Author Topic: S.Yorkshire police complicit in thousands of rapes of Eng. teens by qurananimals  (Read 865 times)

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 South Yorkshire Police and Rotherham Council Are Complicit in Child-Rape
The grim news today from South Yorkshire about the latest “grooming and pimping” case ignored by the police prompted this response from Paul Weston.

The Rochdale case

South Yorkshire Police and Rotherham Council Are Complicit in Child-Rape

by Paul Weston

The Times has a three page spread today (Sep 24, 2012) about the thousands of predominately Pakistani Muslim gang rapes of white English girls in the Rotherham area.

To say it is shocking is an understatement. The “Rotherham Safeguarding Children Board” appears to have known about this monstrosity since 1996 but in the interests of “Community Cohesion” set out to wilfully cover up the details. In one report they stated:

    Such crimes had cultural characteristics… there are sensitivities of ethnicity with potential to endanger the harmony of community-relations. Great care will be taken in drafting this report to ensure that its findings embrace Rotherham’s qualities of diversity. It is imperative that suggestions of a wider cultural phenomenon are avoided.

This racial cover-up means that thousands of children were raped and abused directly because of the actions of the Rotherham Safeguarding Children Board. In 2000-2001 the Muslim gang-rape of children was so bad it forced a Rotherham headmaster to write to his pupils’ parents, warning them of the situation. It would appear that no action was taken.

The British police seem to have lost all sense of morality, not to mention their duty of upholding the law. The Times has some horrifying examples of what surely amounts to criminal inaction in their multicultural response to adult Muslim men gang-raping under-age and vulnerable white girls:

    Police went to a house outside which a father was demanding the release of his daughter, who was inside with a group of British Pakistani adults. Officers found the girl, 14, who had been drugged, under a bed. The father and his daughter were arrested for racial harassment and assault respectively. Police left, leaving three men at the house with two more girls.

    Two terrified girls who were dragged into a car and driven to Bristol to be used for sex as part of a drugs deal phoned support workers to seek help… officers rescued them and returned them to Sheffield… South Yorkshire Police did not question them about the incident.

    In two cases, police officers responded to missing persons reports but left the young women with the suspected abuser, concluding she was safe. When the parents attempted to intervene they were threatened with arrest and charged with breach of the peace.

    A girl’s mother copied the names, addresses and text messages of 177 Asian men, including a police officer, from her daughter’s mobile phone after the 13-year-old went missing for five days. Police said that using the information would infringe on the girl’s and the men’s human rights.

    In 2002, the confidential report of a Home-Office funded research project considered a series of Rotherham case studies. It criticised police for in all cases treating young victims as deviant and promiscuous while the men they were found with were never questioned or investigated.

    Denis MacShane, MP for Rotherham, said he was appalled that in several meetings with senior South Yorkshire police officers to discuss internal trafficking ‘no one has ever revealed or even hinted at the important allegations made by The Times’…

    Throughout this period, Rotherham council has failed to accept the role of ethnicity and culture in such group offending. Earlier this year, this newspaper revealed how the town’s safeguarding children board censored a report into the murder of a 17-year-old girl to conceal the ethnicity of the British Pakistani men suspected of using her for sex from the age of 11.

What the hell is going on in Britain?

I’ve got into trouble for saying this before, but I really don’t blame the Muslims for this, they are simply following the example of their “perfect man” Mohammed who raped, pillaged and murdered in the name of the religion of peace. This is something they are encouraged to do today, in Britain, under the guise of state-promoted multiculturalism which elevates the savage and barbaric “religion” of Islam to a higher level than our own culture.

No, the people I really blame here are the Multicultural, PC, cowardly and shameful British Police and the Rotherham Safeguarding Children Board. The entire board should be prosecuted for aiding and abetting the rape and murder of English children, as should each and every police officer involved in this decade-long cover-up.

I simply cannot believe that multicultural Britain has sunk to such a level. I know it is true, I know it is really happening, but a part of me cannot comprehend the sheer evil involved in all this — from the Muslim rapists through to the British police and the Council officials, right up to the British government itself, which is headed by a Prime Minister who supports the UAF, and by definition therefore supports the muzzling of people who raise the issues outlined above.

I realise that writing letters to these people is unlikely to shame them into resigning, but I attach contact details anyway, and encourage readers to drop them a line:

    Alan Hazell, Chair, Rotherham Safeguarding Children Board:
    [email protected]
    Chief Constable David Crompton:
    [email protected]

[Update: The specific email addresses for Hazell and Crompton have been found and added.]

British Freedom will shortly be raising an online petition calling for the resignation of the two individuals named above.

Relevant links:

The Daily Mail
The Star
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
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Dont rock the boat !   >:(

Offline mord

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Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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