Author Topic: Who funds "Peace Now" and other leftist traitor groups? (English subtitles!)  (Read 1107 times)

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Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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This Hebrew video now has English subtitles, thanks to the great Dan Ben Noah! How do you get the subtitles?

1. Click on "YouTube" at the bottom of the video to get to the YouTube web site.

2. Then click on "CC" on the bottom of the video to get the subtitles.

Anti-Semitic leftist groups working to destroy Israel such as "Peace Now" are funded by the Jew-hating European Union. The same European Nazis who murdered over 6 million Jews in the holocaust are now trying to perpetrate a new holocaust against the 6 million Jews of Israel. Meanwhile the self-hating leaders of Israel allow foreign-financed anti-Semitic leftists like "Peace Now" to endanger the existence of the Jewish state.

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« Last Edit: October 06, 2013, 10:24:03 AM by Chaim Ben Pesach »

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Thank you again for the subtitles, Dan.

G-d bless you and your family!

Online Dan193

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This in incredible information.
I didn't even know the Europeans are funding these Jewish radicals to force Israel to surrender its land to Arab terrorists.
The same Europeans who exterminated millions of Jews are paying off radical Jews.
This should be frontpage everywhere.

Online Dan193

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I was looking this up online about what Chaim posted.
Gerald Steinberg has done an amazing job exposing these European NGO's against Israel.
European NGOs Against Israel
An Interview with Gerald Steinberg
Palestinian NGO Blood Libel, Funded by E.U. and U.S.
Gerald Steinberg
April 7, 2013
How the EU-NGO alliance destabilizes Jerusalem
May 20, 2012
Gerald M. Steinberg   
Gerald Steinberg is professor of political science at Bar Ilan University and president of NGO Monitor