Author Topic: Yitzhak Shamir, Israeli PM Was Hero, Said “Anti-Semitism is Poles’ Mother milk.  (Read 1059 times)

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July 2, 2012,
Yitzhak Shamir, Z”L*: Israeli PM Was Hero, Said “Anti-Semitism is Poles’ Mother’s Milk” – Family Murdered by Poles
Debbie Schlussel

It’s ironic–or perhaps fitting–that on the same day that US-backed Egyptian Muslim madman, Mohammed Morsi, was sworn in as President of Egypt and swore fealty to the Palestinians, former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir passed away. Perhaps G-d wanted to spare him another day on this haywire earth in which a righteous Western democratic ally, Israel, is now the enemy, and the former ally–America–helped usher in extremist enemies on all sides. Or perhaps G-d let him live to see the day when the Camp David Peace Accords were officially over after roughly 33 years. Shamir, perhaps Israel’s toughest and wisest leader, was opposed to any land for peace deals with Muslims, and he refused to give an inch on “settlements.” And he took these smart positions despite extreme pressure from the George H.W. Bush administration, in which Secretary of State James Baker famously said about Israel, “F–k the Jews!” and deliberately used a hunting analogy, since he knows Jews don’t hunt. (He’s now a top Romney adviser.) And this was after–against his own principles–he abided by the Bush request not to respond to Saddam Hussein’s scud missile bombings of Israel during the first Gulf War. Shamir’s refusal to budge to Bush and Baker led to one of Israel’s most peaceful and secure times–during both of his terms of office as Prime Minister in 1983-84 and 1986-92. There were no kidnappings and massive terrorist trades for their release. There were few bombs and attacks on Israelis. He was a strong subscriber to the peace through strength school of thought backed up throughout history. Despite being barely five feet tall, Yitzhak Shamir (his first name is pronounced, “Yitzchak”) had the biggest balls of any Israeli leader. Sadly, they don’t make Israeli leaders like this gutsy, great man anymore. He was courageous, a proud Jew, and stuck to his principles. He never gave in to the enemies of the Jewish people and Israel for political expedience. And he never allowed a “Palestinian State” in the West Bank or Gaza, which was the smartest thing he ever did, especially given the nature of the opposite result–welfare state terrorist bases of attack against Israel on both Eastern and Western fronts–today.

Yitzhak Shamir: Blessed Be the Memory of Brave Jewish Hero, Former Israeli PM

Despite the ill-advised behavior of Israeli leaders before and after him, he never negotiated land for the fantasy of peace with Muslims and Arabs, and he never trusted the Arab Muslim regimes. And, as I noted, his was among the few periods of real peace for Israel. And he wasn’t just a deft and principled leader. He was also a war hero and fighter for the Jewish people and the State of Israel from the very beginning. Born Icchak Jeziernicky, he grew up in Poland and left his law studies at Warsaw University to go to then-Palestine in 1935. After the Arabs rioted against Jews (and killed many of them) in 1936–and the British did nothing to stop it–he joined the Irgun to help protect Jews. He later became a commander of Lechi (also spelled, “Lehi”)–an Irgun offshoot, fighting the British attacks on Jews and British support of Arab terrorists and pogroms against Jews. He helped cause the British to leave and allow Israel to become a State. He also was active in the Mossad for more than a decade and was in charge of the assassination of former Third Reich Nazis who were actively working for Egypt’s missile program, developing poisonous missiles filled with disease, to kill Israeli Jews. He also put spies in enemy nations. This was a real cool guy and a genuine hero. A close friend of Menachem Begin, he began his political career as an elected Member of Knesset (Israel’s parliament) as a member of the Herut (also spelled, “Cherut”) party, of which my own family (my father and my maternal grandfather) were big supporters from over here in America. After serving as Speaker of the Knesset and Israeli Foreign Minister, he ultimately became Prime Minister-as part of the Likud coalition–when Begin retired. He did not vote for the Camp David Peace Accords, and he lived just long enough to see that he was right.

