Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

My Apology To A Serbian Woman For USA's INSANE Actions Against The Serbs In

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--- Quote from: Sturm on January 21, 2013, 07:53:55 PM ---@AsheDina

There is no need for you to apologize. You were the victim, too. The victim of the same machine that bombed Serbian civilians, armed islam terrorists in Europe and deceived half of the world with a cheap propaganda trick. We should all look at the future though, regroup and prepare to fight our common enemy. Not just our lives, the free world's destiny depends on it.

Of course, your full-hearted apology is accepted. And if you ever visit Serbia, I would be honored to be your host.

Take care!

--- End quote ---

Ty so much.

I would like to be with the Serbs fighting off the Islamo nuts and traitors within, where-ever they inhabit.

I wont ever regret what I did that day. 

May G-d bless you.
Again, I am sorry, and ashamed & ty for accepting my humble and heart-felt apology..


--- Quote from: AsheDina on December 25, 2012, 12:12:11 AM ---Most AmeriKaners had NO idea what was happening to the Serbian Christians... We have had a Stalinist media for far longer than Obama being in ofc.
I was one who didnt know what was going on with Serbia.
I am guilty.
My husband had to explain this all to me a couple of years ago.
I am sorry, Serbians.

--- End quote ---
Where is a "like" button when you need one :-)


My understanding of the NATO bombing of Serbia was that they hit civilian infrastructure as a tactic. Clinton had the CIA pass money over the border to finance a pet candidate who Clinton said if the people of Serbia elected would be rewarded by US aid to help rebuild what NATO blew up. He got elected and Clinton didn't lift a finger. I wouldn't be surprised if Serbs were still dealing with unexploded cluster bomblets that were littering the countryside.


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