You don't understand how angry they get over a simple dollar.I've printed fake money just to hand it to them! (trollling) hopefully they try using it and they get locked up!

I just hope that you do give charity to people who are really in need. From these kinds of comments I suspect that there is a desire not to give. There are people who are deserving of being given charity, and some of them are black, and I try to give change to those who I know are truly in need.
I am not talking about this particular incident, nor am I now talking about CorrieDeservedIt, but I will again stress that according to religious Jewish belief giving Charity is a mitzvah which helps a Jew in repentance (Teshuva/Return). We say on Yom Kippur that Teffilah (prayer), Tzedakah (charity/righteousness), and Teshuva (Repentance/Return) will annul an evil decree.
I do not suggest giving to people who will use the money for evil. But there are people who are unable to support themselves. Even if it may be due to their own failures, if possible we should attempt to give even though they may not deserve it.
But I recently read somewhere that this guy pushed the asian guy because the asian guy involved himself in trying to prevent an altercation between the perp and someone else. I also read that they recently caught the perp.