Author Topic: An old New York Magazine article smearing Chaim  (Read 5940 times)

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Offline Draughts

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Re: An old New York Magazine article smearing Chaim
« Reply #25 on: June 05, 2013, 08:48:30 AM »
Spiraling Leopard, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Creeping here and posting insanely disgusting things about me on yt and defending this individual that has done videos against JTF is higly insane. Your fraudster friend has made a video about JTF, a narration one. And you know the video is still on the internet uploaded on several different channels. Why didn't you condemn the video making fun and doing a mockery against JTF? Is that not a derision? You hypocrite. Where is your condemnation for the video SayNo2Islam-ObamaIsTrash has made? Where is the condemnation from your part? Let me figure out where is it. It went through the window? You find it acceptable because he has made a stinky apology here? Hypocrite, that is who you defend?

You have zero, let me repeat, ZERO proofs for your stupid laughable claims about me being anti JTF.

Lets tell people here the real problem you have with me being here and posting on this forum. You are an ego maniac and being an extreme ego maniac, you can't stand when people disagree with you and certainly you can't stand when a fact or two is brought to your face because truth hurts. How dare I to say in one of my posts that you are not a Jew when you would like to be one but still aren't. Were you brought to this world by a Jewish mother? Did you convert maybe? No and No. And that's what makes you soured and indignant and that is the real true reason for your hate towards me and that is the real true reason why you had started to make false conspiracy theories about who I am.

I am fatigued and tired from your constant attempts of obstruction and discrediting me after almost every single post I make here. I can successfully confront to every single laughable false charge on my account.

False charge number one: "I am anti JTF"

What concrete proof you have got for this insane claim? Testify please. Oh wait, you have no evidence, that is the problem.
I shall give an example to people of this forum to demonstrate how much of a liar you are. Anti jtf are making videos against JTF. They obvioulsy get their inspiration from jtf posts, copy the posts and interpret it the way they like. An inspiration for one video they found in a post from Dan Ben Noah, quoting his post and making a story out of it. The video contains claims that Dan Ben Noah debunked a jtf member for hiding his real homosexual nature. That is the way they understood and interpreted it. They did extol and they praised Dan Ben Noah's post. What's that have to do with Dan Ben Noah himself? Is he responsible that somebody stole his words for a video about JTF? Does that make him being somehow related to those people? Of course it doesn't it would be ridiculous to think otherwise.

The forum is public and information is too. See how insanely your claims about me look like, I had just demonstrated it with an example. If anti JTF people used my post about you not being Jewish, and making a video out of it, what's that have to do with me Spiraling? Clear up the claims you make against me, give evidence.

Recently I was watching Rubystars's video about Hitler parody and there I saw you mentioned my original JTF name-Lady 10. You mentioned my JTF name in the context that has absolutely nothing to do with me. Your parents didn't rase you well, as it can be concluded from the insults you put there against me saying Lady 10 is a #hore and many more insults that your sick brain could come up with.  It can't bother me because i cannot relate to those words in any way, you know absolutely nothing about me and yet those filthy words came out from your mouth. And then you finished your vile dusgusting comment that I "deleted your comments and blocked you on yt". Are you on some therapy? Have you forgotten to take your medication to cure your symptoms of hallucinations and delusions?

I have better and productive things to do in my life then to deal with someone evil like you. You don't even know my yt channel. Whatever unsolved things you have got with your dear on-off friend Rosenberg, solve it with him personally. I have no YT channel containing my real name or videos about Spiraling. Your ego maniac on-off friend has nothing to do with me or my own yt channel. I don't have narration videos, that dubbed voice software is not mine you fool. What proof you have? Someone has said it on yt behind a screen name? The same person on JTF who is delusional just like you. You are a very sick person.  Because there is some alleged Serb making videos about jtf so it has to be me? Proof, Evdence, Arguments, where are they?

If I was a troll I would have signed in from a fake IP not a real one. If I was a troll, I wouldn't be spending one minute on responding to the trash you write about me. Be and ego maniac, but you are not a smart one. Defending trolls, taking their side, attacking people with no hard evidence is just vile and evil. You are a bloody leech who won't stop talking trash about me based on zero proofs.

The only reason for your crazy behavior towards me can be interpreted as hostility based on debunking you not being Jewish, which was a fact I pointed out, not an attack but an ego like you cannot comprehend it. The &hore word and calling me anti jtf deserves disgust and it must be tough being you. Fine, if you want to stalk my posts and discrediting me is what you like to do while having no proof to match your claims, continue doing that, I will not respond.

Proof for me being anti jtf? None
Proof for me making narration videos about jtf? None
Proof for me making video about you? NONE
Am I glad that I inspired someone to make a video about you, the non jewish fraudster who calls women &hores and wishes raping to whoever disagrees with you? you are a liar so of course I am glad.