While Shamir was Prime Minister and Bush was President, then-AIPAC chief Thomas Dine sleazily drafted a letter against Shamir that he got U.S. Senator Carl Levin and other left-wing Democrat enemies of Israel to sign and send to President Bush, calling on the President to pressure Shamir to stop the settlements. Shamir ignored them and the letter. But the point here is that AIPAC routinely goes against Israel and shouldn’t be embraced as “the pro-Israel lobby.” It’s simply the lobby of rich left-wing Democrat Jews In Name Only who think they know better what’s best for Israel than Israel does.

Given the month-long cyberpogrom I’ve just had against me by anti-Semitic Poles who claim that Poles didn’t murder Jews during the Holocaust, it’s important to note Shamir’s own family experience as a Jewish Pole who lost his family during the Holocaust. His experience backs up what I wrote and that which is well-documented about Polish complicity in the Holocaust. Shamir was clear that Polish anti-Semites–not just the Nazis–murdered much of his family and stated that anti-Semitism is the mother’s milk of the Poles. While normally quiet about his personal life and family history, in 1989 he made a point to tell the world about Polish anti-Semitism that fueled much of the killing of Jews–including those in his immediate family–during the Holocaust.

While reading out loud the names of his family members killed by the Nazis, Shamir disclosed that his father was killed by Polish childhood friends in his own village, after he succeeded in escaping from a German death train.

“My father, Shlomo Ysernitzky, who escaped before the train left for a death camp and while seeking shelter among friends in the village where he grew up, they, his friends from childhood, killed him,” Shamir said in a trembling voice.

Shamir revealed this on Holocaust Remembrance Day last week, while participating in a daylong public reading of names of Holocaust victims at the Knesset.


Shamir never forgot the tragic circumstances of the death of his father who was murdered during the Holocaust by Polish farmers, friends of his youth, when he came to them seeking sanctuary after he escaped from a death train.

Yitzhak’s sister, her husband and their children were also murdered by a Polish forest guard that previously worked for them, and in whose home they tried to hide. Their tragic fate continued to haunt Shamir throughout his life; he later commented that “Poles imbibe anti-Semitism together with their mother’s milk.”

When I was a kid, my father used to read to me from the wonderful book, “And It Came To Pass: Legends And Stories About King David And King Solomon,” a book of Biblical lore by famous Jewish writer Hayyim Nahman Bialik (also spelled, “Chaim Nachman Bialik”). In a story about the building of the Jewish Temple of Jerusalem, it describes the “shamir,” a rare, legendary caterpillar-like worm that could cut through stone and was used to cut the stone in the building of the Temple because G-d didn’t want metal implements to be used for this task. Yitzhak Shamir specifically chose the shamir as his last name. He was tough like the shamir used in the building of the Temple. And he easily cut through the BS facing Israel and the Jewish people.

If only he were running Israel today, things would be a lot different.

Yitzhak Shamir, *Zichrono LiVrachah [Blessed Be His Memory].

Posted in Blog Posts 46 Comments » 46 Responses


P. Aaron on July 2, 2012 at 7:13 am


Debbie – I would like to thank you very much for this. Nothing I have read since his death matches what you have here.

I still remember the battle over the loan guarantees when the first President Bush made a speech including the infamous “I am one little man” (up against the supposedly powerful AIPAC – In reality AIPAC is worthless, they have never one a single contested vote and some of their positions suck).

Bush went on to lose his re-election, and to this day I remember when Baker realized Bush would have to try a “hail Mary” to win Baker had Bush “apologize” for the “one little man” remark.

Shamir’s major mistake was (As Debbie mentioned) not retaliating for the scud attacks.

I_AM_ME on July 2, 2012 at 7:49 am


Yitzhak Shamir, RIP!

Infidel on July 2, 2012 at 9:38 am


Shamir never forgot the tragic circumstances of the death of his father who was murdered during the Holocaust by Polish farmers, friends of his youth, when he came to them seeking sanctuary after he escaped from a death train.

Yitzhak’s sister, her husband and their children were also murdered by a Polish forest guard that previously worked for them, and in whose home they tried to hide. Their tragic fate continued to haunt Shamir throughout his life; he later commented that “Poles imbibe anti-Semitism together with their mother’s milk.”

