When white liberals saw it was impossible to raise blacks to a point where they could function at the same level white society functioned at they set a social agenda in the school system to lower the bar for all of society... Social concepts that would never be accepted by white society were slowly put in place in the school system so now 30 or 40 years later they are accepted as a normal way of life... Young people today see nothing wrong with this presidents policies this is the America they were brought up to expect.
Yes indeed, my friend. These people actually consider me "evil" in their warped worldview, just for supporting Romney. They sincerely believe that a person supporting the republicans and especially mitt romney for president only does so out of some base immoral motivation such as greed, lack of compassion, or worse, a malicious intent to "harm" the lower levels of society. Because how could anyone go against what we've been taught to believe unless they have some kind of evil ulterior motive - afterall, what we were taught is the good and righteous way of looking at the world. We protect women, blacks, gays, and all the ''have-nots" and "victims" of society (except Jews of course - Jews don't count as people and they are all rich like rothschild and rockefeller). This is it in a nutshell.