Author Topic: This guy is a full-on JTFer  (Read 2315 times)

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This guy is a full-on JTFer
« on: July 08, 2007, 08:25:59 AM »
This guy is named John Shelley. He has a good blog. I havn't found any anti-semitism so he could be like us.

(::: america is committing national suicide, once again :::)


my solution
friday, june 15th, 2007

given that the "Grand Bargain Amnesty Bill" (S.1348) has been defeated, albeit temporarily until "they re-introduce" it, that it's time to get real serious about what needs to be done to stop the destruction of America, by our inept, liberal President and the corrupt, criminal US Congress. The Balkanization of America, has been underway, since 1965, when the fat, bloated, alcoholic, drug-addicted, traitor, seditionist and saboteur, Ted Kennedy, proposed the first mass amnesty bill, and promised/lied that it wouldn't ever happen agaion, and wouldn't change America, in the least. First, and above all else: secure the borders with a massive, impenetrable fence. And station heavily-armed US National Guard Troops on the border, with orders to "shoot to kill all illegal Mexican invaders", until the fence is completed and is working. Where's the fence, Mr Bush, dammit? Second: no new laws or bills are needed: simply enforce the existing immigration laws. Putting lipstick on a pig, and flowers behind its ears, still yields a pig, at the end of the day. New bills and laws are complete [censored]. The more complex the legislation — 400+ pages and climbing — the less likely it will succeed. Third: go after the employers, for hiring the criminal, illegal alien filth. Jail them, fine them and shut-down their businesses, if they hire illegals. If we'd simply dry-up the jobs and unearned/free social service benefits — free medical care at hospital ERs, free schooling, SSI benefits, welfare, etc — they will go back to turd-world Mexico, or whatever turd-world [censored], they originally came from. The ones who remain are probably criminals being sought by Mexico authorities, for crimes there, but are now committing murder/rape/robbery etc against innocent Americans, and a boatload of ME terrorists, who snuck across in disguise with the criminal, illegal aliens, and could more easily be tracked down, and killed before they detonate nukes in American Cities. Does "American Hiroshima" ring anyones' bell? Does with me. But I digress. Fourth: catch and deport all the illegals that we possibly can. If we have to increase the budget of ICE a few billion dollars, it is a mere pittance, as compared just to the health care costs that criminal, illegal aliens cost US Taxpayers in just San Diego county, alone. Over 1,000 border state hospitals have shut-down, now in bankruptcy, from treating criminal, illegal alien filths' ills, with no reimbursement by the subhuman garbage. Nationwide, criminal illegal alien trash have cost US Taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars, per year. Over 37% of all prisoners in local/state/federal lock-ups, are illegal aliens. Fifth: I'd increase the penalties for criminal, illegal entry into the US. They would forfeit their cars if they're caught driving on the streets. If they buy a house with money illegally-gained through tax-free work in the US, I would take their houses, too. If they have fake IDs or engage in identity theft, they should do jail time equal to what you or I would get, if we did the same thing. Sixth: jail, fine-heavily and defund their lowlife, left-wing activist enablers — churches, lawyers, sanctuary cities, activist filth and other assorted traitors, seditionists and saboteurs etc — of criminal, illegal aliens, who are engaging in conspiracy to violate the existing immigration statutes of the US. I don't care who they are: jail them and take away all their earthly possessions to reimburse American Taxpayers, for the hundreds of billions of our hard-earned tax dollars, which they are costing us, yearly. Offer a $10,000 reward for the conviction of any employers, turned-in by a US Citizen, for hiring an illegal alien, and a $250 reward per head, for each illegal alien, turned-in by a US Citizen. By going after the employers first, "self-deportation" by the criminal, illegal alien filth, would happen very quickly, as opposed to the rounding-up, detention, housing and feeding of 25-30 million illegal alien subhuman filth. Seventh: rescind all the so-called "anchor baby" laws, a gross abuse of the 14th Amendment. Make it retroactive 10 years, and get all the subhuman illegal alien filth, who are squirting-out illegal, bastard babies, out of my Nation, dammit! Eighth: set-up a Comprehensive Federal Database, which contains everyone — including you and me — who can legally work in this country; use our names, DOBs, SSNs, pictures etc. ID them all, and if they come-up as criminals, arrest, detain, try and imprison them, IMO. This could be effectively done in 3-4 years, if [censored]-for-brains, treasonous, seditious criminal politicians — Bush, McCain, Pelosi, Kennedy, Graham, Kyl et mucho al traitors — are kept out of the process, and verminous PC-crap is totally-eliminated from the regimen. Just a week ago, I posited that GWB was preprating to build massive, emergency detention camps, possibly for Christians and Jews. Okay, I could have been wrong, based upon Section 104, Parts a & b, of this Illegal Immigration Control Act of 1995, sponsored by US Rep Duncan Hunter (CONSERVATIVE-CA), on 1/31/1995. Maybe. But those original precepts and intents could very-easily be changed and perverted, IMO. Giving that power, willy-nilly, to a liberal president, is dangerous, IMO, when he allies himself with treasonous, seditious liberal-demokkkRAT/GOP-RINO saboteurs in the corrupt, criminal US Congress, at the expense of his once-loyal, Conservative American Base. He's thrown us all under the bus, and doesn't give a rat's ass about America, anymore. He's resigned to make the "Amnesty Bill" happen, at out, our childrens' and their childrens' expense, and ultimately, at America's expense. Yes, I do support Bush's impeachment and criminal trial, on that issue, alone. Bush is a liar, and it makes me sick to my stomach, to remember the day last Fall, when I realized it, and again say it out loud, dammit. I voted for GWB twice, in 2000 and 2004, and now regret it, but the socialist/commie/liberal-demokkkRAT choices, were even more abhorrent to contemplate, and let happen to a perpetually-weakened America.

