Author Topic: Obama Apologizes To Mexicans For US Drug Violence/Crime, Forgets Fast & Furious  (Read 454 times)

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Offline Spiraling Leopard

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For those of us paying attention (and by visiting this site, you’ve proven that you are someone who pays attention), Operation Fast & Furious is a scandal that the media has worked overtime to suppress because it reveals that the Obama administration has both Mexican and American blood on its hands. Fast & Furious was Eric Holder’s brainchild. It involved shipping guns to Mexican drug cartels. The purpose was to catch them red-handed – except that the geniuses at the Department of Justice forgot to put tracking devices on them.

Apparently the media has so successfully suppressed all mention of Fast & Furious that even President Obama forgot about it. It surely couldn’t be dishonesty that caused him, during an official trip to Mexico, to tell a group of Mexican university students that the United States bears considerable blame for gun violence in Mexico:

[click link for video]

    We also recognize that most of the guns used to commit gun violence in Mexico come from the United States. I think many of you know that in America our Constitution guarantees our individual right to bear arms and, as president, I swore an oath to uphold that right and I always will. But at the same time, as I’ve said in the United States, I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common-sense reforms that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people, that could save lives here in Mexico and back home in the United States. It’s the right thing to do. So we’ll keep increasing the pressure on gun traffickers who bring illegal into Mexico. We’ll keep putting these criminals where they belong — behind bars. So we recognize we’ve got work to do on security issues, but we also recognize our responsibility as a nation that believes that all people are created equal. . . . We believe it’s our responsibility to make sure that we treat one another with dignity and respect.

It’s like magic. In ObamaWorld, Fast & Furious never happened. Eric Holder was never responsible for the deaths of at least 300 people, including teenagers, in Mexico. After all, if Obama is speaking the truth when he says “we’ll keep increasing the pressure on gun traffickers who bring illegal into Mexico [and] we’ll keep putting these criminals where they belong — behind bars,” he’s also saying that Eric Holder should already be wearing prison orange and doing hard labor in a federal prison somewhere. Last we looked, though, Eric Holder was still busy, busy, busy, most recently interfering in the FBI’s ability to interrogate Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

There are a few other ugly Obama things in that speech. There’s the misuse of statistics, which we last saw when he falsely claimed that 90% of voters supported his gun control measures. In fact, less than 50% do. Now, Obama claims that “most of the guns used to commit gun violence in Mexico come from the United States.” He’s telling the truth only if he lives in a world where 17% is equal to most – because the latest evidence is that only 17% of the guns in Mexico originated in the United States.

And then there’s Obama’s decision to drag the United States Constitution into a speech before students who live in a nation with some of the strictest (and apparently most ineffectual) gun control laws in the world. I support the Second Amendment wholeheartedly, he says, except that I’ll do everything in my power to use “common sense” to undermine it.

Put another way, Barack Obama is promising that he will do everything in his power to make America look like Mexico: a vast Mexican voting bloc, draconian gun control, and a high violence and murder rate. Oh, goody!

Watch Obama sell immigration reform to Mexican students, in Mexico, with the clear hope that they will be the next group of Democrat voters:

[click link for video]