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Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Who Discovered The New World?
« on: October 16, 2013, 09:57:05 PM »
I agree with this article 100%.

Perhaps people who don't believe in American Indians coming on a land bridge 10,000 years ago because they believe The World is literally 5,774 years old would use this as proof to counter scientists.

This is how I view it.

Orientals were the first people to come to The New World. The first were Proto-Bnei Adam, pre-historic people who existed before spiritual Bnei Adam descended from Adam and Eve. Proto-Bnei Adam were of all races, so don't say I say that as a racist remark. There were white Proto-Bnei Adam too. When G-d made Adam and Eve, all The Pro-Bnei Adam people became spiritual Bnei Adam with a soul. Before all people had the din of an animal. The descendants of Adam and Eve married the other peoples. The Flood only destroyed people literally descended from Adam and Eve so the peoples of The New World were not killed. The Flood only affected the areas of The Middle East. Noah's descendants married the people who had survived. A sample of the literal Bnei Noah then spread out in all directions, which is how all nations are descended from Adam and Noah.

So back to The New World.

After the original Oriental settlers to settle The New World came through The Bering Land Bridge from Siberia to Alaska, later Orientals sailed to South America across The Pacific Ocean from South Pacific Polynesian islands.

The first whites to arrive in The New World were King Solomon's Jewish sailors and Phoenician sailors. At this time also came Ancient Egyptians who founded The Aztec Nation.

The first Europeans to arrive in The New World were The Norwegian Vikings. They founded a colony in Greenland and attempted to establish another one called Vinland in Newfoundland, Canada.

The first modern Europeans to arrive in The New World were the people sailing on Christopher Columbus's ship. And the first one to step off of his ship was a Jew (One of The Anusim who were forcibly converted to Catholicism.).

So as you can see Jews have been among the first whites to settle The New World, both in ancient times and in modern times.

Here is the order of things regarding coming to The New World.

American Indians came via The Bering Strait Land Bridge to Alaska about 12,000 years ago (First people to arrive. They were Orientals.).

Orientals reached South America by boat about 6,000 years ago.

Phoenicians and Jews sailed to The Americas in Biblical times. My Earth Science teacher told me Phoenician remains were found in Maryland (First Caucasians to arrive.). Egyptians came to Mexico.

Vikings came to Greenland and Canada (First Europeans to arrive.).

I learned in History class in college that fishermen came to The New World chasing after cod for hundreds of years. These included Basque fishermen and Scandinavians. They reached down The Atlantic Coast up to New England. That is how American Indians knew English. That is how they knew how to communicate with The Pilgrims.

Christopher Columbus came to The Caribbean, which made The New World known to the masses. It is a huge myth that he was the first European to discover America. Americus Despucci identified that what Columbus had discovered was a new continent and not India, hence the name America.

Here is the article someone posted a long time ago. 

Hello - there are a lot of Hebraic evidence of Hebrews of the Solomonic empire that have reached the shores of America in a lot of occasions in about 3000 years ago, I have started writing a article which I’m thinking of expending to a book Be'ezrat Hashem, with Hashem's help, about archaeological proofs of the Tanach and in short, to crush theories of such as Prof Finkelstein and other purposes, some of what I have wrote in the original article (which is not finished yet) had dealt with the proofs of Solomonic empire reaching America (there are some evidence in Australia as well , but haven’t wrote about that much )
here is some of it (of the article) , this part is musty based on professors and known archeologists original words and sometimes don’t mention in the own body of the article that some of this stuff is their own words for some reason but most of it is based on a lot of archaeological researches and more

here it is : "NOW .... The Most Shocking archaeological evidence that I want to let you know about (I will indeed Be'ezrat Hashem speak a lot about it for you to understand most of what I have learned of it until now)
Solomon built a navy, and a port of ships, in ETZION GEVER, near modern day Eilat and Aqaba. This port was mainly of the Solomonic Empire. Solomon king of the empire of Israel had friendship with Hiram, king of Phoenicians, which were known for their high skills in shipbuilding and sea sailing.

What I am about to say might come as total shock to you, so before you say "bla bla I’m closing this window”, wait and read it all with proves (including photos!)


