Author Topic: The Order 777 - Countering the third Jihad  (Read 508 times)

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The Order 777 - Countering the third Jihad
« on: July 01, 2013, 06:23:11 PM »

ISLAM IS ON the march. Today that march is known as the "third jihad." The term refers to the murder of non-Muslims around the world (for the crime of being non-Muslims), but it refers to much more than that. There are many ways to wage jihad, and nearly every Muslim can play a part.

For example, Muslims have deliberately emigrated into foreign lands in order to fulfill Allah's command to make the whole world submit to Islam. In those new countries, they are organizing and building up their political power. Islamic supremacists are recruiting new Muslims into their ranks every day. Some have gained vast wealth and are using it to build mosques and madrassas all over the world. Islamic supremacists have infiltrated the political machinery in Western nations, they've successfully manipulated the press and disabled and silenced resistance against them, and of course, they are also killing non-Muslims around the world. This is the third jihad.

Jihad means "struggle," but a particular kind of struggle. Jihad means to struggle to make Islam dominant over all other religions and governments. This is one of the religious duties of all devout Muslims, and according to Mohammad, it is the most important obligation a Muslim must fulfill.

The first jihad started with Mohammad. His armies conquered all of Arabia. In the hundred years after his death, his armies conquered most of the Middle East, North Africa and Spain. The first jihad lasted from 622 AD until 750 AD.

The second major jihad started in 1071 AD. Islamic armies toppled Constantinople and spread into Europe, India, and further into Africa. The second jihad began to decline when the Muslim army was stopped on September 11th, 1683 at the gates of Vienna, Austria.

The Islamic push to dominate — all other cultures, all other religions, and all other governments — has never stopped. But we are referring to large waves of success for the Islamic expansion; periods where vast new territories were brought under the control of Shari'a law.

Now we are in the third jihad, the third great wave.

Non-Muslims in the past have fought back, of course (otherwise the whole world would already be ruled by Islam). Some successfully resisted subjugation.

But many countries and cultures took too long to recognize the threat or organized their resistance too slowly, and they were swallowed up by Islam's relentless aggression.
Today, Islamic supremacists are waging jihad in subtler and more clever ways (waging jihad by gaining concessions, for example), in addition to simple violent aggression, but non-Muslims around the world are beginning to notice the pattern and are rousing themselves to defend their cultures, their religions, their governments, and their lives.
''At the siege of Vienna in 1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe.
We are in a new phase of a very old war.''