Enjoy in making a fool out of yourself here.  Rest my case, proved my point. The no proof crap from you has just been discredited. Spiraling, you cannot un-do that. mmmmhmmmmmm Adieu loser.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: An old New York Magazine article smearing Chaim
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2013, 09:18:58 AM »
Draughts your last post is freakishly long. You have been acting very suspiciously all along.  It looks like you are more interested picking up fights then actually post on relevant issues.

Robert has actually done allot for JTF on the street, in the real world, not behind the computer. It is you who are the keyboard warrior.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: An old New York Magazine article smearing Chaim
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2013, 10:10:37 AM »
Is draughts formerly "lady10" ?  Or am I confused?

Draughts, if you are not a Jew, why does it bug you so deeply that spiraling said you're not Jewish? 

Offline Zelhar

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Re: An old New York Magazine article smearing Chaim
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2013, 10:21:43 AM »
Is draughts formerly "lady10" ?  Or am I confused?

Draughts, if you are not a Jew, why does it bug you so deeply that spiraling said you're not Jewish?
Yes, and "she" went  by other names. Also deleted many posts in an attempt to cover up "her" tracks.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: An old New York Magazine article smearing Chaim
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2013, 11:21:31 AM »
Draughts your last post is freakishly long. You have been acting very suspiciously all along.  It looks like you are more interested picking up fights then actually post on relevant issues.

Robert has actually done allot for JTF on the street, in the real world, not behind the computer. It is you who are the keyboard warrior.

Thank you.

Offline Draughts

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Re: An old New York Magazine article smearing Chaim
« Reply #30 on: June 05, 2013, 12:57:48 PM »
Draughts your last post is freakishly long. You have been acting very suspiciously all along.  It looks like you are more interested picking up fights then actually post on relevant issues.

Robert has actually done allot for JTF on the street, in the real world, not behind the computer. It is you who are the keyboard warrior.

I do not need a quasi wise lessons from you Zelhar because I am right in this case. All members have changed their names, some less some more. It has nothing to do with whether someone is suspicious or not. Your post has no valid conclusions. What's your point when other people change their JTF names on this forum? I haven't changed my account, I only have one account. And what's so strange that my post is long? What is "freakish" about it? It's freakish if you defend the person that calls someone he doesn't know a "sick #hore". That is deranged, and comes from a madman.

He accuses me that I supposedly make videos and it's not my youtube channel at all. If that was my channel I'd have him reported that he called me the way he did and other nasty things. He constantly makes posts against me and does not give me the right to normally tell my opinion about other topics. After his attack, I realized that I can not be on this forum. Non stop he was spreading lies and trying to discredit me. Then I decided to be on the Save Serbia until I was left alone. I was stuck there for a while hoping I will be able to post again. When I moved to general discussion he continues with stupid and incorrect accusations and defending his fraudster friend for whom we all know that he has made a video against JTF. And he-ObamaIsTrash is acceptable here and I aren't?

Offline Draughts

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Re: An old New York Magazine article smearing Chaim
« Reply #31 on: June 05, 2013, 01:00:41 PM »
Is draughts formerly "lady10" ?  Or am I confused?

Draughts, if you are not a Jew, why does it bug you so deeply that spiraling said you're not Jewish?

I said he is not Jewish, not with the intention to poke, it was more like a statement

Offline Draughts

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Re: An old New York Magazine article smearing Chaim
« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2013, 01:19:56 PM »
Yes, and "she" went  by other names. Also deleted many posts in an attempt to cover up "her" tracks.

Did you even read my post? It contains everything about the real fraudster here.  I see you didn't read it but you judge me. Do you know who he defends? A person who has made a disgusting video about JTF. So there are double standards here? I do not care if Robert has been here on the forum for a long time and what he's done for JTF or hasn't done is not relevant with the fact that he was saying those horrible things.  For defamation he will somehow pay if that continues.
 I tried to cool off last time, focus on normal topics and posted a thread about North Korea. Immediate reaction from Spiraling Leopard was to post on my thread that "I am a freakshow together with Rosenberg" whom I don't know and who is by the way his on-off friend.

Having straight facts, defending my opinion because I know he is wrong, giving examples on why he is wrong means nothing here and I get the talking to a wall treatment? Fine. Just because he is here for a long time, does not mean he is right here in this case. He isn't.

False judgments prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances. Appearances are here on the forum often deceiving. 

“How little do they see what is, who frame their hasty judgments upon that which seems.”

P.S. You put inverted commas of quotation marks, whatever it's called, when it comes to my gender. I don't need that, I AM -she-.

This post like yours doesn't bother me. I have little posts so when I speak the truth you all take it against me not wanting to accept the facts. All people have eyes but few have the gift to perceive. Many people here have a gift to misjudge and that is a wrong place for me. You didn't prove that I am a troll and never will.