THERE ARE A LOT OF EVIDENCE ! , Let us begin ?
proof part A :In a desert in New Mexico called Los Lunas, in a dry creek, there is a big stone , which is probably the most amazing archaeological discovery in the western hemisphere.... A WRITING OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS! IN ANCIENT HEBREW DIALECT , WRITTEN IN ANCIENT HEBREW WRITING\SCRIPT , before we go any further with this article , here is few photos of it (and believe me , its ancient Hebrew , I know how to write it and speak it , it is the type of writing Hebrews used in the very ancient days until probably 900 years before the Christian count . ) 1 2
This is amazing by its own self , but there is more , much more

this is must be authentic , such script were not known to modern science in time of their founding , the Hebrew script has evolved during the centuries and this is one of its most earliest forms !

another proof (b) :

In 1982 a slave of Joaquim Alves de Costa found a broken stone tablet in the tropical rain forests of brazil (Parabia State) , very confused by the wired writing on the stone , the slave gave Joaqiuim's son , which was a draftsman , he made a copy of it , and gave it to the Brazilian emperor council of the state , the stone came to the attention of Ladislau Netto(director of the national museum of brazil) which was sure of the inscription authenticity and made a raw crude translation of the tablet ... the Brazilian scholars of that time laughed and scoffed to the idea that Phoenicians were at brazil (according to his translation) ...
at 1966 the Dr. Jules Piccus professor of romance languages at the university of Massachusetts bought an old scrapbook which contained a letter of Netto with his translation and the where abouts of how reaching the original tablet , he traced Costa's son and received the original copy , he brought it to the attention of Dr. Cyrus H. Gordon, which was expert of ancient Semitic languages and was head of Mediterranean Studies at Brandeis University, when Gordon saw the writings he was amazed ! he compared the tablet found in Parabia with the latest discoveries and works in Phoenician writings and saw that the tablet contained quirks and nuances of Phoenician styles that were could not be known to a 19th century forger ! that means that this tablet must be genuine !

3 others I know that translate that tablet but Gordon is the best and see his own translation

Gordon translated the inscription as follows: "We are Sidonian Canaanites from the city of the Mercantile King. We were cast up on this distant shore, a land of mountains. We sacrificed a youth to the celestial gods and goddesses in the nineteenth year of our mighty King Hiram and embarked from Ezion Geber into the Red Sea. We voyaged with ten ships and were at sea together for two years around Africa. Then we were separated by the hand of Baal and were no longer with our companions. So we have come here, twelve men and three women, into New Shore. Am I, the Admiral, a man who would flee? Nay! May the celestial gods and goddesses favor us well!"

I left the message un edited without deleting the parts when they mention their gods , so I wont be accused of "hiding" any facts
I marked three things which might led you understanding on what mission they were on
HIRAM - this was the king of the Phoenician whom was ally of Our great king SHLOMO (Solomon in English) , the Phoenician were not willing to share their secrets of the sea , they only did it with us because we were the most biggest empire who could arrange them such costs , and because of friendship between the kings , and Solomon wisdom which was known in all lands and all nations in the ancient day , which Hiram was amazed by ,the name Hiram is written in the Hebrew Tanach , and furthermore

ETZION GEBER - this is the port of navy that our great king Solomon have built (and it is mention that he built it and sent ships to bring gold , including the fact written that every 3 years ships would come with great amounts of gold

RED SEA - this is the sea of Eilat , which was the water you sail to from Etzion Geber.

Those facts was written by an authentic source !

about other writings , There are a lot of Hebrew writings around America , as well as Phoenician
If I would discuss them all , this article would turn to encyclopedia size book , I want to stay on this topic even further , but on another levels , but before that , I want to give another examples which will prove this two in a more shocking way

there is , intact , an evidence which leave no doubts , that the Phoenicians was sailing to South America . in excavations in Sidon , French archeologists in 1960 found many wooden artifacts that only could have been taken from BRAZIL ... so archeological tests proves, it is a type of tree that grow only in brazil his name is "Quebracho"

another interesting fact , in the louver museum archives , the national museum of London , and the Vatican and Lisbon there are historic documents which claims the original amazons name was or in it were river in the name Solimoes which this name was driven from an old denomination of the original name of the river , which was SULAIMAN! (Phoenician and Arabic are very alike , this is the name of "Solomon" in Phoenician probably" ) , which was given to the river , probably in an honor of the great king of Israel , Solomon .

