Author Topic: Fundraising, thoughts about:  (Read 2033 times)

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Offline Sean

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Fundraising, thoughts about:
« on: July 04, 2007, 12:08:06 AM »
new to JTF, but I've had some experience with fundraising, here's some thoughts:

Distribution of members seems to be a problem. Sure if we had 2,000 people in NYC or LA, that'd be enough to focus energy, do something fun.

Distribution of members?  Well, I've seen "Garage Sales/Rummage Sales" do well. A Veteran's org I belong to sets up with a rented 60' container, puts out the word and gets tons of donations. yesh, some we gotta trash, some are good, most are. Then we set up, sometimes on a members property (he's got some acreage with good highway frontage), or we've used local community centers, even Veteran's Halls.  Just big signs to advertise, and then sell the stuff. We've raised over $10,000 in a weekend, only takes about 6 to 12 people - more's better - but it works.
So, this won't work because we're all over, but I think eBay has a charity drive feature - maybe it could work - eveyone's got something to sell, a book or two, old bike, skateboard, computer, whatever? 
Even staging or holding stuff and then have a weekend telethon type auction, maybe Chaim on youtube? or some kind of "live" set up..... yesh!! maybe eBay's better?
But how many members would place something for auction?

Okay, I posted something re: the old type of JDL bumper stickers. They had the clenched fist within the Magen David, and words "NEVER AGAIN". not the cheap paper bumper stickers, something quality, a plastic or vinyl - maybe with light reflecting inks - I don't know what they'd cost to produce, but I'm thinking more about how many would sell?  arithmetic? could they sell for $5 (I'm talking something quality!!) whatever, the aritmetic is simple: if JTF could make let's say a $1 or $2 per, then it's only limited by how many could be sold.

I'd guess the usual gamut of clothing items - T's, Sweat's, Caps. have been talked about.

and for advertising jtf - maybe these might work:

Re: getting word about JTF - call radio talk shows, those with political focus, doesn't matter which way they lean, just mention "JTF.Org" - before they push the 'cut' button.  maybe ask the talkshow host if you could mention the web site first....either way, people are curious. Anyone listen to the Michael Savage show - it's syndicated nationally - also avail via internet.
And that's just one - i'm sure there's plenty more.

Letters to the editor?  Again, just getting in print helps - amazing how many read the "Letters" section.

Another fund raiser - but it takes lot's of people in a geographic area to make it happen - and it's a lot (I mean a lot of work) but it can generate lots of money:
Create a festival:
fer instance: a Mediterrainian Fest, puposefully not focusing on JTF - you get more bees with honey....
maybe in Central Park, or Battery Park (NYC) - someplace where you can get a permit, and charge admission.  Offer food, music, dance from the countries. Charge vendors a fee (plus per-centage) for their booths.  Think outside the box, vendors are not just seller of food - think the tourist angle, airlines, hotels, and agents - they'd all be interested.  I've been to many Scottish Highland festivals, and Celtic fests. Greek festivals seem to be just about everywhere.  We've got St. Patty's day and Columbus day. So, a Med' Festival is just an extention.  Yeah, this is labor intensive - but good thing - it makes money.  Takes organization. 

okay, all this brainstormin' given me a headache.


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Re: Fundraising, thoughts about:
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2007, 01:51:51 AM »
All great ideas, sean. Keep 'em comming. I can see you'll be an asset to JTF

Offline Ehud

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Re: Fundraising, thoughts about:
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2007, 03:23:17 PM »
I like the idea about the bumper stickers and clothes.  I know that they would sell well for JTF members at least.  I'd be willing to bet that at least 500 bucks could be made from the stickers and clothes JUST for the JTF members who would buy them.
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris

Offline Sean

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Re: Fundraising, thoughts about:
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2007, 04:00:07 PM »
couple more:
R. Kahane, of Blessed Memory, wrote "Never Again" and about a dozen other titles, and made the vinyl record, LP (Long Playing) - both were sold through JDL.

Who's Currently "Owns" rights to these?

I can't remember, but there's an internet company that prints small runs, I think they can use MS Word formats and others.

These could be sold, for profit. Dual purpose - gets the word out and makes money.
The record - (yeah I had a copy, long ago, gave it to a friend when I got rid of my records - and I'm giving away my age, ha ha) - This was way before youtube and mp3's. But, if anyone can locate copy, and secure the rights, well, it'd be good seller. easy to convert to CD.  Even in iPod, Zune universe w/youtube & playlists - this "Classic" might just sell. Package with original Israeli Blue & jdl logo.