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Jerusalem, Israel
HaRav Yehuda Kroizer SHLIT"A, Rosh Yeshiva

28 Tammuz 5767/13-14 July 2007


We like to think, as Rabbi Meir Kahane HY"D would sometimes say, that
G-d is like a "Santa Claus": A big, loving man with a long white beard,
going around and giving away presents. The truth is far from this, although
G-d is
full of mercy. Still, whoever says that G-d overlooks certain things and
acts - his life is overlooked.

In our parsha, the Torah lays down the law, the only law that there is,
and one from which there is no escape. "Speak to the Children of Israel and
say to them: 'When you cross the Jordan to the land of Cana'an, you shall
drive out all the inhabitants of the Land before you. And you shall destroy
all their prostration stones, all their molten images shall you destroy, and
all their high places shall you demolish. You shall posses the Land and you
shall settle in it, for to you have I given the Land to possess it. But if
you do not drive out the inhabitants of the Land before you, those of them
whom you leave shall be pins in your eyes and a surrounding barrier of
thorns in your sides, and they will harass you upon the Land in which you

This, then, is the bottom line. Try as you might to hide from this fact
of nature, but you can never run from it, for so has Hashem spoken. Rashi
teaches us: "You shall take possession of the Land from its inhabitants and
then you will be able to remain in it, and if not, you will not be able to
remain in it." Plain and simple: If you take the Land and remove the
inhabitants that live here, then you will be able to live here, and if not,
you will not be able to survive in the Land.

In this fashion, the Talmud teaches us that, while still in the Jordon
River, Joshua call upon the Jewish people with this message: If you destroy
the inhabitants of the Land, fine, and if not, the waters of the Jordan will
come and wash you and me away. Clear enough, there is no other option. At
the end of the day, the Torah is telling us the law - it's either them or
us; the inhabitants of the land and the Jewish people cannot live together!

The holy Or Hachayim takes it a step further and tells us that, even in your
cities where the foreigners do not live, you will not be secure as long as
the foreigners are living in any part of the Land of Israel. The Abarbanel
adds that without a doubt, the inhabitants of the Land will always seek to
harm you. When they have no power to do so, they will desist, but when they
believe they can harm you, they will rise up and do it. All one has to do is
to open up the Tanach to see that time after time, when the Children of
Israel let the nations of the Land live among us, they quickly turned into a
cancer and rose up to destroy us.

How true are the words of our rabbis in our own day, but then, the Torah
already lay down the law, a law that cannot be broken. Just this week on the
Temple Mount, the holiest site in this world, Islamic digging goes on
unabated. Without permits, the Wakf of the Temple Mount does whatever they
want, without anyone stopping them. In fact, when two archaeologists tried
to question them about the digging, they were detained by the Israeli
police. Here, on our holiest site where we, the Jewish people, should be
doing the digging to find out where the Altar stood, so we can bring
sacrifices to the Most High, it is the arch-enemy of the Jews, the Wakf, who
is in control of the Mount. "What I wanted to do to them I will do to you".

This past week, on bus route #1, which runs to the Kotel, three Arab
youths started up with a Jewish girl. Only one fine man stood up for this
girl and tried to stop them from "hitting upon her". The Arab youths on a
Jewish bus
going to the Kotel beat up this Jew, unabated. Imagine for a moment if it
was the other way around and it would have been a Arab bus: Do you know what
would have been left of the Jew? Not much!

I could go on and on and talk of the thousands of illegal buildings that
the Arabs build in the Negev or the Galilee, which today has a majority of
Arabs, and nothing is done to stop them, or how city after city is gaining
an Arab majority, like Jaffa, Acco, Lod, Ramle, and Haifa. Still, the
message of the Torah is clear: "What I wanted to do to them, I will do to
you". As with all Torah laws, this one can also not be broken. It is the
wayit is, we must awaken to this reality and rise like a lion up to the only
path that is open to us: To remove the enemies of the Jewish people from the

With love of Israel,
Levi Chazen

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