This needs to be drummed into the head of all Polish apologists the next time they troll here claiming that they had no hand in the holocaust

Infidel on July 2, 2012 at 9:49 am


Debbie was right what she wrote about Polish anti-Semitism. Shamir never forgot how they betrayed his family. He was always a proud Jew first. People didn’t completely understand his policies when he served as Prime Minister but I admired him for it. Israel’s biggest mistake was to vote him out of office in the 1990s. I believe Israel would been spared much trauma and the bloodshed that followed had he remained Prime Minister.

No good will come out of giving away Jewish land to the Arabs. There will never be peace with them. And one day the Jewish people will realize they have to stand up for themselves! No one is going to do it for them. He may have been a small man in size but he was a great man in his heart and in his courage.

The greatest of men make mistakes – Reagan did and so did Shamir. That doesn’t take anything away from him – it only adds to posterity’s regard of him. History will look upon him kindly.

NormanF on July 2, 2012 at 12:23 pm


Debbie – This was a fitting tribute to a great man. However, while the current political landsacape in Israel may be filled with careerists and people who bow to Obama, there are changes taking place in the demographics and mood of the Israeli people, all for the better.

There is also a politician, Moshe Feiglin, who heads up the Jewish Leadership faction of the Likud party, who is every bit as ideological and pro-Jewish as was Shamir, in addition to being a man who fears only God, not man. I encourage people top learn more at his site:

Phil on July 2, 2012 at 9:51 am


Sorry Phil, I disagree. If Feiglin were the man he’s got everyone convinced he is, he’s have split from Likud and not depended on BB to determine his political future. I don’t feel like explaining our electoral system but I will say this. It is impossible to vote Feiglin into a leadership position in Likud or the government at this point. Our system is not like the US. He is finished in Likud and he has to start a new party or bow out. BB determines the party list and I don’t know if you were here in 2009 but what he did to Feiglin was pathetic and criminal. Feiglin may have principles but he doesn’t have the belly for politics, particularly Israeli politics.

Italkit on July 2, 2012 at 12:07 pm


Debbie is right is Feiglin will never become Prime Minister. Changing a system though takes a long time and a lot of hard work. Just cuz you don’t win makes it even more important! To inspire people, to change policies and to take Israel in a new direction. I think that kind of selfless service is its own reward. It takes nothing away from him – he and I come from the same generation. Oslo was a disaster for Israel and I would like very much to to turn the ship that is Israel around. I have perfect faith it will happen and nothing that the small men who run Israel today can do will stop it.

NormanF on July 2, 2012 at 12:41 pm


Thank you Debbie.

Arn on July 2, 2012 at 10:08 am


Shamir had a core set of beliefs grounded in reality and, unlike his successors, he had a spine made of something stronger than putty. No one takes Israel’s “red lines” seriously these days. Even “Bulldozer” Sharon, after submitting his 14 reservations to George W who proceeded to ignore them, caved to the seriously flawed “Road Map”.

Israel back in those pre-appeasement days was also safe enough that Shamir could walk his neighborhood with just one bodyguard. (When you convey a “don’t mess with us” attitude, folks rarely mess with you.) He also carried on the ascetic tradition of Ben Gurion (and Begin and Meir), never aspiring to riches or the good life. Ehud Barak is a multi-millionaire, while Peres also lives rather well. (Peres’ son managed to get the exclusive distributorship to Apple products in Israel so he’s doing even better.)

Raymond in DC on July 2, 2012 at 11:23 am


Miss Schlussel, Et Alia:

What have you got against Poles?

Don’t you realize that we need Poles all along our highways and railroad tracks to hold all those power lines, telephone lines, and telegraph lines?

And all those lines are needed because there’s so many Poles that they have to queue up.

Poles are also necessary for holding street lights and billboards advertising Polish sausage and furniture Polish.

I reckon if someone is Polish, they probably shine.

Okay, given half a chance, I love to TRY to make a joke!

But, in all seriousness, from everything I’ve read, the Poles and Ukrainians hated the Jews even more than the Germans did.

I never have figured out why.

As much as I admire Jews, I don’t believe they were entirely innocent, for no group of people ever is.

As a member of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints, I realize that even the early Mormon pioneers were hated and persecuted, and much of it was provoked by the attitudes of some of the Mormons towards their neighbors.

