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French Official Denies Jewish Connection to the Land.
« on: October 15, 2012, 06:30:56 PM »
Ministry: French Official Denies Jewish Connection to the Land
The Foreign Ministry upbraided France's Consul General in Jerusalem over his denial of the Jewish connection to historical sites in Israel
David Lev

The Foreign Ministry on Thursday upbraided the French Consulate General in Jerusalem over remarks made by France's Consul General in Jerusalem, Frédéric Desagneaux, that the Ministry said “denies the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel.” In a statement, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Yigal Palmor said that Israel was “shocked that the French Consul General was joining forces with those who would rewrite history to reflect specific agendas and erase the Jewish and Israeli connection to the Land of Israel.”

The statement comes after an event the French Consulate General held in Jerusalem recently, celebrating what the Consulate General said was “the 150th anniversary of France's contributions to archaeology in Palestine.” Present at the event were representatives of the Palestinian Authority; Israeli officials were not invited.
In his remarks, Desagneaux discussed “the important archaeological projects that French archaeologists had helped to uncover in Palestine,” including the Qumran Caves and Masada, stressing their connection to “Palestinian history. We have seen how important these heritage sites are to international recognition of Palestine, and France intends to continue to lead the movement to recognize the Palestinian's management of these sites,” he said.

Praising the cooperation between France and the PA, Desagneaux said that “in 150 years we have moved from French archaeology to Franco-Palestinian archaeology, and of course this is a wonderful development.” Desagneaux did not mention the Israeli or Jewish connection to these sites, and did not mention any cooperation between Israeli and French archaeologists.
Desagneaux discussed other important sites in Jerusalem and provided a timeline of French archaeological activity in Israel, ignoring connection between any of the sites mentioned and Jewish history, and failing to mention the extensive cooperation between Jewish and Israeli archaeologists with France during the period. Palmor said that France had unfortunately, wittingly or unwittingly, joined in with the PA on “denying the Jewish history of the Land of Israel, an official policy of the Palestinian Authority. It is unworthy for an official representative of France to provide assistance to this kind of propaganda, at the expense of fairness and historical truth,” Palmor added.
France's General Consul in Jerusalem has not yet responded to the Foreign Ministry's statement, the Ministry said.

Comments   (30)
1. Eject that Frenchman
France's employee is clearly not being honest, and he's hurting peace, not helping it. Israel must eject him immediately.
Toughen Up, Free World (11/10/12)
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2. French archeologists should concentrate on France instead.
Moishe, Golutsk (11/10/12)
Spot on
That is a likely scenario if the French keep this up !
Galit, Newcastle (11/10/12)
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You are so right Moshe!
But let them discover it for themselves, too stubborn and arrogant, plus too many muslims in France, for them to see the truth, let them find out sooner rather than later.
Lori, (12/10/12)
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3. I blame the Government of the Jewish state for this,
Yes, it is the Govenment of the Jewish State that is a fault here,  what do you expect from human greed France coooperating with the muslim world against our Jewish State is nothing new, what I do not appreciate is, why are you playing into the hands of the antisemites, why don't you kick out this Ambasador out of the Jewish State and demand an appology from his supperiors in France  retake all our sacred sites before the Jewish people will believe it is not our forfathers sacred lands and sites
Henry Stalone, Canada (11/10/12)
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4. He should be withdrawn from his post
and reassigned in some remote location. a place where he can't "embarrass" his country's Foreign Ministry further...some place like Antarctica.
TS, US (11/10/12)
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5. French Minister denies Jewish ties to Israel
See what happens when you have a majority of Muslims in your society. The French are pandering to the Muslims so that they stay peaceful in France. What short sightedness. Appeasement doesn't work, look at Chamberlain pre WWII.
Alexander, NYC (11/10/12)
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Chamberlain was british but General Foch who submitted
to the nazi for so called peace in France under occupation
Josiane, Maale Adumim (11/10/12)
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6. French foot in mouth event
Wingy, USA (11/10/12)