want more ? I want to give you more , as I said , still on the same subject but on another level
but before I keep to that , just want to mention there are other Hebrew inscriptions found in places like Tennessee and Mississippi valley ..

proves part b : not only that Hebrew did visit America much before the Vikings or coulombs , it seems that actually some Indian tribes were influenced by us , I’ll give you some of my thoughts about it bli neder after i will give you some of that proves

the yuchies:

in the area of Georgia and Florida , there lives a tribe called yuchies which claim he immigrated there from the Bahamas , those yuchies have a very different costume and ritual , every year in the fall , they make a very unique and weird festival among Indians ... for 8 days , they live in temporary booths ! with roofs open to the sky , covered with branches leaves and fronds! during this time they dance around their "sacred fire"
The part of the booths is IDENTICAL to the festival of booths(SUKUTH) which we are commanded to do by our lord (without including the part of dancing around fire) ...
Dr. Gordon (the same one spoke about earlier in the article) had once a chance to sit with the Indians in this festival , a little confused suddenly he was amazed as listening to their chants and songs , he called his companion with excitement "They are speaking the Hebrew names for G-d!"

the Maoris of New Zealand :
i have read in one article that The Maoris been learned by scientists and found out that they actually got influenced by Egyptian in their religion , and probably from Hebrews for the following reason
they recognize the seventh day as "Shabbat" and as i read , keep him as "day of rest"!
they been watched keeping on "Halacha" of "ksheroth" the following contact
their dietary laws are very close to those of the great Hebrews
they do every 7 times 7 years , meaning every 49 years , which is the 50 year , they do a jubilee year which according to observation is similar to those of the Hebrews
this all and more cannot be just a coincidence ....

Sir Walter Raleigh reported a lot of Indian he spoke with , spoke welsh words before welsh people has started arriving in America , latest linguistic studies shown that welsh is very close akin to ancient Hebrew.

in brazil workers building the trans. highway road discovered an Indian tribe with ear lobes , which is very uncommon with Indian tribes , as well reported to have red beards and hair , though i did not saw a picture so not sure of it (i heard about some tribe in brazil which had claimed of being Phoenicians of Tyre )

proof c - Charles Hapgood book "maps of the sea kings"

In his book, Hapgoods collected a lot of surpassingly OLD maps which are very accurate in mapping territories of the world which was not known , or so they think , up till then , among others there is a map of Piri re'is , which studies of it shows that it gives the accurate latitudes and longitudes along the coasts of Africa and Europe ,indicating that the original map maker must knew/found the correct longitudes across Africa and across the Atlantic to brazil , this maps also gives the accurate profile of the coast of south America to the Amazon ,and gives a accurate outline of the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico (which back in that days was supposedly not discovered yet!)
and even more amazing ... shows a part of the Atlantic continent which was not discovered until 1818!

another interesting map , is that of Oronteus Finaues, a World map drawn by himself in 1951 he gave an authentic map of Antarctica indicating the coasts which were probably ice free while this original map was made (and was copied by oronteus)
the oronteus map was similar to the modern maps of the Antarctic

another amazing map is those Haji Ahmed of 1959 its an evident that the original cartographer had some very extra ordinary maps in his reach... in Hapgoods words " "The shapes of North and South America have a surprisingly modern look, the western coasts are especially interesting. They seem to be about two centuries ahead of the cartography of the time. . . . The shape of what is now the United States is about Perfect" (page 99)

another map of Raniel Chart of the middle ages , the map is of a Portuguese map of the Indian ocean , the shocked Hapgoods written in his book "this map apparently shows the coast of Australia . . . The map also appeared to show some of the Caroline Islands of the Pacific. Latitudes and longitudes on this map are remarkably good, although Australia is shown too far north"

Q: how this accuracy of the map making was made in times when on basis of ignorance of science on earth back in that time ?
A: this maps , must have been written in a different time , an ancient time , being always copied and eventually becoming this maps which was made by the owners of a more ancient ones .

