Author Topic: Netanyahu gives in to Kerry's pressure on Israel to commit suicide (English)  (Read 1461 times)

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Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Offline TruthSpreader

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Shame on Netanyahu. He should be punished for this crime.

Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Debbie Shafer

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This is further proof of the times we are in.  Netanyahu is going against God and against his own people by curtailing the settlements, and the United States gov got him to submit to this.  It is troubling that many Jews do not know God's word or his plans, but his will is going to be done no matter what man does.  Hosea 4:6  My people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge.   Keep spreading the news on this disaster.

Offline Dan193

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This Netanyahu is more radical then i thought.
Netanyahu set to free all pre-Oslo prisoners, says ‘it’s for the good of the country’Bitter cabinet battle expected Sunday; in public letter, PM writes that leaders are sometimes forced to make difficult and unpopular choices
July 27, 2013

« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 08:07:00 AM by Dan193 »

Offline Shlomo

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Everything we predicted is coming true exactly the way we said it would.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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He's done this kind of thing before, this is no surprise.  He's always been a weak treasonous phony.
Lewinsky is not just a disgrace to Israel, he is a disgrace to the entire human race.

Offline Dan193

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Terror Victims' Families: Netanyahu Caved...Again
The Almagor terror victims' organization has sent Netanyahu a letter of protest over his decision to release 104 terrorists.
Elad Benari

Offline Dan193

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MKs: Has America Ever Freed Murderers?
MKs ask why American officials urge Israel to free killers, while continuing to hold Jonathan Pollard.
Maayana Miskin

Members of Knesset expressed frustration Sunday that Israel is releasing terrorist killers in order to negotiate with the Palestinian Authority, following intervention from United States Secretary of State John Kerry.

The United States would never do what Israel is being asked to do, they accused.

“It isn’t moral to release murderers. It isn’t safe to release murderers… Has the United States ever released murderers as a concession to terrorism?” asked MK Motti Yogev (Bayit Yehudi).

“The United States hasn’t even freed Jonathan Pollard, after he served his sentence and has been in prison for more than 28 years,” he noted.

“Negotiations based on releasing killers have nothing to do with peace, or security, or morality, or truth,” Yogev warned.

MK Miri Regev (Likud Beytenu) also brought up the stark contrast between Pollard’s case and that of the terrorist murderers who are expected to be released as part of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s gesture to the PA.

“Pollard didn’t commit murder, and he is still serving a harsh sentence in prison. Just as the Americans guard their honor, so we must guard our national honor, and respect the families of the victims,” she argued.

“It’s unthinkable that we release prisoners, murderers, terrorists who murdered innocent Israeli citizens, before we even sit down to talk,” Regev declared.

“Everyone knows that Prime Minister Netanyahu already gave the Palestinians a free ‘gesture’ – a ten-month building freeze,” she added. “Not to mention the mistaken process headed by Sharon – the Disengagement.”

Offline Dan193

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To quote Helen Freedman.
Cruel and Inhuman Punishment
There is no possible excuse for releasing the depraved Arab murderers of Jews. These were no accidental deaths, or "collateral damage" deaths, but cold-hearted brutal murders that were committed by these men. For the Israeli government to pardon them is beyond comprehension, and drives a knife into the hearts of the suffering family members who are still mourning their loved ones. What pathological malfunction is at work in the minds of men who could consider the release of these prisoners?

My comments

I keep telling people its life and death the Israeli people demand that Chaim be let back in Israel.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 08:30:09 AM by Dan193 »

Offline Dan193

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‘Why Hunt Down German Nazis, but Release Muslim Nazis?’
Father whose wife and three young children were killed by terrorists doesn’t understand Israel’s approach to murderers.
Maayana Miskin

 A neighbor of Rabbi Weiss, Efraim Holtzberg, recalled the rabbi’s reaction to the news. “He told me he doesn’t understand why the state of Israel invests millions in searching for Nazi criminals around the world,” he told Arutz Sheva.

“Why does the Weisenthal Center track down Nazis who murdered Jews, while here we have Muslim Nazis who murdered Jews, who spilled blood as if it were water, who burned a mother and three children and an unborn baby alive – and they are released? Is there a difference between them and the Nazis criminals?” he asked, quoting Rabbi Weiss.

