Hi there, I found this web site about 2 years ago and have been listening to some of Chaim's shows. I've learned a lot from this site and thought it's about time i gave something back and got involved. I signed up with YouTube a few days ago in order to support JTF 's videos.
Being Catholic, I was brought up reading a children's Bible and to believe that G-d (is that the correct way to spell the word here?) gave Israel to the Jewish people. (We're not all like that idiot Mel Gibson
Arabs already have more than enough land, and Muslims are at war with everyone!!!
I notice that there's been some arguing here with a member leaving. I think that Jews and Christians (which includes us Catholics!) already have so much in common. Theres no need to try to convert each other. With more Muslim attacks here in the UK this weekend, we have to stand together!!!