7. New story?
Somebody from France dissing Israel? What a shock!!
Michael Oren, Seattle (11/10/12)
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8. France forgot that the french army stole a lot of archifacts
from the Middle East: the mommies and sphinx from Egypt, some relics from Iraq, parts of our historic relics lay in the Louvre and they have the chutzpa to denigrate our connections to our land.  I guess France has forgot the bible
Josiane, Maale Adumim (11/10/12)
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9. Denial...I'm outraged.
It is a ridiculous statement by Ms Desangneux, since the archeological sites in question are both of Jewish/Israeli origin. Does he think this kind of strategy will save French archeological and religious sites from damage by Islamic terrorist. C'est dommage il pense comme ca.
Galit, Newcastle UK (11/10/12)
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10. Desagneaux Is A Fraud
Desagneaux is another progressive who exhibits the same backbone that many French shown in WWII when the Nazis walked into France. Again, I say ignore these frauds and answer to them with a fierce tongue exposing their ignorance.  The world knows that Palistine has been Jewish territory for thousands of years and all the archaeology that is carried out proves it still is theirs. I only wish they did not give away their Gaza & West Bank land..
David, Seattle (11/10/12)
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David: Your statements "The world knows that Palistine..."
"has been Jewish territory for thousands of years" and "West Bank land" are incorrect and validates Islamic Palestinian arguments. There IS NO "Palestine" nor "West Bank" territory: Its Judea, Samaria and its ALL Israeli Land. Why they didn't annex this Land (Gaza, as well) after their '67, '73 victories is beyond me!! Allowing Dayan's giving back the Temple mount is insane!!
Ron Edge, Seattle, USA (11/10/12)
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11. Do you really expect anything different from french? (n.c)
Mark, NY (11/10/12)
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12. Sever relations with France!
This outrage must not go unpunished.  These remarks are grounds for expelling all French diplomats, seizing all French assets in the country and withdrawing the Israeli diplomats from France.  These scum have clearly chosen a side.  There is no further benefit in having diplomatic relations with them.
moshe, (11/10/12)
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That exactly what should be done but...
The israelis are too polite. Folks it doesn't work, being polite whe you should be categorically refuting these claims. Be strong!!
Michael, (12/10/12)
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13. Send Desangneux back to France
This person does not deserve to walk the streets of Israel or drink its holy Jewish water. Does he think this attitude will save France from acts of terrorism?
Galit, Newcastle (11/10/12)
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Galit: Yes, he thinks that very thing. ALL Leftists...
in the West think like that. As they thought during the Cold War; "Better Red than dead" was their motto then as "Appeasement will work, if we keep at it long enough (not as catchy)" is the sum of their thinking today, viz-a-viz Western Cultures v. Islamism. This attitude is far more dangerous and destructive today because Islamists are attacking the citizens of our Countries and not the Military per se. Any populace is weak in the face of such attacks and its very difficult for them to resist.
Ron Edge, Seattle, USA (12/10/12)
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Ron: Western vulnerability
You have made a very significant point.  In the previous conflicts - Cold War, World Wars, the agression came from outside the states, with the Muslim terrorists, they are living within our borders, and due to their devious, insurgent, paramilitary methods, western states are at their most vulnerable.
Galit, Newcastle UK (15/10/12)
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14. Fault of the government
We had better wake up before all Jewish connection is denied and believed. What can we expect when Jewish holy sites are closed off to Jews with consent of the Israeli government. We can't get to Yosef's kever except once a month with an army convoy. Yitzchak and rivka  and avner ben ner both are closed off to us except during some holidays.You can't go to yehoshua ben nun. Kever Rochel looks like a prison and on and on.if this was happening to the Muslims there would be bedlam. Time to wake up!
Lisa, Toronto (11/10/12)
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15. Absurd claim.
This is an outrage! What absolute absurd nonsense. How can an official of the French Government be allowed to knowingly make up history?
Leonard Press, Cherry Valley (11/10/12)
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16. Hypocrete!
He should be declared as persona non grata and shown the way out!
Amnon, Azor (11/10/12)
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Agreed - Desagneux, rentrez chez-vous
Go home Desagneux, and maybe get a job standing guard over your own significant cultural sights.

