Author Topic: Kerry [Kohn the mutt] part Jewish part French ties to Iran  (Read 624 times)

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Kerry [Kohn the mutt] part Jewish part French ties to Iran
« on: February 20, 2013, 10:28:57 AM » 

 Kerry's friends include Hagel's Iranian Rutgers sponsor; UPDATED with connection to Kerry financier

Here is John Kerry's picture with the rest of the mullah supporters. Hooshang Amirahmadi, for example, is the man who in an article last year, called Hamas and Hezbollah as non-terrorist groups and stated helping such group is not bad or wrong. Do you see Goli Ameri of Oregon in the background?
The picture above was taken in 2009 and was posted to Facebook here (Hat Tip: Will). I added the caption from the description by the person who posted it.

Do any of those names sound familiar? Hooshang Amirahmadi should sound very familiar to you if you read this post.

    Hooshang Amirahmadi, who led Rutgers’ Center for Middle Eastern Studies when Hagel came to campus, is the founder and president of the American-Iranian Council. He arranged for Hagel’s speech on March 2, 2007, the faculty source told The Daily Caller. 

    Iran’s Guardian Council cleared Amirahmadi to run for the presidency in 2013. Approval of the regime is required before candidates’ names can appear on the ballot. To be approved, candidates must be Shia, male, and committed to the Islamic revolution.


    A press release in 2007 noted that the “Rutgers Center for Middle Eastern Studies” —  Amirahmadi’s campus group – ”is hosting the senator’s visit to the university.”

    Amirahmadi’s CV discloses that he has received financial support from the Alavi Foundation, a wealthy organization that the U.S. government has called “a front for the government of Iran.”

    And IRS records provided to TheDC by show that between 2003 and 2008, Rutgers University received $688,000 from the same foundation.

    The New York Post reported in 2009 that the Alavi Foundation contributed $100,000 towards Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Columbia University.

So both Kerry and Hagel are both connected to someone approved by Ayatollah Ali Khameni to run for President of Iran. I guess that's what the Obama administration calls Smart Power.

What could go wrong?


 This just got more interesting. As noted above, Amirahmadi is the President of the American-Iranian Council, which lobbies for US-Iran relations (and of course, against Israel).

Another member of the board of that organization, Hassan Nemazee, was one of the three largest contributors to John FN Kerry's Presidential bid in 2004. More here and here.

I don't recall Kerry's Iranian connections being discussed in his confirmation hearing. Did I miss something?
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Offline Mein Koran

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Re: Kerry [Kohn the mutt] part Jewish part French ties to Iran
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2013, 10:31:01 AM »
Hes either a Muslim or a self-loathing American.

Just like John Brenann and Chuck Hagel. Shariah is ten years away at this rate.... >:(
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Offline mord

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Re: Kerry [Kohn the mutt] part Jewish part French ties to Iran
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2013, 10:39:09 AM »
Hes either a Muslim or a self-loathing American.

Just like John Brenann and Chuck Hagel. Shariah is ten years away at this rate.... >:(
It's very possible
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03