Lowlife, Subhuman Filth™.
Ooooooooooooooooo, the "restless natives" are getting ready to riot and kill, according to lowlife, sambo, half-breed, porch-monkey, subhuman piece-of-[censored], empty-suit, mentally-ill, boogey-boy dirtbag, US Sen Barack Hussein Osama-Obama Jr (COMMIE*RACIST-ILL)? It would be "most unfortunate" if those subhuman, [censored]® filth ever come into my neighborhood, or the area in which my GC&N is located, as they would be killed, very quickly. If they simply threaten me or mine, and they'll die quickly and horribly. Trust me on that issue, Osama-Obama-Hussein [censored] [censored]®. Osama-Obama Hussein's "quiet riots" are for real, Roland Martin, [censored] [censored]®? eat [censored] and die, sambo scumbag!br>  Sorry, no damned sympathy from me, for that ugly, drug-adicted, alcoholic, lowlife, subhuman, white-trash, slut-filth-whore-skank, Paris Hilton. She truly needs gang-raping and killing, in jail, IMO. Broomsticks and toilet plungers, away! KILL HER, GP (general population)! Rid America of that garbage/[censored]/junk/filth Hilton whore, please! Let the white trash starve to death! PLEASE!

~ Back To John's Journal ~

Offline TheCoon

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Re: This guy is a full-on JTFer
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2007, 08:55:48 AM »
Yah he fits right in, I can see by some of his viciously racist comments.  ::) Boy, he's sure gonna get people to his point of view with filthy language like that. Maybe if he adds another adjective to Barack Hussein Obama people will all start hating him?
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline Ehud

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Re: This guy is a full-on JTFer
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2007, 09:00:32 AM »
I agree with what he says on illegal immigration but he goes a bit too far in calling ALL illegal immigrants subhumans.  He sounds like a serious racist.  I'd like to believe that he calls them subhuman for their ACTIONS rather than their race because he also called Paris Hilton subhuman.  Saying that blacks would be murdered if they went into his town is really extreme as well.  I hope that when he talks about [censored] filth, he isn't referring to black people as a whole but instead to the violent, primitive, and criminal apes.  Barack Obama is a muslim, a traitor, an anti-Semite and a waste of space, but I don't think he is an example of "[censored] filth".  It seems that this guy is just a bonafide racist but I could be wrong.  What was that about the Christian and Jewish detention centers?  I think this guy might be a Jew or have Jewish friends because he used the word schvartza.  I don't know if he would be right for JTF, but if he was invited I wouldn't be against it.   
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris


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Re: This guy is a full-on JTFer
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2007, 09:06:00 AM »
I agree with what he says on illegal immigration but he goes a bit too far in calling ALL illegal immigrants subhumans.  He sounds like a serious racist.  I'd like to believe that he calls them subhuman for their ACTIONS rather than their race because he also called Paris Hilton subhuman.  Saying that blacks would be murdered if they went into his town is really extreme as well.  I hope that when he talks about [censored] filth, he isn't referring to black people as a whole but instead to the violent, primitive, and criminal apes.  Barack Obama is a muslim, a traitor, an anti-Semite and a waste of space, but I don't think he is an example of "[censored] filth".  It seems that this guy is just a bonafide racist but I could be wrong.  What was that about the Christian and Jewish detention centers?  I think this guy might be a Jew or have Jewish friends because he used the word schvartza.  I don't know if he would be right for JTF, but if he was invited I wouldn't be against it.   

It's an angry blog , allright but no worse than some of our heated posts. I picked up on the word schvartza too. I think he was talking about killing black rioters who came to his town. He doesn't seem to be a kkk or similar because there is no anti-semitism that I can see. If I find any I'll scrap the posts and link.

Offline Ehud

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Re: This guy is a full-on JTFer
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2007, 09:10:23 AM »
I would say that he's almost assuredly not a member of the KKK or WN or any related movement because if he was he would have put in there how it's the Jews fault that this is happening.  Instead he pointed to gentile liberal congresspeople including Ted Kennedy and liberal scumbag lawyers and activists.  I think he has an affinity for Jews because he mentioned the Christian and Jew detention camps which leads to the conclusion that he sees himself in alliance with Jews.  This guy would be an asset to JTF if lots of people read his blog.  We should invite him to the JTF after we find out what his true beliefs are.

I've never seen so many adjectives in my life!  This guy even outdoes Chaim in that respect.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2007, 09:13:50 AM by Ze'ev Jabotinsky »
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris


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Re: This guy is a full-on JTFer
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2007, 09:14:57 AM »
I would say that he's almost assuredly not a member of the KKK or WN or any related movement because if he was he would have put in there how it's the Jews fault that this is happening.  Instead he pointed to gentile liberal congresspeople including Ted Kennedy and liberal scumbag lawyers and activists.  I think he has an affinity for Jews because he mentioned the Christian and Jew detention camps which leads to the conclusion that he sees himself in alliance with Jews.  This guy would be an asset to JTF if lots of people read his blog.  We should invite him to the JTF after we find out what his true beliefs are.

He writes on numerous topics if you go to his index page.