Rentrez chez-vous Desagneux pour trouver un boulet qui fait le guardien de monuments culturel francais.
Galit, Newcastle UK (15/10/12)
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17. Ministry: French Official Denies Jewish Connection to the La
I feel nauseas....
Maayan Burroughs, Los Angeles (11/10/12)
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18. French Gov't LIE & Deceive for Totalitarian Colonizing Islam
Not only does France endanger Israel, but France, European and UK leaders greatly endanger their own people by the massive importation of many millions of Muslims. There are many no-go Muslim areas in France, Europe and the UK where it is far too dangerous for non-Muslims to enter. Some Muslim areas of Europe require a police escort for ambulances to enter. Muslims are consumed with a rabid hate for non-Muslims.
Linda Rivera, New York (12/10/12)
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19. Kick him out!
Vicki, Melbourne, Aus (12/10/12)

20. The French diplomat is nothing more than a liar andslanderer
The garbage that came out of his mouth went beyond outrageous.  It sounded like a function of the last 2,000 years of anti semitism.  He has no place being in Israel.  He should be declared persona non grata, and expelled.  His insult was simply too great.  He insulted his hosts.
Klaus Decker, Margate (12/10/12)
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21. French ministry
He should be expelled and send to Palestine (Jordan)
steven L, brx (12/10/12)
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22. No mention of Massada in that disgusting event
Hi to all !
I agree with the israeli foreign ministry: it's a shame!
Just for the record: the Consul spoke about Jerusalem, Hevron, Beit-Lehem Qumran and Tell El-Far’ah. Massada isn't mentionned in the speech posted online:

He did not stress their connection to palestinian history (i.e. history of the "palestinian people") . The rest of the FM reaction is correct
Arthur Gevart, Nantes, France (12/10/12)
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Re: French Official Denies Jewish Connection to the Land.
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2012, 08:06:26 PM »
WHOOOOA! Stop the horses I'm so surprised. I wish the would uproot Belgium's embassy too. France and Israel have no connection. They supported the Nazis, and will continue to love all and any that hate the Jewish people. I am ashamed that I hold a passport from that Jew hating nation, but I just want to start a collection.
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Offline Aces High

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Re: French Official Denies Jewish Connection to the Land.
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2012, 09:24:38 PM »
It's interesting how back before the State of Israel was founded, none of these Jew-hating Europeans disputed the fact that the Jews were the real Jews who were historically connected to the land of Israel.  On the contrary, they used it to say that the Jews were inferior people because "Semitic Jews" were supposedly inferior to white Aryans.  This was when eugenics was popular.  It was an anti-Semite who coined the term "anti-Semite" because "Jew-hater" didn't sound scientific enough, and of course they would have you believe their Jew-hatred was not irrational but only scientific.  Now that these racial superiority ideas are widely rejected as hogwash, they have to come up with a new reason to hate and persecute Jews.  Since they see that the Jews are returning to their anscestral land of Israel, they have decided to invent reasons to support their terrorist enemies, so they now have conveniently forgotten that the Jews are Semites originating in Israel and are now faking the ties of Arab sand maggots to the Holy Land.  But, once again, they will have you believe this has nothing to do with baseless hatred, but only academic disciplines.


You're always right as usual.  But I also think the Jews bring it on themselves.  When our own Prime Minister exiles Jews from their own property to make way for an Arab state, it emboldens these European Jew haters to say anything they feel like.  And why not, if the State of Israel treats Jews as low scum, why shouldn't the anti-semite.

Offline Aces High

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Re: French Official Denies Jewish Connection to the Land.
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2012, 09:54:21 PM »
Well, that definitely emboldens the enemy and causes contempt for the Jews, but that would still be no valid reason to reject the historic Jewish connection to the land of Israel.  The primary way that the Jews brought any current problems on themselves is by not observing Torah, which was the reason they were expelled from the land to begin with, and Jews like the leftist establishment continuing on this path is making things worse.  However this is no legitimate excuse for Europeans to skew science and history in order to make excuses to persecute Jews.  If the anti-Semites were justified in what they do, G-d could not punish them.  So in the end, the anti-Semites are just pawns that G-d is using to bring about both the punishment and ultimate redemption of Israel.

Dan, I agree with you.  But what I'm trying to say is that the European Jew haters become even more  brazen and will  more often publicly come out with their slime against Jews, as they see how poorly the government of Israel treats her own Jews, on behalf of the Arabs.