Offline Dan193

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Poll: Israelis Oppose Releasing Terrorists
Almost 85% of Israelis oppose the release of terrorists in order to restart peace talks, finds new poll.
Elad Benari, Canada

If 85% of Israelis demanded Chaim be let back into Israel to challenge these appeasers like Pipi, Peres and Livni, their would now be consequences for Arab mass murderers.

How Can Releasing Killers to Streets of Israel Bring Peace?
Why does a PEACE partner even want convicted murderers of innocents released?What is the twisted logic of Netanyahu or his advisors or ANYONE who can think this idea will work?  How do these idiotic, sadistic leaders maintain control over our lives?  They must be stopped.
Hilltop Savta, Eretz Yisrael (28/7/13)

Offline realist26

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My interpretation:

Hi guys, Iran is our only real concern and I will do anything to stop going nuclear, even enter into these absurd negotiations with the Palestinians.    I do not have much of a choice. Obama is breathing down my neck and I need some room to plan our pre-emptive attack on the Iranian nuclear sites. It was really beyond my control that 63 percent of American Jews voted for a President who supports the Muslim Brotherhood, a virulently ant-Semitic and anti-American organization whose motto is:  "Allah is our objective; the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations " and a President who appeases Iran.

 Most Americans, including their President,  have no clue that the doctrine of mutually assured destruction MAD  will not work with Iran, but I have heard directly from Bernard Lewis his  "for people with this mindset, M.A.D. is not a constraint; it is an inducement..." and I trust his expertise.

So you have to trust that we in the Israeli government know what we are doing.  We are fighting for Israel's very survival and we will prevail.

Offline Dan193

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I'm not surprised Netanyahu caved in to PA extortion and terrorism. Remember this is the guy who wrote books about defeating terrorism! He's a complete phony and a fraud who does the exact opposite of what he preaches!
A man who appoints Tzipi Livni a "peace negotiator" showed what Netanyahu is.
Livni wants to give up Israel sovereignty of the Wailing Wall to the Arabs and Europeans.

Bibi's philosophy: surrender, retreat, repeat.
Bibi, of course, is the one who gave away Hebron at Wye (for absolutely nothing in return, no less).

The Arabs are barbarians who will slash a Jew's throat in a minute without thinking about it.
Jewish niceness, goodwill and restraint are utterly wasted on them. They will never change and their contempt for the Jews is indoctrinated into them from birth. They see the Jews as the descendants of pigs, apes and monkeys. Its all in the Koran. Nothing Israel does is going to make them love the Jews and Israel. There is no humane spirit in them waiting to be engendered.

Nowhere in the Torah does it say for a Jew to be an idiot and say thank you when a vile people tries to murder us.  Mohammed murdered the Jews when they did not accept him as a prophet. and the muzzies have never stopped murdering.

Offline Dan193

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Avi Mayer
"Among the prisoners [to be released] are two Gaza residents who murdered Holocaust survivor Izaac Rotenberg, 70."

Izaac Rotenberg survived the Nazi Holocaust only to be betrayed by Netanyahu who freed his murderers. 

Article about this.,7340,L-4410309,00.html

Offline Dan193

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How does Abbas justify demanding the release of Arab Israelis who committed terrorst attacks?   
Abbas can of course demand the release of his own people but what grounds does he have to demand that arabs who are Israeli citizens living in Israel and sent to prison by an Israeli civilian court?
Are we going to now let Abbas dictate which Israeli citizens we are allowed to put in prison?

The cabinet must vote against this prisoner release otherwise its going to set a precedent that Abbas is in charge of who we lock up.

The only way to stop attempted soldier kidnappings or terrorist releases is ot pass legislation whereby terrorists who kill are executed.
If they are dead Abbas won't be demanding their release and nobody will be kidnaping soldiers to do deals.
zionist forever        (07.28.13)

Offline Dan193

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If Abbas can get Netanyahu to free Arab Israeli terrorists, thats only the beginning. 

Probably Abbas told Netanyahu never let Chaim Ben Pesach back in Israel.
Abbas probably added I like dealing with appeasers like Pipi and Livni who free's Palestinan mass murderers.

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Whoa...dividing Judea and Samaria, and Jews can't get moved into their own settlements. this is definitely going against God and a Jew is allowing it.  What must the almighty be planning now?   The US is involved to, so that means we are toast.  Stupid is as Stupid does!