Hapgoods concludes "The evidence presented by the ancient maps appears to suggest the existence in remote times . . . of a true civilization, of a comparatively advanced sort, which either was localized in one area but had worldwide commerce, or was, in a real sense, a worldwide culture" (page 193)

how advanced was this culture ?
Hapgoods goes on ""In astronomy, nautical science, map making and possibly ship-building, it was perhaps more advanced than any state of culture before the 18th Century of the Christian Era." He continues: "It was in the 18th Century that we first developed a practical means of finding longitude. It was in the 18th Century that we first accurately measured the circumference of the earth. Not until the 19th Century did we begin to send out ships for purposes of whaling or exploration into the Arctic or Antarctic Seas. The maps indicate that some ancient people may have done all these things"(same page)

Hmmm, wonder who might that culture be ... IS THERE REALLY ANY DOUBT ?!
based on all evidence i brought on this article and other , the ancient inscriptions of Hebrews and Phoenician which was found all over South America and some in North America , the unique customs of the Yuchies and the clear influence of Judaism on them and The Maoris and others .... It must have been the great Solomonic empire , Hapgood says that such map making must have been done due to economical motivations and that that culture had vast economical resources , organized government are indicated and a mapping of Antarctica implies much organization and many expeditions which was sent , and a compilation of many local observations and maps into a general map under central supervision ...he adds it is not reasonable that navigation's and map making cannot be the only sciences developed by this ancient people , and that such comprehensive enterprise could only have been achieved in time which there were world peace , and that they needed to be a very powerful and wealthy kingdom!

The Bible confirms it! In The Book of Kings and The Book of Chronicles, it is written that Solomon had built Etzion Geber and had an alliance with Hiram, King of The Phoenicians. It’s written that The Phoenician and Hebrew Navies sailed together to bring gold and other supplies. It is written that they was sent to bring gold from a kingdom called Ophir. By the way, some archaeologists try to link it to The Incan Civilization which was known for its amount of gold. Although most archaeologists prefer to assume it was a kingdom in Africa, that does not mean we didn't bring gold from Indian kingdoms either, as it is mentioned that every three years the ships returned to Israel with loads of amounts of gold. It’s written that The Solomonic Empire was the most wealthy empire of that age and that it was a very powerful empire. (Since the days of King David.), the empire ruled over vast territory, from The River of Egypt (The Nile) to The River of The Euphrates.

Proof D : There is indeed yet Another prove That Hebrews and Phoenicians have been in America and had transatlantic knowledge of the navigation in sea which was superior .... this proof comes from the Indians themselves , Dr. Alexander Von Wuthenau got a large collection of pottery he collected from the Terra Cota, in his book 'The Art of Terra Cotta Pottery in Pre-Columbian Central and South America' he published some pictures of those artifacts and pottery , he tells that when he first excavated the earliest lower levels of each excavation he encountered he found not typically Indians looking heads but heads of Mongolian, Chinese, Japanese, tartars and Negroes and in his own words "all kinds of white people, especially Semitic Types with and without beards" (page 49).

At Acapulco, Von Wuthenau found the Semitic people lived in considerable numbers . "The curious points about these essentially primitive figures are that, first, there is an emphasis on markedly Semitic-Hebrew features," (page 86) he declared . he tells that female figures found in the region are also markedly Caucasian, with delicate eye browns, small mouths and a lot of hair styles.

dr. Cyrus Gordon who have studied the collection , points out ""In the private collection of Alexander von Wuthenau is a Mayan head, larger than life-size, portraying a pensive, bearded Semite. The dolichosephalic ("long-headed") type fits the Near East well. He resembles certain European Jews, but he is more like many Yemenite Jews." (don't know the source , maybe interview) i believe he means that he looks custom-like , like Yemenite Jews' customs.