Oh, by the way, in the wee hours of this morning, I found (and ordered!) from the AMAZON web site, the “SOUL OF ISRAEL” album on compact disc, performed by the 101 Strings orchestra.

I heard it many, many years ago, and now I’m FINALLY going to have my own copy, and hear that music once again!

It’s a rare item, and unusually EXPENSIVE for a compact disc, so you better get yours while you still can.

Thank you.

John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507

John Robert Mallernee on July 2, 2012 at 11:40 am


Oh, I just remembered something else – - – ,

In the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, the Jews were on their own, for the Poles would not help them.

Later, when Warsaw revolted, there was no one to help the Poles.

IF ONLY the Poles and Jews had been united and coordinated, they might have been successful at driving out the German occupation forces.

John Robert Mallernee on July 2, 2012 at 11:43 am


Dear John Robert Mallernee,

At the very beginning,
Firstly – Yes! I am Polish.
Secondly – I am not going to try to convince you that you are wrong about almost everything. I am fully aware trying to explain anything to you is like banging head against the wall with the very same effect (I mean headache).

I would like to give you some simple questions to consider in this noble group of yours.

1. John Robert Mallernee wrote:” In the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, the Jews were on their own, for the Poles would not help them.”

- What do you think, how Jews got weapons and ammo to start uprising?
- Was it American Jews who dropped it in the middle of Warsaw?
- Who supplied them in food in the walled Ghetto during before and uprising?

2. John Robert Mallernee wrote: “IF ONLY the Poles and Jews had been united and coordinated, they might have been successful at driving out the German occupation forces”.

- Do you have slightly idea what kind of power represented back then Hitler’s German Army?
- To help, let me recall you only one episode – winter 1944/45 Ardennes Offensive. How severe beating got the best units of American and British Army (thanks be to God that Germans run out of gas) and now think again about bunch of very brave and having nothing to lose Jew and Polish partisans (praise them all), poorly equipped and outnumbered.

3. Debbie Schlussel wrote: “Shamir never forgot the tragic circumstances of the death of his father who was murdered during the Holocaust by Polish farmers…”

- How the hell could he remember anything if he was not there?! He was imprisoned by British authorities then because he had detonated a bomb in the building which killed 90 British citizens in Palestine (now you know how Arabs had learned their lesson about terrorist attacks to save homeland).
- Village Wolkowiska where allegedly Shamir’s father was killed, after 17.09.1939, was annexed to Soviet Russia and governed by the Ukrainian Communists (who loved only vodka more than hunting for Jews).

I do not mention all those abusive jokes of yours because fact that comedian has to explain to the audience that he has just said a joke is enough humiliating for author.

I would be very honoured if Debbie did not delete my post (you have to admit it sticks straight to the topic) and you would be able to answer these questions.

Ala_ma_kota_01 on July 2, 2012 at 2:50 pm


Ala Ma Kota:

Thank you for noticing and responding to my comments.

I’m an amateur singer/songwriter, not a comedian, so being able to create jokes is rather unusual for me.

Since I’m not Jewish, I reckon I was born without that stereotypical genetic predisposition.

Maybe I accidentally acquired that ability as a sort of compensation for the painful infirmities of old age.

Have you ever seen the movie, “THE SOVIET STORY”?

I highly recommend it.

It’s a documentary of the many years of deliberate collaboration between Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin, as both sought to exterminate millions of their own people.

I know about the Irgun and I visited the King David Hotel when I was in Jerusalem, in addition to visiting the Haganah Museum in Tel Avi, and of course, Yad Vashem, where I was very impressed by how the Jews have honored the “Righteous of the Nations”, those numerous gentiles who helped save Jewish lives.

Yes, there were Poles who assisted the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto.

But, when the uprising began, those young Jews, who were also forced by circumstances to violently rebel against the ghetto’s Elders, only had (I think) a couple of pistols to start out with, and using those to ambush German soldiers, were able to acquire additional, more effectively lethal weapons.

During the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, no Poles ever assisted the besieged Jews by simultaneously attacking German forces from outside the ghetto.

As I understand it, only three Jews escaped alive from the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, to join partisan guerillas in the forests.

