Right-Left is confusing because people use different vectors.
There are at least 3 ways of understanding of the right-left dichotomy (maybe more).
Left - pacifist, internationalist, open borders, weak military, weak central government, affirmative action, participatory democracy
Right - pro-war, patriotic, isolationist, restricted immigration, strong military and central government, no preferential politics for minorities, representative democracy
Left - government regulation regarding monopolies, egalitarian income distribution, equal access to medicine and education
Right - no government interference, total free market
Left - progressive values, equal rights, generally anti-family and pro-sexual-liberation, multiculturalism, anti-gun, pro-criminals and pro-minorities, atheist
Right - conservative values, pro-family, traditional values, pro-gun, pro-native/Western culture, tough on crime, religious.
This is very approximate and could be refined/corrected. But you can see some difficulties. A person would not necessarily fall into the same side for all three categories. For example, as far as the political category goes, I am strongly on the right. As far as the values category, I am pretty strongly on the right. But not entirely, because, as a professional and educated woman, I don't support the traditional division of gender roles. As for the economic category, I am somewhere in the middle, because, as a religious person, I am very concerned about preserving economic justice and equal opportunities and don't see unrestricted free market as a kind of system that would support meritocracy. I see a great danger of corruption in a 100% libertarian economic system.
Here is another example. Environment. Today it is considered a left-wing issue. It doesn't make sense. Environmental politics is about "conservation" - it is a quintessential "conservative" issue. Why is it on the liberal/progressive agenda? Because of the confusion between the 2nd and the 3rd category. Big business does not care to preserve the environment. This is why conservatives who automatically adopt the right-wing agenda on all 3 fronts throw out the environmental issue, and liberals pick it up by default.
This is why these labels are not helpful and one has to specify. There is no one-to-one correspondence between a religious conservative and a libertarian. Often the two are incompatible.