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Greetings from Europe

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--- Quote from: Carlyle on October 03, 2006, 11:11:27 PM ---
--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on October 03, 2006, 06:44:47 PM ---Carlyle, are there any nationalistic but not anti-Jewish groups in Finland?

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There are no large nationalistic parties like German NPD or British BNP. There are some conservative right-wing politicians and I haven't heard of any anti-Semitic Finnish conservative. The leftists are usually very anti-Semitic, however, and take the Muslim side against Israel.

Christian "fundamentalists" are often nationalistic and very pro-Israel but they don't have political influence.

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Nationalism has not taken off in Finland? I think that the idea is that one should not be in need of it anyway! One only requires a nationalist movement when there is a problem. Do not wait for it to happen.

The NPD is anti-Israel for some reason. The BNP (my party) is officially Israel-neutral, but we have Jewish members and there is a lot of respect for Israel amongst the membership. I hope that, in the future, there will be some dialogue between Kahanists, European nationalists and Arab nationalists (not muslim fundamentalists)

There has been a recent defaecation of Nazis from the party.


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The NPD is anti-Israel for some reason. The BNP (my party) is officially Israel-neutral, but we have Jewish members and there is a lot of respect for Israel amongst the membership. I hope that, in the future, there will be some dialogue between Kahanists, European nationalists and Arab nationalists (not muslim fundamentalists)

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What would you expect to achieve by associating with Arab nationalists?


--- Quote from: zelhar on November 09, 2006, 02:16:01 PM ---
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The NPD is anti-Israel for some reason. The BNP (my party) is officially Israel-neutral, but we have Jewish members and there is a lot of respect for Israel amongst the membership. I hope that, in the future, there will be some dialogue between Kahanists, European nationalists and Arab nationalists (not muslim fundamentalists)

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What would you expect to achieve by associating with Arab nationalists?

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We can use it to break down muslim fundamentalism, divide and conquer.

If we can secularise and democratise by promoting secular nationalism in muslim countries (rather than by invading) then we can actually help improve people's lives as well.

Israel will remain as a sore point which Islamists can draw upon, and the problem of Islam is an ideological one which will not go away. Islamic regimes are dreadful, and encouraging secular nationalism is the moral thing to do. Allow these people religious freedom AND nationalism and we might see some stability.

That is my theory anyway.


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We can use it to break down muslim fundamentalism, divide and conquer....

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I think it would go the other way around- the Arabs would divide us rat. Islam is completely ingrained in the Arab civilization and psychic and the non-muslims Arabs are insignificant marginal minority. The Arab states should be left alone, and the Arabs in europe should leave Europe.

Secular nationalism in Arabic takes the form of Saddam and Nasser.

I'll have to agree with Zelhar here.

Islam, from what I understand, is more than just a religion.  It's a whole way of life and political system.  Also, I once saw an online video of an Irish talk show about Islam in Europe.  One of the speakers was a man named Anjem Choudray (sp?) who kept insisting that there's no such thing as moderate Muslims...that it's only a myth put out by the West to destroy Islam. 

The only thing that can be done now, since American soldiers have been forced to fight with one hand tied behind their backs, and since the Donks are now in power, is to completely cut them off from Western civilization.  That means no immigration from those countries, no business dealings with them and complete energy independence. 


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