Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
My Apology To A Serbian Woman For USA's INSANE Actions Against The Serbs In
Most AmeriKaners had NO idea what was happening to the Serbian Christians... We have had a Stalinist media for far longer than Obama being in ofc.
I was one who didnt know what was going on with Serbia.
I am guilty.
My husband had to explain this all to me a couple of years ago.
I am sorry, Serbians.
Thank you. Serbia, Israel and other nations are under a lot of media impact. Various circulating disinformation from all sides for a variety of purposes. people are totally confused and manipulated. As soon as one begins to think logically and not to rely on the mass media, he begins to understand the truth. ignorance is the cause of hatred and conflict. It's nice to see when someone is free of these shackles. It is even nicer when someone recognizes his error and repent.
--- Quote from: crnitrn on December 25, 2012, 05:12:21 AM ---Thank you. Serbia, Israel and other nations are under a lot of media impact. Various circulating disinformation from all sides for a variety of purposes. people are totally confused and manipulated. As soon as one begins to think logically and not to rely on the mass media, he begins to understand the truth. ignorance is the cause of hatred and conflict. It's nice to see when someone is free of these shackles. It is even nicer when someone recognizes his error and repent.
--- End quote ---
Thank you, Im so sorry
There is no need for you to apologize. You were the victim, too. The victim of the same machine that bombed Serbian civilians, armed islam terrorists in Europe and deceived half of the world with a cheap propaganda trick. We should all look at the future though, regroup and prepare to fight our common enemy. Not just our lives, the free world's destiny depends on it.
Of course, your full-hearted apology is accepted. And if you ever visit Serbia, I would be honored to be your host.
Take care!
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