Author Topic: Obama firing off more executive orders on gun laws after Navy shooting  (Read 600 times)

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Remember, these executive orders are new laws that the people of the United States of America are not allowed to vote on. They are passed exactly the same way in a dictatorship.

Virtually all of the serious, scholarly research done for the past three decades on the relationship between firearms and crime shows that more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens (especially concealed-carry handguns) results in less crime. And yet, there is a never-ending push to take firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens – to "stop the violence" (even though the vast majority of violent crimes involving guns are obtained illegally).

Obama firing off more executive orders
President, Feinstein reignite gun-control fight after Navy Yard shooting

In the wake of the shooting at the Washington Navy Yard, President Obama plans to implement more executive orders and reiterated his commitment to strengthening gun laws, including expanding background checks to sales online and at gun shows, CBS reported Tuesday.

“The president supports, as do an overwhelming majority of Americans, common-sense measures to reduce gun violence,” spokesman Jay Carney said.

Obama has been powerless to get legislation passed despite a string of mass shootings during his presidency.

Only hours after a dozen people were gunned down at the Navy facility, and while police still were treating the scene as a crime investigation site Monday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., issued a statement calling for more gun controls from Congress.

It said, in part:

“This is one more event to add to the litany of massacres that occur when a deranged person or grievance killer is able to obtain multiple weapons – including a military-style assault rifle – and kill many people in a short amount of time.

“When will enough be enough?

“Congress must stop shirking its responsibility and resume a thoughtful debate on gun violence in this country. We must do more to stop this endless loss of life.”

Phillip Dennis of the Dallas Tea Party was not surprised at the almost immediate calls for congressional action.

“The left never lets a crisis go to waste,” Dennis told WND. “They capitalize on a grief-stricken American populace to advance their statist agenda. This is a time for mourning and healing, not emotion-based, knee-jerk legislating in response to a tragedy.”

Shortly after the Newtown school shooting massacre, President Obama unveiled 23 executive actions he planned to take in response. At the end of August, the president released a statement touting his progress on 22 of those recommendations and affirmed that he would use the power of the executive branch to push for more regulation of gun ownership since Congress has not acted.

For the full article:
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Re: Obama firing off more executive orders on gun laws after Navy shooting
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2013, 03:09:03 PM »
It makes me think he 'doesn't mind' the lose of life.  He looks at it as an opportunity to advance his agenda.  Just like he proceeded to give a political speech after talking about the incident.  If I were a conspiracy person I might think he even had a hand in the situation.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.