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Greetings from Europe

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I agree Lisa.  Islam is far more than a cult...oops "religion", it is a political system, legal system and debased system for global Islam.  It is very similar to communism in that it has imperialist intentions.  The history of the Caliphate is something very worthwhile to know in case of arguement with Moslems as well their Book of Jihad which specifies the battle agaisnt the Kufa: Dar al harb vs. Dar Al Islam until the entire planet is subjugated to Ilamic rule, slavery "dhimmi", conversion or vanquish...  It is pure evil.  Victor Mordechai has some good information on his website:  I think you can hear him online being interviewed.  Craig Winn is also online too Www.ProphetOfDoom.Net. Although I disagree with his personal theories he is very well knoweldged on Islam. 

One thing, G-d willing, if Israel can find its stones and actaully strike I hope it creates a similar response to all the Infidel Nations to do what is needed and toss out those Moslem Nazi savages.  Zei gezunt une shtark!  M


--- Quote from: Carlyle on October 01, 2006, 07:13:47 AM ---I'm a European Christian who is very concerned about Islamic jihadists and violent Negroes who are conquering our nations.

I have visited various forums which claim to defend the Western civilization and the White race but I was appalled by their horrific anti-Semitism. I tried to show those Nazis the error of their ways but they were unrepentant.

Jews are a White people and a part of the Occident. As G-d's Chosen people they have my utmost sympathy and respect. Only the Jews have dared to take a stand against Islamic terror and create a nation state for their own people.

- Carlyle

--- End quote ---

Not all Jews are White, but their mostly Caucasiod. Ashkenazi Jews are White, Shepardics are dark skined have an Arab look to them!

I am not sure if you all realize this but until the late 1980's Arab Nationalism was the dominant ideology throughout the Arab world. Many of the most vicious terrorists like Samir Kuntar, are Arab Nationalists rather then Muslim Nationalists. Sadat acted in the name of Pan-Arabism though he was also a devout Muslim. The PLO is officially a Arab Nationalist group rather then Muslim, the Christian and Secular Arabs would rather be slaves to the Muslims then free. You have to understand that while Muslim Arabs are the worst Arab Nationalists are also evil people who believe in a evil ideology of Arab racial superiority.


--- Quote from: Christian Zionist on October 01, 2006, 02:28:45 PM ---Hi Carlyle,

Welcome to the forum.  Jews only gave Christianity to the world. Without Jews we gentiles would not be Christians. Now it is our responsibility to support G-d's Chosen People by supporting JTF.

JTF reaches out to Christians eventhough our beliefs are different. 

It is time for Jews and Christians to unite to defeat that satanic religion of islam.

Even the false prophet muhammed (piss be upon him) said in that koran:

Sura 5:51: O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.

--- End quote ---
well said ChristianZionist - welcome Carlyle

Carlyle, you are getting the boot camp version of hello. lol


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