When the City of Warsaw eventually revolted, the Jews in the ghetto had already been exterminated, so there could be no help from that quarter, and thus, the entire city was destroyed by the Germans.

Have you ever toured the land of Israel?

If you ever get the opportunity, I urge you to take advantage of it.

My trip to Israel was one of the most inspiring events in my life, made even more unusual by the fact that I mistakenly stayed in Tel Aviv instead of Jerusalem, thus becoming the ONLY Christian on three Jewish guided tours!

The Jews on those tours were VERY tolerant of my ignorance (and probably highly amused!), while being extremely helpful and informative.

It was grrrrrr-REAT fun!

Israel really is a combination of the Bible – - – and Hollywood!

Thank you.

John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507

John Robert Mallernee on July 2, 2012 at 7:55 pm


When I heard about his death yesterday morning I knew I wanted to know more about him because he was described as a “hardliner”. I knew then that he was the type of leader Israel so needs but doesn’t have. This column filled in all the lines for me.

And “Righteous” is the right word. I believe it is why I never looked badly on Israel even when I hardly knew anything about the conflict…just that it was contentious. You cannot be righteous and NOT support Israel. You just cannot be!

More people need to be like this mensch. I will enjoy educating myself about him because he sounds like Israel’s Reagan…even better!

Skunky on July 2, 2012 at 11:47 am


“‘My father, Shlomo Ysernitzky, who escaped before the train left for a death camp and while seeking shelter among friends in the village where he grew up, they, his friends from childhood, killed him,’ Shamir said in a trembling voice.”

I have no words.

Escovado on July 2, 2012 at 11:49 am


It was very hard for him – I an sure to hear of his father and his sister murdered by the Poles who sheltered them.

And people say Debbie Schlussel should apologize for telling the truth about Polish collaboration in carrying out the Holocaust? Dream on!

Facts are stubborn things and the truth is the people Jews needed and trusted most turned on them! We don’t need the historical record whitewashed. As long as the rest of us remember for those who were senselessly murdered, those who seek to revise history to cover up their crimes have no chance of ensuring they will be forgotten.

Shamir had that sense of duty and like him we must assume it for the sake of all those who perished and for the good name and honor of our ancestors!

NormanF on July 2, 2012 at 12:30 pm


Debbie, 500% true! I’m a Jew from Poland, the child of Holocaust survivors. I remember this hate well. At the time when Poland is recognized as “democratic”, and when Polish PM Tusk denies existence of anti-Semitism even when BBC Panorama shows heavy proofs, when U.S. sees Poland as “ally” – this is important that honest and brave persons as you are dare tell the truth about Polish anti-Semitism and racism. Be blessed, Debbie and keep this work! In entire Europe anti-Semitism is again in the same shape as it was just before WWII… And in Poland this is specific – because of the Catholic Church dirty role. In Poland the number of Muslims is very low, so anti-Semitism is their own, Polish… I’m afraid that once more these signs could be overlooked. Truly democratic world must awake, before will be too late!

Miriam on July 2, 2012 at 11:57 am


When I hear about someone like Shamir passing I’m reminded of our current “leaders” in Washington. From our arrogant, lying haftwit President our droopy lookalike Senate Majority Leader to his spineless double talking counterpart. And for the cherry on top of this crap sundae we have Nancy Pelosi. Not only is this archane harpy from a safe district in San Fransissico she has got to be one of the dumbest people ever to stink up the halls of Congress let alone become Speaker of the House. She makes both Joe(insert gaffe here)Biden and Maxine(TEA Party go to Hell)Waters look like brainiacs. People like him and Ronald Reagan only come once in a lifetime and may he rest in peace.

Ken b on July 2, 2012 at 12:12 pm


Right on Ken B! That someone so retarded and stammering as the brain-box Pelosi can gain as much power as she did is an outrage. Republicans better get it together and grow a backbone and some balls.

When you have a total-wit like Pelosi, you can easily resort to exposing her by fearlessly using FACTS (and they still are not doing it). Too many Republicans/Conservatives wanna play nice when the Liberals play dirty and hard…and for keeps. Did y’all notice that after the Supreme Court vote the stuttering sheep line was “Baaaaaaaa. It’s time to move on. No need debating this anymore”. That is a CLASSIC Liberal tactic. If the Conservative and CONSTITUTIONAL point of view prevailed there would be NO “moving on” and the screaming and gnashing of teeth would just have gotten started.

