Someone mentioned apple?
Let me knock on apple.
Why does apple fix their bugs so fast? Why is it that it seems apple has less bugs?
Who makes apple software? Apple
Who makes apple hardware? The factory of apple's choice, foxcon for example.
There are no variables in apple hardware.
Who makes IBM PC clones? HP, Dell, Asus, micron, and hundreds of others.
Who makes apple clones? No one. Anyone who tried got sued by apple.
So, there are no hardware variables. So when there's a hardware problem apple fixes it once.
When there's a PC hardware problem. First, what part? Who makes it? So there could be numerous fixes to be made.
We can compare PCs with apples when they start making apple clones.
Same story with android and apple ios.
There are countless android hardware makers.
The iphone is made by foxcon - that's it, no one else.