Israeli. Nothing to do with Germany, he is literally Mizrachi.
Lol, literally Mizrachi! You are correct. I had the great honor to meet Rabbi Mizrachi in person in a lecture in Queens last year. He is an amazing speaker, and I am so grateful to him for the work he does. I have so much respect for him. He also has some great videos on his website that I recommend people check out. I studied his entire 613 Miztvot series. It is about 23 or 24 videos where he goes law by law and gives examples. It simplified it, rather than read through the entire series of books. Listening to him speak just keeps me at the edge of my seat.
His accept is completely Israeli. He was born and raised in Israel.
As for the pastor in the video, Rabbi Mizrachi did blow him away. My dream would be to have a debate where Rabbi Mizrachi. Rabbi Tovia Singer and Rabbi Skobac debate Michael Brown, Tuvya whatever and the other Jews for J guy.
Rabbi Singer did say in one of his lectures, that out of all the Messianics- the Jewish ones are the ones filled with the most self-hate. Now this pastor, is questionable. He may say he happens to be Jewish... then again, many of these missionaries happen to be "Jewish" (aka by just having a Jewish father or grandfather) so it is very questionable.
But his statement at the end, was the statement of a lost man. Hashem have a set of laws and said that they are laws for ALL TIME. But people like this pastor believe in something called "replacement theology" aka "covenant theology". A theory in which christians become the "New Jews" the "new nation" that takes over for Jews. And now they are the "chosen nation". In any events, I set a young man straight after he tried to pull this on me.