Wake up Republicans. The Dems bend the rules and crack the whip and the wimps are the GOPers. It’s disgusting.

Oh, and I hope y’all are noticing the DUMB idiots on our side trying to convince themselves that what Coward Roberts did was keenly give a death punch to Obama-Puin! HAAAAAAAAA! What a bunch of dummies. I am really keyed into how DUMB and lemming-like some Republicans and Conservatives are today and they mimic dummies like Sean Vannity (who said last week he was ALWAYS against the “Arab Spring”!) and any other talk-radio idiot.

Last week I heard both Andy Dean and David Webb softball 2 dumb Liberal kool-aid drinkers in regard to the Supreme Court verdict. We have have the TRUTH on our side and those two don’t disarm the liars and act like it’s just fun and games. I stopped listening to both because I won’t waste my time with idiots who think I am more dumb than they are. At this point every good Conservative should be fighting back like a steel-cage match because soon we will NOT have the right to speak our minds freely.

We are in trouble and need someone like the dear departed YS. We are not even close. And now it is clear that Roberts switched his vote and shenanigans happened. Those of us who know about the Chicago thug way are NOT shocked and that is why we did NOT fall for the canny Roberts crap!

Skunky on July 2, 2012 at 1:10 pm


My father of blessed memory bore the same name Yitzhak! In Hebrew, its means “Issac.”

Shamir got a few things wrong but he mostly got everything right. He stood up to the British when Israel’s Left turned their fellow Jews into them. Later in life, he worked for the Mossad to strengthen Israel’s security.

In public life, he believed to the end the entire Land Of Israel belongs to the Jewish people. He never gave ground on principle.

It will be a long time before Israel has a leader of his stature. His passing reminds us our greatest recognition from others comes from being true to ourselves and Shamir was one of those rare men who talked little and and chose instead to serve their country!

He will be sadly missed and his memory will always be for an eternal blessing – and let his repute grow in Israel.

NormanF on July 2, 2012 at 12:14 pm


Sad but true. We no longer have any true leaders.

People in charge have chosen expediency over resolve. Reason suffers.

As someone who bears the Hebrew name of Isaak – named after my paternal grandfather (Z”L), I wish all the best for Mr Shamir in the Other Side.

The Reverend Jacques on July 2, 2012 at 12:21 pm


Indeed: excellent article on the man and the history. Thanks, Debbie.

DS_ROCKS! on July 2, 2012 at 12:30 pm


At least Baker seemed to have some pro Israel leanings (from wikipedia):

Baker blocked the creation of Palestine by threatening to cut funding to agencies in the United Nations: As far back as 1988, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) issued a “declaration of statehood” and changed the name of its observer delegation to the United Nations from the PLO to Palestine.

Secretary of State James Baker warned publicly, “I will recommend to the President that the United States make no further contributions, voluntary or assessed, to any international organization which makes any changes in the PLO’s status as an observer organization.”

Dr Dale on July 2, 2012 at 12:50 pm


Israel and the US need more leaders like Shamir. But look who we’re stuck with (both sides).

Concerned Citizen on July 2, 2012 at 12:52 pm


baruch dayan haemet

Robert Lefowitz on July 2, 2012 at 4:07 pm


Terrific article, not much for me to say, basically just about everybody who commented here prior to me said what I was going to say. In any event, let us see if the very same Polskacyzkski trolls are going to come over here on this thread and try to convince and sway us all and DS by saying that the late Mr. Shamir is wrong, etc. just like a month ago where about half of Poland did their pathetic and repugunant 24/7, round the clock hate-fest campaign against Debbie for lord knows what!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on July 2, 2012 at 4:24 pm


Dear Sean,

With all respect for Him but in this case Mr Shamir was wrong.
There are several questions (just below Mr John Robert Mallernee’s topic). I would be honoured to see your answers, of course if you would be willing to answer.

