Save Western Civilization > Save America

Abolish the IRS...

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Israel Chai:

--- Quote from: serbian army on August 24, 2012, 11:35:50 PM ---I just explained to you condition in private sector. Not sure what else I must write. Forcing people get jobs!! Now explain where? Maybe move to China together with factories where they had been working?

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There's lots of sales jobs available...

Ephraim Ben Noach:

--- Quote from: serbian army on August 23, 2012, 10:10:48 PM ---What about 100 million Americans who can't survive without those food stamps?

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That is the responsibility of the Church, Synagogue, the people, etc.

--- Quote from: serbian army on August 23, 2012, 10:10:48 PM ---American right is leaning towards complete anarchism.
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No, small Gov., where the people call the shots!

--- Quote from: serbian army on August 23, 2012, 10:10:48 PM ---Instead we have private sector hoarding cash, shipping jobs overseas, avoiding paying taxes, keeping money in foreign banks, giving millions of dollars in bonuses to selected few, cutting wages, cutting benefits, and other terrible decisions. I do not know what Fed needs to do anymore?
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That's because they don't know what to do! What we need is less regulation!

serbian army:

--- Quote from: Ephraim on August 24, 2012, 11:44:01 PM ---
 That's because they don't know what to do! What we need is less regulation!

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Yes, be late one day for credit card payment and have you interest rates jump to 25% from 13%. What about Libor rates scandal? No regulation you say? What about giving mortgages to people who can't afford them? Less regulation you say? What about not regulating companies sending jobs overseas at will? I say again, what sponsored economist are saying is anarchy not capitalism. In such system only rich become richer.


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