I protest.... I KNOW FOR A FACT that RubyStars is not Chaim. I have spoken to Chaim, and I believe I spoke with RubyStars many years ago in a chat room.... There is NO WAY that they are the same person...

False memory syndrome? lol
Yes, because no one here would ever agree on anything. It's called the Jewish No-Agreements Task Force.
Yes the only ones on this forum who aren't Chaim are the anti-JTF trolls obviously.

Your welcome! Yes, your graphics were a thousand times better than theirs! The music was freaking hilarious as well! 
I also spell a thousand times better than they do. Thank you

Isn't everyone Chaim? In a way I am glad YT has made it impossible to access my account. I spend less time online and the time I do save I do commit to conservative activism and trying to convince people that Obama is the worst things for America and Israel. It's my only mission besides work at this time
Yes, everyone who posts anything remotely similar to Chaim or posts in the same thread as Chaim is Chaim. Keep up the good work! Since you're a conservative you must be Chaim too.
I'm working on a hate J T F/Joshy concert.
I really like the videos I've seen so far that you sent to me so if you do something like that too that should be very funny.
So THAT'S what Joshua sings like. Here I thought we were going to have to wait for an episode of "Australia's Got No Talent."
I tried to pick music that would be similar to the awful sounding music that they use in their videos.
Hello Chaim
Hi there!