Ala_ma_kota_01 on July 2, 2012 at 4:40 pm


wow. great article, schlussel. a fasinating man but also sad in that we just don’t have men like this as leaders anywhere.

kirche on July 2, 2012 at 5:21 pm


Yessir, sure is a challenge to try to refute Dr. Dale and the Romneyites, but I’ll try anyway.

First, the Wikopedia citation is from a secondary source, believe it or not from ol’ Mr. Bolton, another Romney advisor. To use an expression that has become overworked in the last few days, duuuuuhhh.

And if he actually did make the threat, it was in 1991. What was going on in 1991? l Duuuh, ol’ Mr. Bush was running for re-election, and didn’t want too much of the Jewish vote to go to Bill Clinton. But it did, and Bush lost.

And threats aren’t actuality. How many times have politicians said the military threat against Iran is on the table? The table is sinking from all the dead weight.

So before you try to exonerate these anti-semites, think, both about what you are saying and who you are supporting.

Little Al on July 2, 2012 at 5:47 pm


You lying, dumb FRAUD. You never supported DS. YOU’RE THE LIAR.

Why did you lie? You clearly hate her. You stated Shamir was a terrorist. You’d NEVER say that IF you has supported DS in the past.

You’re a lying Mooooooooslim. Come clean. We know it. And you are angry because we know that it’s YOU who is the terrorist. You’ve been sussed you RETARD!

Skunky on July 2, 2012 at 5:51 pm


I’ll BET davey used to be a supporter! Talk about lying.

Dawud, dear, imagine a world without Islam!

skzion on July 2, 2012 at 5:58 pm


Looks like Skunky got there before me.

skzion on July 2, 2012 at 6:03 pm


OT, but important — <a href=""Anti-Jewish crime wave rocks the big apple…

Where is the national media?

[tumble weeds blowing across field]
[wind chimes gently blowing]

Crusty on July 2, 2012 at 7:20 pm


OT, but important — nti-Jewish crime wave rocks the big apple…

Where is the national media?

[tumble weeds blowing across field]
[wind chimes gently blowing]

Crusty on July 2, 2012 at 7:22 pm


To Crusty, those are some interesting links you have about a crime wave against Jews in New York City.

Jews are getting beaten up in New York City….SO WHY DOESN’T ol Debbie Schlussel and the rest of the Pro-Jewish/Anti-Polish media like the New York Times etc scream about AMERICAN ANTI-SEMITISM?? These are AMERICANS committing the anti-semitism.

Historically whenever Poles ever did anything good for Jews in Poland for ONE THOUSAND YEARS….IT ALWAYS WAS TAKEN FOR GRANTED by Jews. There is never any talk from the anti-Polish Bigots at the New York Times or from the Debbie Schlussels of the world about Poles ALLOWING Jews into Poland and GIVING THEM OPPORTUNITIES when virtually all other nations of the world were rejecting Jews right and left. Anything good Poles did for Jews there is NEVER any mention in the anti-Polish media of it like “Poles ALLOWED JEWS TO HAVE OPPORTUNITIES THAT THEY COULDN’T FIND ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD” for the past ONE THOUSAND YEARS.

No No when ever criminal Poles did something to Jews, the rabid anti-Polish media would say its that POLISH ANTI-SEMITISM! going on. In other words the criminal and bad element of Poles DEFINED ALL Poles in the anti-Polish media. THIS IS CALLED BIGOTRY when you Paint a WHOLE GROUP of people with one brush.

Should we brush ALL Jews with the brush of being Soviet collaborating murderers since SOME Jews gleefully COLLABORATED with the Soviets to Kill Poles at Katyn and in Siberia? Oh little Debbie you didn’t know that?

The Jewish population in Poland EXPLODED over the many hundreds of centuries that Jews had CHOSE to live in Poland.. GEE it must have been all that “Polish Anti-Semitism” in Poland that made the Jewish population thrive and have all types of opportunities that were unprecendented in any country for the past 1000 Years.

And of course ol Debbie won’t talk about how Jews with their “what have you done for us lately” attitude toward Poles wanted a CHUNK of Poland for themselves. Talk about hyper Jewish supremacist chauvinism. But you’re not going to read that in the Pro-Jewish – anti-Polish hate newspapers that have dominated America.

