladic helped Serbia rise again.

In May 1992, Bosnia's Serbian political leaders picked him to head their forces and lead the assault on their enemies. Bosnia's Muslim leaders demanded Muslim independence and imported Mujahideen into Europe to fulfill their goals, while the Serbs simply wanted to remain part of Yugoslavia.The Islamic stealth jihad had started and time and time again we see Muslims applying the same tactic in Europe, conquering by population transfers and by extreme violence against the host countries.

Ratko Mladic based his ethics on hard work and his upbringing was tough, in the harsh mountain fields of Bozanovici, much of his life was spent on the front line in the thick of battle. Those in the Hague who falsely deem themselves worthy to try this man are the pampered, upper class of Europe, they have never known pain, hardship, hard work or toil in their lives. Ratko Mladic knows this more than anyone, He openly mocks them in court and refuses to stand for their dishonourable views an rubs their face in the fact that they have no authority over him and they never will, I personally applaud that!

A farewell to Serbian Hero Ratko Mladic:


In the West, the popular mythology that about 7,000-8,000 Muslim men being executed in Srebrenica in 1995 is still alive and well, but independent research and ballistic tests show that over 2,000 Bosnian Muslim fighters were killed in battle for Srebrenica and that is the number of bodies Hague investigators were able to find.

The number of Muslims who lost their lives in Srebrenica has been highly manipulated. The media manipulations still reign in the West, claiming that after the town fell to Serbian hands some 7,000 to 8,000 of Muslim fighters and male civilians were killed. However, the researchers around the world have shown this bears no relation to the truth.

The facts are showing that neither civilian nor military leadership of Republic of Srpska (Serb Republic in Bosnia-Herzegovina) ever ordered execution of the Muslim fighters and POWs.

2,000 is approximately the number of bodies Hague investigators were able to find up to this day. To that number the Muslim side added several hundred Muslim fighters, most of whom came from the Arab world or the Pakistan region, they were killed in battle a few years before the fall of Srebrenica, this is even evidenced even by the Muslim documents captured by the Bosnian Serb Army.

Naser Oric

Left: Serbs who lived around Srebrenica beheaded by Oric's Barbaric Muslims Forces Right: Naser Oric
In 1993, Srebrenica was surrounded by Serbian Forces but the Muslim Commander, Naser Oric and his soldiers controlled the situation inside the town. January the 7th is Christmas for the Serbian Orthodox Church, on that day in 1993, Naser Oric and his Muslim troops launched a mass attack on Serbian Villages in the region.

One of the villages attacked by Naser Oric was a village called Kravica, around 15km from Srebrenica, The Serbian soldiers could not hold the village and were ordered to retreat. Oric commited a massacre when Kravica was liberated; two of the Serbian soldiers, one a former Kravica resident, and some of those who entered the liberated village, gave their accounts:

“There was a heavy stench of burnt flesh coming from the village, I found the body of my father 100 metres from my house, he had been repeatedly stabbed in the gut, disemboweled and crows had pecked out his face and eyes.”

“The dead were everywhere, in doorways, in the streets, the stench of death was unbearable. Some of the Serbian women who were spared were frozen in shock and unable to communicate, after they had been repeatedly raped and beaten by Muslim troops.”

The number of (Non-Muslim) Serb villages Naser Oric attacked is believed to number over 100, The names of 3262 Serbian Civilian Casualties have now been established with 50 bodies still missing. Post mortem tests report that a huge percentage of (Non Muslim) Serbian Civilians were brutally tortured before they were murdered. In 2006, Naser Oric was sentenced to a pathetic 2 years in prison by The Trial Chamber of the ICTY of the Hague. Why are murderous Muslims who invaded Serbia being given such lenient sentences? We are seeing such patterns happening now all over Europe. How far will we let this continue?

Prosecutors asked for an 18-year jail-term for Oric, But he was immediately released however, because he had already served three years in detention.

Naser Oric got a light sentence from the Muslim appeasing cowards at The Hague, and he returned home a hero to the Bosnian Muslims, while Serbs voiced their outrage at the light sentence handed down to him by the United Nations' Hague war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The United Nations has become a rotten and shameful organization.

The verdict from the Hague was sickening, a punch in the face of justice, a 2 year prison sentence is suitable for somebody who has stolen from a supermarket, but not an evil and savage war criminal such as Oric. The Hague and its vermin IslamoNazi appeasers have shown their corruption towards Serbia once again!

