Author Topic: All of us should pray to G-d to help in this first critical presidential debate  (Read 452 times)

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Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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I think JTFers understand the immense importance of the November 6 presidential election. The debate tonight on Wednesday, October 3 at 9 PM Eastern time is critical.

Mitt Romney has to beat Barack Hussein Obama. Romney faces the following unfair disadvantages:

*The biased debate moderator is the extreme leftwing Jim Lehrer of PBS.

*The Bolshevik, Obama-worshipping news media will say that Obama won the debate even if he loses badly.

*The evil media will instantly produce "snap polls" that supposedly prove that Obama won.

*The media will interview Democrats who will say that Obama won, and then for "balance", they will interview Republicans who will say that Obama won. The media can always find traitor "Republicans" like Joe Scarborough, Peggy Noonan, George Will etc. who love to defend Obama and attack Romney on national television at the most vital time before the most important election in our lifetime.

Romney also has potential advantages:

*He will get to stand side by side with Obama and that can give him stature among Americans who are stupid enough to have bought the media line that Romney is just a clown who can't do anything right while Obama is "the President, the Commander in Chief" etc. Of course, Obama is really just an affirmative action piece of white-hating, Jew-hating Muslim filth.

*Polls show that Americans overwhelmingly expect Obama to win the debate. So Romney comes into the debate with low expectations. That could mean that if he is surprisingly strong, it will have an especially powerful impact upon voters, G-d willing.

In any event, it's clear that prayers to the Al-mighty are needed. May G-d have mercy on us and save us.

Offline IsraelForever

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Romney will clean Obama's clock tonight.  Hashem will see to it that he does!