I'm new in this brave forum,
but I introduced myself where I had to.
I will just jump to the raw fact and write:
If America would like to send us Serbs anywhere on earth,
it would have to FIRST let us Serbs do OUR OWN HOMEWORK.

Then, former bombthrower on our Unic Serbia
would have some of the best warriors earth has ever seen.
Once again:
America, in a genuine gesture of apology,
lets us free of movement in Our Own Country, Serbia.
(Like any People on earth
does its own job,
in its own country.)
Then, because we'd be happy,
we could think of SENDING OUR SERBIAN GUYS there and there,
in exchange of good ol'money.
We did that during the Roman Empire...
We did that during the various Serbian Kingdoms...
We did that during the Ottoman Empire...
We did that during the austro-hungarian empire (prison of Peoples)...
We did that during the yugoslavias...
We could do it again.
Soldier is a Serb's job.