This is a short Sura from the Holy Qur'an that I like 109/1-6
1 Say : O ye that reject Faith!
2 I worship not that which ye worship,
3 Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
4 And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
5 Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
6 To you be your Way, and to me mine.
I'm going to be leaving this fourm. You will probably see it as a great victory and think that your childish insults drove me away, I'll just say it coulden't be farther from the truth. It is my duty to CARRY the message, its not my problem if you don't accept it. I'm just sick of the lies.... You don't WANT to hear the truth. No matter what is said you will never look at yourselves, you can never even SEE the other side's point of view. You just find some [censored] that you want to be true and tell everyone about it, you don't care for the truth. I have to say that I tried to view you as people but I no longer can. Maybe thats what you want... You just carry so much hate that it spreads to everyone and it corrupts your mind. Do you really think that your better because of you ethnicity? I diden't want to belive what my brothers have told me but you really ARE evil..... I just hope that some of you will look at things, check your thinking, check your beliefs. What do you care about? Do you live for yourself or God?
To all the Christians on here-
Why? Why? Why? Are you really that ignorent of Islam? If you can really convice yourself that God can have Children thats fine but look who you support. Do these people follow Jesus(pbuh)? No they think they killed him and are proud of it. I urge you, just READ THE QUR'AN. Not from your bible sites or just some verses. READ it yourself, if you want here is a good site with several translations don't excpect anyone to read it but I'll just put it there for anyone who seeks the Truth. If you really want to know about Islam I'll help you in any way I can. Even if you aren't intrested in being a Muslim, I don't care just STOP lying, for your own sake. If you are really Christians or Really Jews you know better than to lie.... Just remember God. When you spew these lies you just spread hate- to both sides- and you are responsable not only for the lie alone but the hate it breeds.
I will answer PM's and E-mails ONLY, insha'Allah.
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I can't say I wish you well... but I wish for truth,justice, and peace.