Near Tampico another portrait of head which had predominant Semitic, white element features appear at Veracruze a figurine of a female were found, the figurine show female dancer who wear headdress which reminds Phoenician fashion, in the same place were found a figure with a false beard , styled like Egyptian beard , and head a snake figure on its forehead , clearly an Egyptian figure or was learned from Egyptians by the locals ... maybe their description to them (may i remind u , some of the Maoris' religion has some Egyptian names and resemblance

in a Maya ceramic painting , there is a painting of a defiantly Negroid charter , this was painting which showed resemblance to Egyptian paintings ..

4 proofs i have given to that proves without doubt the strength and wealth and wisdom of Solomonic empire , which wanna be archaeologists claimed that "were never in existence , or was a little kingdom of a king of little tribes "

Just a few conclusions:

All this proofs that i have showed u on the subject are actually the tip of the iceberg, intact , there are many more , and many books can be written over the matter , i tried to bring you the most eye catching ones ...

The Hebrew Navy of The Kingdom of Solomon and Navy of Hiram King of The Phoenicians indeed sailed and reach America probably a few times in a Transatlantic navigation, and left a lot of evidence of it. This is already proven by a lot of scientific expeditions, and archaeological excavations in a lot of place in America and other regions.

Cyrus H. Gordon said "There is no doubt that these findings, and others, reflect Bronze Age transatlantic communication between the Mediterranean and the New World around the middle of the second millennium B.C.E." in an interview.....

To conclude this and start writing about other proofs, I will just tell you how the North American Indians call their sinners or guilty ones: "Haksit Canaha" meaning "a sinner of Canaan", or "Tschi Haksit Canaha" meaning 'You resemble a sinner of Canaan.’’.

Now look: None of this proves that there are ancient Hebrew who stayed in America a long time ago; it just prove we were there and proves that The Empire of Solomon was indeed in existence and was as great as told in The Tanach (This was the part in the article which was mainly focused on destroying the theories of Prof. Finkelstein about the authenticity of King Solomon and King David, Aleihem HaShalom, and the stories about their kingdoms in The Tanach.) There might have been Jews who went to America after The Babylonian Exile or the exile after it. Who knows? But most of The Indians are definitely not Hebrews. They were just influenced by us as I mention and bring proofs of in the article. But for those who might think some are Jews, here is another tip: There is actually an ancient mentioning of Jews in America. HaChacham Menashe Ben Israel (1604-1657) actually reported about an ancient Hebrew script found in America and that 100 people swore to him they saw it. They couldn't understand because it was probably written in Paleo-Hebrew or something like that. Aaron HaLevi Sfaradi (a few years later) returned to Holland from America, and also mentioned that there is a Jewish kingdom in America (in those days). One time an Indian had led him to that place where he saw three men and one woman sail in a boat. The men were white and bearded. The Indian told them that the man with him is Jewish and they hugged him and kissed him and said the words "Shema Yisrael"!

In Brazil, while building a new road near The Amazons, The Portuguese builders faced an unknown tribe of that time , which had ear lobs (weird in Indian tribes) and had a few types of hair colors, including red (I heard they claimed they are Phoenicians!)

Oh and by the way, there are probably Jews that leaved in Peru and other places in South America that arrived to those places after The Spanish taking over of most of that region.

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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Re: Who Discovered The New World?
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2013, 11:32:27 PM »
Who wrote this?
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

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Re: Who Discovered The New World?
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2013, 12:38:26 AM »
Evahbody know da blak Africans done discover'd da new world!  :laugh:

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Who Discovered The New World?
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2013, 02:06:19 AM »
This is a little much. To start with, is Torah wrong when it says the flood covered all the earth?
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Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Re: Who Discovered The New World?
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2013, 11:47:40 AM »
This is a little much. To start with, is Torah wrong when it says the flood covered all the earth?

No. But there are different opinions. Even Chaim once said that some rabbis agree that evolution is real, but that G-d was behind evolution.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Re: Who Discovered The New World?
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2013, 11:48:35 AM »
Who wrote this?

I don't know who wrote it. It is at least from 6 years ago. I had it saved on my computer.

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Re: Who Discovered The New World?
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2013, 09:57:36 PM »

No. But there are different opinions. Even Chaim once said that some rabbis agree that evolution is real, but that G-d was behind evolution.

Evolution is a pretty weak theory. Saying the world was always there is more logical, but still wrong.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge