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--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on August 23, 2006, 12:45:45 PM ---I can say that just about everyone here is a Muslim/Arab hater.

Maybe you dont understand, putting Nazi propaganda on this forum and asking for an answer will only get you laughed off this forum.

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What so bad about Arab Muslims?

We are nice people too. Don't confuse us with the terrorists. They are only 1 percent of whole Muslim group and they don't use the Islam in right way. Islam is peaceful religion.

what you are saying about islam being peaceful religion contradicts what i have read in quran and hadeeth and what i see being done in the name of islam.  why should people believe your word in contrast to their own eyes and ears?

but more to the point, why is it then that every poll shows that of the 99 remaining percent of muslims who you claim are peaceful, overwhelming majority support and condone the methods and tactics of terrorists like hezbollah and hamas?  this is rhetorical question bc answer is obvious.


--- Quote from: Tough_American on August 23, 2006, 12:58:08 PM ---What so bad about Arab Muslims?

We are nice people too. Don't confuse us with the terrorists. They are only 1 percent of whole Muslim group and they don't use the Islam in right way. Islam is peaceful religion.
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"Tough_American", see my post

Just read the hateful Koran. We all want to know what's wrong with us infidels?

See "There are no Arab moderates" on the main page:

There is nothing 'peaceful' concerning islam. islam is a filthy gutter cult religion that has no place in the world. The creatures that practice this gutter vile thing are no more than parasites on western civilization. You cannot fend for yourselves, you come here to spread your vile filth amonst the prison population and self hating white trash. If you love your fellow muslims so much, go back to the garbage dump that you and your horrid excrement pig dung relatives came from and try and live according to your toiet paper koran wants you to live like. I am finsihed with you filthy animals. No education for you, no food stamps, no medical care, no special ed, no earned income tax credit, no SSI for you inbred slime that were pushed out by your ugly vile primitive ape like women. GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY NOW!! I go to work with a copies of the pages of the koran where I pick up dog poop, any kind of garbage that I can find and drop it in a garbage can where everyone can see it, especially you animals, DEATH TO MUSLIMS, DEATH TO ANYONE THAT DEFENDS THEM.


--- Quote from: fjack on August 23, 2006, 04:26:15 PM ---There is nothing 'peaceful' concerning islam. islam is a filthy gutter cult religion that has no place in the world. The creatures that practice this gutter vile thing are no more than parasites on western civilization. You cannot fend for yourselves, you come here to spread your vile filth amonst the prison population and self hating white trash. If you love your fellow muslims so much, go back to the garbage dump that you and your horrid excrement pig dung relatives came from and try and live according to your toiet paper koran wants you to live like. I am finsihed with you filthy animals. No education for you, no food stamps, no medical care, no special ed, no earned income tax credit, no SSI for you inbred slime that were pushed out by your ugly vile primitive ape like women. GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY NOW!! I go to work with a copies of the pages of the koran where I pick up dog poop, any kind of garbage that I can find and drop it in a garbage can where everyone can see it, especially you animals, DEATH TO MUSLIMS, DEATH TO ANYONE THAT DEFENDS THEM.

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Wow there... you gone too far my friend. Just calm down.... this is internet after all but still you should be worried about what you have said.


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