So they take out any reference to G-d or the Bible or the Ten Commandments - unless, of course, it's negative and anti-G-d. Then it's "art" and they refuse to take it down.
Could you imagine what would happen if the poster said "Allah is Dead"?
The leftist propaganda public education system is so sick and disgusting. So-called "tolerance" is only for teaching the children about having two mommies or two daddies.
‘God Is Dead’ Drawing to Remain Displayed in Public School Classroom — Is It Art…or an Outrage?A student-created poster inspired by the Arthur Miller play, “The Crucible,” has drawn attention in one Georgia public school because of one phrase it depicts:
“God is Dead.”

While it’s a quote from the play, the poster on which it appears hangs in a classroom in Alcovy High School in Newton County, Ga., and that has one mother very concerned.
“It made my daughter very uncomfortable,” Crystal Mitchell told WAGA-TV. “If my child can’t pray in school and they’ve taken religion out of school, for this to be plastered on the walls of school, is a huge concern for me.”
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