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: An old New York Magazine article smearing Chaim
« Reply #33 on: June 05, 2013, 02:15:14 PM »

Can we please stop the personal arguments?

Draughts, I have no idea what this is all about but Spiraling Leopard is very popular on this forum because he has courageously helped this movement repeatedly. I know Spiraling Leopard for years. He is a very honest, brave and righteous person. If you have some sort of misunderstanding with him, maybe you should try to straighten it out with personal messages.

The person you are referring to who did videos against JTF apologized and tried to remove the videos. But Joshua Rosenberg from Australia copied the videos and put them up on his anti-JTF accounts on YouTube. That's the only reason the videos are still there.

As far as Spiraling Leopard once being friendly with Joshua Rosenberg from Australia, so was I. I was also fooled by Rosenberg.

Rosenberg claimed to be pro-Serb and I believed him. Since then, we now all know that he works with the Croat Nazi Marbus who has uploaded more anti-Serb lies on YouTube than any other person in the world.

Rosenberg also claimed to be a loyal Jew. But for the past four years, he has produced many hundreds of crudely anti-Semitic videos accusing the Jews of hating all Gentiles and Christians which he knows is a Nazi lie. Rosenberg's Nazi videos have been promoted on neo-Nazi web sites as "proof" that the Jews hate everybody.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: An old New York Magazine article smearing Chaim
« Reply #34 on: June 05, 2013, 02:17:14 PM »
Did you even read my post? It contains everything about the real fraudster here.  I see you didn't read it but you judge me. Do you know who he defends? A person who has made a disgusting video about JTF. So there are double standards here? I do not care if Robert has been here on the forum for a long time and what he's done for JTF or hasn't done is not relevant with the fact that he was saying those horrible things.  For defamation he will somehow pay if that continues.
 I tried to cool off last time, focus on normal topics and posted a thread about North Korea. Immediate reaction from Spiraling Leopard was to post on my thread that "I am a freakshow together with Rosenberg" whom I don't know and who is by the way his on-off friend.

Having straight facts, defending my opinion because I know he is wrong, giving examples on why he is wrong means nothing here and I get the talking to a wall treatment? Fine. Just because he is here for a long time, does not mean he is right here in this case. He isn't.

False judgments prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances. Appearances are here on the forum often deceiving. 

“How little do they see what is, who frame their hasty judgments upon that which seems.”

P.S. You put inverted commas of quotation marks, whatever it's called, when it comes to my gender. I don't need that, I AM -she-.

This post like yours doesn't bother me. I have little posts so when I speak the truth you all take it against me not wanting to accept the facts. All people have eyes but few have the gift to perceive. Many people here have a gift to misjudge and that is a wrong place for me. You didn't prove that I am a troll and never will.

I try to read your post but like I said, freakishly long. Not just long, but freakishly long because the information density in it is very low, as if you deliberately inflate the text for whatever reason. You don't have to phrase the same sentence 3 times, when you do that you lose me.

When did you join to JTF ? A few months ago, a year ago? You don't post allot and hardly ever on the actual topics that concern us. But you are very much involved in flame wars and troll issues that had plagued this forum in the past but are pretty much gone. Why would you take such strong interest in these matters if you had nothing to do with them ? Rosenberg had left this forum long before you ever joined in, at least under this alias.

It is not against forum rules to switch names, nor to delete own posts, nor to start arguments. But your overall behavior is suspicious. Why did you delete your old long post where you mentioned Rosenberg and old issues that plagued this forum in the past ? Then you switched a name and laid low for a while, perhaps so when you post again most people here wouldn't know who are you ? Perhaps you are not the the new and innocent user you pretend to be ?
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 05:32:23 PM by Zelhar »

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: An old New York Magazine article smearing Chaim
« Reply #35 on: June 05, 2013, 04:11:42 PM »
I try to read your post but like I said, freakishly long. Not just long, but freakishly long because the information density in it is very low, as if you deliberately inflate the text for whatever reason. You don't have to phrase the same sentence 3 times, when you do that you lose me.

When did you join to JTF ? A few months ago, a year ago? You don't post allot and hardly ever on the actual topics that concern us. But you are very much involved in flame wars and troll issues that had plagued this forum in the past but are pretty much gone. Why would you take such strong interest in these matters if you had nothing to do with them ? Rosenberg had left this forum long before you ever joined in, at least under this alias.

It is not against forum rules to switch names, nor to delete own posts, nor to start arguments. But your overall behavior is suspicious. Why did you delete your old long post where you mentioned Rosenberg and old issues that plagued here ? Then you switch a name and lay low for a while, perhaps so when you post again most people here wouldn't know who are you ? Perhaps you are not the new and innocent user you pretend to be ?

You lay out the exact flaws in this creatures forum behaviour. Bravo.