Yeah Jews wanted a chunk of Poland for themselves and when the Poles told them “Forget about it”….the Jews just arrogantly said “You are anti-semitic”.

The worst thing Jews could have ever done was to CHOOSE to live in Poland for ONE THOUSAND YEARS. Afterall aren’t these anti-Polish bigot Jews always screaming about “Polish anti-semitism” Conversely the worst thing Poles have ever done is to allow these ingrates into their country.

Hate campaign against Polish people on July 3, 2012 at 6:37 am


They target Jews because “Jews don’t fight back.”

Well, this one does!

Crusty on July 2, 2012 at 7:34 pm


Debbie Schlussels is a rabid Polish-Hating Jewish Nazi.

Like a certain element of Polish-Haters in the Jewish community, they only want to see ONE SIDE of Polish-Jewish relations and that’s that all Jews were angelic innnocents and all Poles were horrible terrible anti-semites.

Of course this anti-Polish Bigot refuses to explain WHY most Jews CHOSE to live in Poland for ONE THOUSAND years if Poland was as terribly anti-semitic as she accuses Poland of.

Of course she will gush with praise for a little Nazi Jewish terrorist psychopath like Shamir who made vile unstatesman like comments about Poles. Even the Israeli leader after Shamir…Mr Rabin rightly said Shamir was way off base for viciously attacking Poles as “sucking in their antis-semitism with their mothers’ milk”. What a vulgar crude little psychopath Shamir is and of course this other “Miss Rigthteous” Polish-Hating Jewish Nazi Debbie Schlussel would praise this Jewish terrorist who killed not only Arabs but British people years ago.

And of course Schlussels says NOTHING about Jews collaborating with the Soviets to kill Poles.

Why did most Jews CHOOSE to live in Poland? on July 2, 2012 at 7:56 pm


Thank you for posting this article, Debbie.

Yitzhak Shamir–R.I.P. And may his memory be for a blessing.

JeffE on July 2, 2012 at 8:47 pm




jorsky on July 2, 2012 at 9:06 pm


Debbie, I know this wont be popular but the sad truth is Shamir was not the great man you portray him as.

Following the fight against the British; once independence was assurred Shamir refused to support Yisrael Eldad’s efforts to organize a coup against Ben Gurion and the Labor Zionists, and we have been suffering because of the results of decades of Mapai rule.

Shamir also betrayed the ideals of the Lechi’s founder Yair Stern by abandoning the Lehi principles including the restoration of the Monarchy.

And worst of all Shamir along with the entire phony right-wing in Israel led a vicious campaign to ban the Kach party which offered the only solutions to the Arab problem.

Jew613 on July 3, 2012 at 1:17 am



There are certainly valid criticisms. Some aspects of his tenure were a disappointment.

The banning of Kach unleashed the beginning of a nightmare from which Israel has yet to recover. And his going to Madrid under intense American pressure helped to midwife the disastrous Oslo Accords, which resulted in the deaths of thousands of Jews!

He has that to answer for in the next world. Israel though never again had a Prime Minister who didn’t care what the world thought. I don’t. The giants of the pre-state era are all gone and who has taken their place are men without chests and without honor.

Israel needs a leader more adamant than Shamir and do I think the Arabs deserve to share the land with the Jews? No, I do not not and we both agree, thank G-d, that it will never happen!

NormanF on July 3, 2012 at 1:55 am


Hate Campaign against Polish people:

You have a good point. Why doesn’t the media talk about American anti-semitism and use the word “American” in the article when its clearly Americans who are committing the brutal anti-semitic acts against Jews in New York City?

What say you Debbie?

Good Point on July 3, 2012 at 6:51 am

Offline Zelhar

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no, he was totally lame.

* participated in the madrid confrenece, and so he was the first pm to negotiate with the PLO !

* retreated from the taba zone of Eilat !

* He, and his likud party voted to ban rabbi Kahane's Kach party from running to the Knesset. And the result- Shamir lost to Yitzhak Rabin YSv"Z.

* The national union coalition of Shamir and Peres released over 1,000 terrorist murderers in the "Jibril Agreement". Again, a precedense that was to set the example for future such "agreements".