Author Topic: Hamas Official Calls To Launch Rockets On Jerusalem In Response To Jews Praying  (Read 772 times)

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Following recent visits by Jews to the Temple Mount, especially during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, the head of the Hamas Refugee Affairs Department, Dr. 'Issam 'Adwan, published an article on a Hamas-affiliated website in which he urged his movement to launch rockets at Jewish targets in Jerusalem. He wrote that Jews praying in the courtyard of Al-Aqsa was an even worse act than their conquering or demolishing it, and therefore the response must be harsh. He urged Palestinians to prepare themselves and the Islamic nation for a victory battle over Al-Aqsa.

It should be mentioned that, in an article he published several months ago, 'Adwan claimed that Hamas had the right to target Israeli embassies, interests and officials worldwide, as well as the interests of its allies, chiefly the U.S.[1]

The following are excerpts from the article:[2]

'Issam 'Adwan (image:

"I told my interlocutor that Jewish prayers in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa are worse than [the act of] demolishing the Al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock, and are more dangerous than [the act of]  conquering them, because the mosque's sanctity lies in the soil [itself], and only later in the structure built upon it. Therefore, the response of the Palestinian resistance must be proportional to the danger of this aggression. If the resistance launched a few rockets from Gaza against Jewish targets in Jerusalem, this would [be enough to] convey a stern message to the enemy – that is, that if [the enemy] harms the Al-Aqsa mosque, all bets are off.

"My interlocutor asked me in amazement: Do you believe 'Israel' would stand idly by in the face of resistance rockets [fired on Jerusalem]? I said: 'Israel' would naturally respond harshly to these rockets and strike Gaza forcefully. However, Gaza has no choice but to defend the Al-Aqsa mosque, since harming [the mosque] is worse than aggression against Gaza. Would the resistance in Gaza stand idly by if 'Israel' attacked [Gaza]?!

"My interlocutor said: The world would show sympathy and solidarity if a weak Gaza responded to Zionist aggression against it, but it would not sympathize if the Gaza resistance rushed to bombard Jerusalem. It would see this as aggression by the resistance against 'Israel,' whereas [Israel] would be portrayed as innocent and forgiven for its powerful response [against Gaza]. I answered: in the last two decades the resistance carried out several martyrdom operations in Jerusalem and gained widespread popularity in the Arab and Islamic world [for doing so]. Today it can gain even more popularity in the Arab and Islamic world, since it will be representing the [entire] Islamic world in defending the Al-Aqsa mosque. As for the other world you speak of [the West], it has always condemned the resistance, and still does, and it will always believe that the truth lies with 'Israel.' Therefore, it is worthless... We have already seen how it behaves regarding the Syrian people's disaster.

"My interlocutor said: 'Israel' would use the world's lack of sympathy with the [firing of] resistance rockets at Jerusalem to portray this as an [act of] war against [Israel], and then it would employ all its military might against Gaza. This, in the shadow of an Arab reality of schism and an international plot against Gaza. He wondered: Would it be smart to attack 'Israel,' even in order to defend Al-Aqsa? I said: Allah the Almighty commanded us [to wage] jihad for His sake, not to achieve victory. On the contrary, He unequivocally promised us that 'there is no victory except from Allah [Koran 3:126].' The Almighty [also] said: 'If Allah should aid you, no one can overcome you; but if He should forsake you, who is there that can aid you after Him? And upon Allah let the believers rely [Koran 3:160].' In all the battles undertaken by the Prophet, peace be upon Him, and by all his legions, and [in all their] Islamic conquests, the Muslims were a minority that stood fast and defeated [an enemy] more numerous and powerful. We must prepare ourselves and our nation for the battle of victory, the battle of Al-Aqsa. Allah will never detract from the reward [we gain] by our actions. Allah deserves the good opinion His worshippers have of him. Allah is enough, and how good it is to rely upon Him."

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So where is Israel waiting for....? Nuke the fuckers!
''At the siege of Vienna in 1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe.
We are in a new phase of a very old war.''

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Giulio Meotti says best how to deal with Palestinian terrorists.
Op-Ed: Collective Punishment
Giulio Meotti
September 24, 2013

There is a form of collective punishment for terror acts that the writer claims is morally justified.

An Israeli soldier, a young, wonderful and smiling Jew, was abducted and executed in Qalqilya by despicable Arabs. Monsters wanted to use the body of that Jew to release another monster jailed in Israel.

During th first Intifada, Arab terrorists from Qalqilya burned Ofra Moses and her small children to death. It was not different from a pogrom.

And it was nothing new. In the years following the creation of the State of Israel, the town of Qalkilya was one of the worst vipers’ nests of Arab genocidal passions.

In 2006 another Jew was torched and dismembered in Qalqilya. His name was Daniel Yaakovi, he was a doctor from the nearby "settlement" of Yakir.

"This is a message of fire -- a burning message to the occupation. Killing, burning and fire", Fatah's armed wing claimed after the killing. Another Jew had been  turned into a burned corpse by Qalqilya's terrorists.

Qalqilya is a strategic town 12 miles distant from Tel Aviv and less than five minutes from Kfar Saba. Qalqilya is not like more isolated Nablus (Shechem), it is shoulder to shoulder with the pre-1967 Israeli towns.

The city has been called the “Paradise Hotel”, because it was used by suicide terrorists as the jumping off point into Israel.

You don't become "the terrorists' hub", as Qalqilya has been named, without the complicity of the local population and infrastructures. The Palestinian Arabs aren’t

Israel should also erase the houses of the terrorists, confiscate their properties and deport their families.

hostages; they chose terrorism freely, they love killing Jews, so must live with the consequences.

Terror is a collective punishment, Israel's answer to it must include collective punishment.

Israel should flatten entire neighborhoods of Qalqilya if its Arab residents destroy innocent Jewish lives as happened last week.

Israel should also erase the houses of the terrorists, confiscate their properties and deport their families.

This is what the Allies did during the war, when they didn't hesitate to impose a collective punishment on the German and Japanese people (Dresden was levelled), while today we like to believe that the State of Israel is facing "individual murderers" and unorganized "fanatics", and must pardon the Islamic society that nurtures them.

The Arab population of Judea, Samaria and Gaza living in the communities that spawn repeated terror is responsible for that Muslim terrorism. Collective punishment of that population by Israel  - when administered in proportion to the evils it is meant to combat - is justified.

When terrorism is perpetrated against the Jewish people, it is justified to wage war against the population from which the terrorists emerged, and that sometimes includes harming civilians who did not actively participate in the terrorist acts themselves.

It doesn't mean the taking of human lives, but destroying properties and morally subjugating the environment that supports them. This is deterrence.

Protection of human life from barbaric terrorism comes before political correctness. This is what I would say to Israel's leaders if I were the father of Tomer Hazan or Daniel Yaakovi.