Some one should target the aclu, if you get what I mean. They are a bunch of phonies. If any of you posters lived in NY city for a while you may recall the saga of 'billy boggs'. I know that the officail historians of NY city will remember and they are CJD and Masterwolf, they can fill in what I left out. Well 'billy boggs' was a homeless darkie female that lived on the streets, defecated on the street, urinated on the street, sleeped on the street, annoyed white passerbys on the street, cursed, drank and done drugs all on the street in public view. The papers and the tv channels picked up on this 'victim of white oppresiion' and did the usual sob story for a black degenerate. The head of the NY city aclu, a white hater and a real anti semite, norman seigel came to her rescue. He got her some new clothes and gave her a job in his office, to get her 'back on track' and start the 'healing process'. Now I bet you are all saying what a wonderful end to this horror story. Wrong, the horror started for norman seigel. This love affair with the queen of the streets did not last long, in no time at all she started to revert back to her consumption of drugs and cheap booze, showers came less frequently and ....... you know the rest. Norman got rid of her. When asked about this matter, he just smiles and refuses to say anything. A typical liberal response, If you remember when, I beleive it was Cher said send all the homeless to malibu and Rush Limbaugh started to collect funds to hire buses and trains to ship the homeless people to the beeches of malibu, the home of the holly libs, martin sheehan put a stop to this with the plea that there weren't enough social services available to these poor people. Most of the holly wierds have all kinds of social problems, drugs, booze sexula maladies and complusions who treats them? If they are telling me that there are no head shrinkers in beverly hills or malibu, I don't believe it. So, my dear friends, that is the way the aclu and the rest of the left think.