If Obama is an aspermic homosexual, and Michelle is really a cross-dressing male (I've heard of stranger things!), are we even sure that their 2 brats are really their biological progeny?! Everything about Obama is fake, maybe even including his 'children', whom I wouldn't put past the NWO to set him up with.
Let us hope that they're not bringing their spawn with them to defile the Holy Places with even more Hamitic
As Chaim says: "Jews just love to kiss Black
toch-ss!". The Israeli Erev Rav (who like Blacks, are also of Hamitic origin) that has infiltrated the genuine Jewish People, have a natural affinity for Blacks, and are going to have a field-day gushing over the Obamas during their visit.
Obama may even be conducting the Seder on Pesach night at the President's Residence in Jerusalem, like some some kind of "
Reverse Pharoah", Negroes of course believing that they are the "True Israelites"!