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I have always wondered... What is peace now?
Are you talking about racially Mongoloid or someone with Down syndrome?
I can kind of see what you mean about his facial features. On the other hand he's obviously not low IQ. Anybody who can cause that much trouble has to have some level of cunning/intelligence to be able to do it even if they use it for evil purposes.Also Yariv is a very evil person, while having DS says nothing about a person's moral character, either good or bad. A couple of months ago I went to a party for fans of a TV show that I like. A girl with DS and I had dressed up as the same character. She was very nice and I enjoyed her company there. So I wouldn't want to put her and Yariv in the same category.
He looks like an ape. People with Down's look better than he does.
Don't be mean to mongoloids (downs syndrome). Most of them are gentle, sweet people. As for this Oppenheimer PoS, well he should go to jehendum with Saddam, Stalin and hitler.
Most people with Down Syndrome are actually really nice people. This guy on the other hand isn't. So comparing him to them isn't really fair. Nor is it fair to compare him to Asians.
This term is really not meant to insult neither people with down syndrome nor Asians. It is falling out of use now but I know that 20-30 years ago it was just the term we used in Israel to say down syndrome.
Actually here in Israel Down Syndrome people are called Mongolim.
I've heard people who are pretty ignorant use that term. Once when I was traveling with friends in their car they picked up an ignoramus yeshiva boy and somehow we had a small chat where I mentioned Genghis Khan which he hadn't heard of and when he heard the word 'mongoli' he thought I mean to say Genghis Khan was retarded...But generally the word is "mongoloid" and not "mongol". And "down syndrome" is much more common these days then "mongoloid". When I was in school I have heard the word "mongol" used as an insult like calling someone retard but it was not the correct way to say this but a slang trash talk.