Muslim Jihadists burn and destroy a Serbian Orthodox Church:

How the war started

After all the battering suffered by Yugoslavia during the Second World War, Yugoslavia picked itself up and on 7 April 1963, the nation changed its official name to Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, with Josip Broz Tito named President for Life.

 Around 1970-1971, there started certain demonstrations nicknamed "The (Muslim) Croatian spring" by students demanding greater Croatian (Muslim) autonomy. The Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany split the country apart and endorsed an extreme Croatian Nationalist faction called Ustase which committed genocide against Serbs. Then the Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) joined this faction and the genocide against the Serbs, while the Serbs decided to retaliate and afford them the same courtesy.

After Tito's death in 1980 a collective Presidency was formed and further disagreements ensued. Moving forwards a few more years, on March 18, 1992, Alija Izetbegovic (Bosnian-Muslim leader), Mate Boban (Bosnian-Croat leader), and Radovan Karadzic (Bosnian-Serb Leader) all reached an agreement on the peaceful succession of Bosnia & Herzegovina from Yugoslavia.
The Agreement was known as the Lisbon Agreement (it is also known as the Cutileiro Plan). The agreement called for an independent Bosnia divided into three constituent and geographically separate parts, each of which would be autonomous. Izetbegovic, Boban, and Karadzic all agreed to the plan, and signed the agreement.
The political scenario for a peaceful coexistence was set, which comprised of internal and external borders. Also administrative functions of the central and autonomous governments had all been agreed upon.
However, on March 28, 1992, ten days after the agreement was reached, U.S. Embassador Warren Zimmerman showed up in Sarajevo and met with the Bosnian-Muslim leader, Alija Izetbegovic. Upon finding that Izetbegovic was having second thoughts about the agreement he had signed in Lisbon, the Ambassador suggested that if he withdrew his signature, the United States would grant recognition to (Muslim) Bosnia as an independent state. Izetbegovic then withdrew his signature and renounced the agreement.
After Izetbegovic reneged on the Lisbon Agreement, he called a referendum on separation. This was constitutionally illegal. On the second day of the referendum there was a Muslim-led attack on a Serb wedding. But the real trigger was Izetbegovic announcing a full mobilization on April 4, 1992. He could not legally do that without Serb & Croat consent, but he did it anyway. That night Sarajevo did not sleep, the terror reigned amongst it and the devil was unleashed. The war was on.
The United States armed the Muslims in Bosnia. But, after many thousands of deaths and massive destruction throughout Bosnia, the Muslims were afforded by the terms of the Dayton Accords, less territory than they had been guaranteed by the Lisbon Agreement, which the United States urged the Muslim leader to reject.
The blame for all of the death and destruction associated with the Bosnian war lies exclusively with the Muslim leader Alija Izetbegovic for starting the war, and with the U.S. President for sending that idiot Zimmerman to Bosnia in the first place.

Offline serbian army

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Ratko defended his people against Al Qaeda. This Iranian cut off head of Serb civilian in Bosnia and is proud of it:

This is so called Bosnian army:

Muslim president with mujaheddin fighters....probably discussing how many Serb civilians they have cut in pieces that day. They mainly come from Arab countries as well as Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Pride of so called Bosnian army Abu Hamza and Ajman Kavadi. No trial for them?

for this:

Serbian civilians..

So called Bosnian Army in city of Zenica.
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline Rubystars

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It's a shame that 7000-8000 Muslims weren't executed

Offline Painter

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Bosnian muslims during WW2 had 2 waffen ss divisions with 20,000 members. After the war their crimes were covered up, censored and ignored. This is the sad story again today, with the world ignoring Muslim war crimes.

Offline maelgwyn

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Hes a great man ! :'(

Offline serbian army

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Bosnian muslims during WW2 had 2 waffen ss divisions with 20,000 members. After the war their crimes were covered up, censored and ignored. This is the sad story again today, with the world ignoring Muslim war crimes.
Very true but here is another thing, so called first president of Bosnia and muslim pig Alija was member of that division which greatly contributed to murdering over 500,000 Serbs and Jews in Bosnia!!!!!

The Bosnian Muslim Nazi SS Division Handzar, above in 1943, was made up of 18,000 Bosnian Muslims and 300 Albanian Muslims. Bosnian Muslims were not Nazi and fascist “collaborators”, but Nazis themselves.

 Must see video:

Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline maelgwyn

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NO!  Muzzie  war crime trials ,  because  of  Arab OIL ! >:( >:(